Pengabadian the term "week" performed by the faithful Christians Portuguese when doing service in the Church on the day in question. In addition to the letter, the system number (0, 1, 2, 3, and so on) were adopted from the Arab culture; even all Nations use it to this day.
Besides the names of the day, the Arabic names are applied also on the names of people, for example, Abdullah Muhammad, Umar, Ali, Moses, Abraham, Hasan, Hamzah, and others. Similarly, Arabic vocabulary — mostly taken from existing words in the Quran — many of which are used as names of people, places, institutions, or vocabulary (noun, interns, and properties) that have been diindonesikan, for example: nisa (female), mercy, blessings (Barakah), sustenance (rizki), Scripture, worship, history (syajaratun), the Assembly (majlis), excellent (haibat), relationship (friendship), hikayat, preamble, and many more. Many of these loanwords that have experienced a shift in meaning (widened or narrowed), along with the development of the age.
2. The influence of Islam in the Physical Building (architecture)
Islam has introduced a new tradition in the form of the building. The decline of Majapahit was followed by the development of the religion of Islam to determine such changes. Islam has introduced the tradition of the buildings, such as mosques and tombs. Islam forbids burning the corpse which is a tradition in Hindu-Buddhist teachings; Instead, the bodies concerned should be buried in the ground. Thus, a relic of the Arab reads the headstone art architecture updates.
Islam first spread in the coastal region through trade and conquest, assimilation of the military. In the 17th century, Islam spread across almost the entire country. The gradual spread of this, turns out to have no effect against common forms of Islamic architecture across the region. Most Islamic architecture much affected with Hindu-Buddhist tradition has also been unified with the traditional art of ECE. The spread of Islam did not champion and revolutionary, which took place suddenly and through political and social upheavals that are awesome.
Indeed, according to Tomé Pires (De Graaf and Pigeaud), There is a military raid against the capital Majapahit Hindu-Buddhist who is still performed by a number of students from Holy led by Sunan Kudus and Rahmatullah Ngudung or Undung. (The name is taken from the words of the Holy al-Quds or Qutaibah in Jerusalem, Palestine, which is the third Holy City of Islam, after Mecca and Medina). However, generally the process of Islamization took place peacefully. With this way of peace, Islam can be accepted with open arms. The construction of places of worship are not fully mengadospi the architecture of the Middle East. There is a mosque that the building is a mix of Islamic culture-Hindu-Buddhist Holy Mosques, for example — even though its construction it is doubtful, whether built by Hindus or Muslims. This is seen from the Tower of the mosque are intangibles such as temples and berpatung. Other mixed-style Mosque is a Mosque in Kadilangu Sunan Kalijaga and great mosque of Banten. The roof of the mosque of Sunan Kalijaga shaped undak-undak such as the shape of the roof Balinese temples or temples in East Java.
Central place in Islamic architecture art changes took place in the port of meruapkan the new regional development center of Islam. While farmers in rural areas in terms of architectural Arts still retains Hindu-Buddhist tradition. Unknown how far Islam took the tradition of India in terms of art, because some of the palaces in Indonesia was less than 200 years. Its influence is visible from the city. The mosque replaced the temple as the main point of the position of religious life. Layout of the Tomb are always placed behind the mosque as tribute for the Royal ancestors. There is also a tomb was placed on the Hill or high mountain like in Imogiri, tombs of the Kings of Mataram-Islam, showing the viewpoints community Indonesia (Java) the cosmic nature of prehistoric times. Meanwhile, the area covered the walls of the mosque are remains of Hindu-Buddhist tradition. There is continuity between the art of Islamic architecture with tradition before Islam. Examples of classical architecture's effect on Islamic architecture is the roof stack, two types of gates, religious Gates and gate berkusen hooves, as well as various rich ornaments decorations such as items made from earthenware to top of roof. A separate wing motif that is stored at the gate early Islamic era may be sourced on the relief of makara or garuda pre-Islamic era. But alas, Heritage architecture was much made of wood so it is less able to survive until now.
