UNIT 5 Dalam tata laksana manajeman perusahaan diberbagai negara berbe terjemahan - UNIT 5 Dalam tata laksana manajeman perusahaan diberbagai negara berbe Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

UNIT 5 Dalam tata laksana manajeman

Dalam tata laksana manajeman perusahaan diberbagai negara berbeda, karena jalannya perusahaan dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik kebudayaan. Lalu seberapa besar peran kebudayaan terhadap jalannya tata laksana manajemen perusahaan.

Disetiap negara tentunya mempunyai kebudayaan masing-masing yang berbeda dan beragam. Dilihat dari perilaku dan kebiasaan masyarakat itu sendiri, maka akan mempengaruhi manajemen perusahaan untuk menjalankannya. Dilihat juga dari perekonomian suatu Negara, manajemen perusahaan akan menyesuaikannya dengan keadaan Negara tersebut, karena tidak mungkin manajemen perusahaan di Negara berkembang seperti Indonesia menerapkan manajemen perusahaan di Negara maju, tapi tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk Negara berkembang mencontoh konsep manajemen Negara maju dengan di warnai karakteristik kebudayaan setiap Negara. Contoh lainnya Amerika dan Jepang yang memiliki manajemen yang berbeda. Jadi karakteristik kebudayaan suatu Negara sangat mempengaruhi tata laksana manajemen perusahaan di Negara tersebut, agar suatu perusahaan dapat bertahan dab bersaing dengan perusahaan lain dalam suatu Negara.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Unit 5 In the management company's governance in various different countries, since the operations of the company are influenced by cultural characteristics. Then how big a role culture against the operations of the management company's governance.Solution Every country has of course each culture is different and diverse. Judging from the behavior and habits of the community itself, then it will affect the management of the company to run it. Views of a country's economy, the management company will customize it with the State of the country, because the company's management is not possible in developing countries like Indonesia to apply management companies in developed countries, but did not close the possibility for developing countries to follow the concept of management of developed countries with cultural characteristics of warnai in every country. Another example of America and Japan that have different management. The cultural characteristics of a country so greatly affect corporate management governance in the country, so that a company can survive and compete with other firms in a country.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
In governance-management companies differ in different countries, because of the way the company was affected by the characteristics of the culture. Then how big the role of culture on the course of the management company's governance.

In every country certainly has the culture of each different and diverse. Judging from the behavior and habits of society itself, then it will affect the management company to run it. Judging also from the economy of a country, the company's management will adjust the state of the country, because it is unlikely the company's management in developing countries like Indonesia to apply management companies in developed countries, but it is possible for developing countries to imitate management concepts developed countries with in coloring characteristics of culture every country. Other examples of American and Japanese have different management. So the cultural characteristics of a country greatly affect the governance of enterprise management in the country, so that a company can survive dab compete with other companies in a country.

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Bahasa lainnya
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