3. The influence of Islam in literature is literature
effective in the dissemination of a religion. The literature which is a muslim community in the dissemination of their teaching. The proximity of the literary works written in Islamic Indonesia, especially Sumatra and Java, originally a composition of works of classical literature and Hindu-Buddhist. This is a way that indigenous not too shocked to Islamic teachings. Furthermore, the existing themes ranging as Islamic-style story or stories of the prophets and Apostles, companions of the Prophet, Islamic heroes, to the Kings of Sumatra and Java. Sometimes the stories are imaginative half; in the sense of not fully true.
4. The influence of Islam in the fine arts and Calligraphy
fine art in the Islamic world in contrast to fine art in Hinduism-Buddhism. In the teachings of Islam are not allowed to draw, sculpt, make its object form relief being especially animals. Thus, Islamic art is synonymous with the art of calligraphy. The art of calligraphy is the art of writing beautiful script which is a word or sentence. In Islam, it usually takes the form of calligraphy pictures of animals or humans (but only the form's his silhouette only). There is also the art of calligraphy, which is shape of living beings, but rather just a series of letters from a bowling alley. Texts from the Quran is a theme that is often poured in the art of calligraphy. Whereas, bahanbahan is used as a place to write calligraphy this is grave headstone, on the walls of the mosque, the mosque's mihrab, woven cloth or paper as ornaments or wood as ornaments. In addition to the Arabic alphabet, calligraphy tradition known also in China, Japan, and Korea.
5. The influence of Islam in the art of dance and music
in the arts, music and dance, Islamic culture up to now so noticeably in the daily life of society Indonesia. On his way, Islamic culture before entering the territory of Indonesia was first mixed with other cultures, for example the culture of North Africa, Persia, India subcontinent, and others. And has been a law of nature that every dance require musical accompaniment. Similarly, Islamic art, always accompanied by the strains of the music as an animator as well as a means of contemplation. These dances often practiced in the coastal area of the sea that Islamic influences are strong, because the coastal area is home to first Islam is growing, both as a force for economic, social, cultural, and political a. Debus.
this art actually existed before Islam was born. The dance developed in the debus shades of viscous enough Islamic, such as Java, Minangkabau and Aceh. The show started debus first by singing or reading of certain passages in the Qur'an as well as greetings (Dora) to the Prophet Muhammad. At the height of the event, the players debus piercing-nusukkan sharp objects to almost the entire body, While remaining immune to sharp objects does not catch fire or piercing slicing her.
b. Seudati
seudati Dance developed in Aceh, in Indonesia the first derah influenced Islamic culture. The word "seudati" comes from the word syaidati, which artrinya the game the big guys. Seudati dance is often called saman (meaning eight) because the game was initially done by eight players. In the seudati dance, the dancers sing a particular song that the contents are in the form of Dora to the prophets.
c. Zapin dance Besides seudati and
debus, there is a type of dance that almost anyone in the entire country, especially the influence of the powerful Islamic elements, among them the zapin dance practiced in the Deli, Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bengkulu and Lampung. In Java, zapin dance is performed by the community of Jakarta, Gresik, Tuban, Pekalongan, Bondowoso, Yogyakarta, Madura, East Nusa Tenggara. In addition to Sumatra and Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Seram, Ternate, and some areas in Maluku. Each area is to develop dance zapin is according to tradition respectively.
zapin itself has been dated from the Arabic word, zafin meaning step or steps. Also from the word zaf (0-12 stringed accompaniment instrument dances) or from al-zafn (take a step or lift one leg). This dance is carried by Arab traders, Persia, and India in the 13th century.
6. The influence of Islam in the art of Fashion
in Islam, there is a certain type of clothing that shows the identity of Muslims. The clothes are kind of sarong, Moslem, kopeah, veils, Veil, etc.
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