Berjalan kaki merupakan transportasi dasar yang digunakan oleh manusia terjemahan - Berjalan kaki merupakan transportasi dasar yang digunakan oleh manusia Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Berjalan kaki merupakan transportas

Berjalan kaki merupakan transportasi dasar yang digunakan oleh manusia, oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu fasilitas yang memadai guna melayani pejalan kaki, di Jalan Soekarno Hatta Kabupaten Natuna dari hasil pengamatan dan survey Laik Fungsi Jalan yang dilakukan di jalan tersebut belum terdapatnya fasilitas pejalan kaki yang memadai. Penelitian ini penting untuk mengetahui 1.) karakteristik pejalan kaki di daerah tersebut. 2.) untuk mendapatkan disain fasilitas pejalan kaki yang berkeselamatan dan anggaran biaya yang diperlukan untuk membangun fasilitas tersebut.
Metode yang akan digunakan yaitu dengan analisis kondisi eksisting didaerah tersebut dengan pendekatan karakteristik pejalan kaki dan lalu lintas serta menganalisis kebutuhan fasilitas pejalan kaki di daerah tersebut, kemudian melakukan tinjauan baik pustaka maupun tinjauan kondisi lokasi untuk melakukan disain fasilitas pejalan kaki yang tepat dan juga menghitung anggaran biaya yang dibutuhkan dengan mengadopsi satuan harga yang ditetapkan pemerintah.
Hasil dari penelitan ini mendapatkan bahwa Jalan Soekarno Hatta membutuhkan lebar trotoar 4 meter di sisi kiri dan 3 meter di sisi kanan serta membutuhkan fasilitas penyebrangan berupa Zebra Cross, dengan penambahan fasilitas berupa jalur pemandu difabel, jalur hijau, kelandaian dan ketinggian trotoar dengan pendekatan kepada penyandang cacat sera pembuatan ZoSS dan lapak tunggu dengan pengaturan parkir dan pemberan batas kecepatan lalu lintas, total biaya yang dibutuhkan mengacu pada nilai IKK Kabupaten Natuna.

Kata kunci : Natuna, pejalan kaki, detai desain fasilitas pejalan kaki, analisis rancangan biaya fasilitas pejalan kaki
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Within walking distance is the basic transport used by humans, therefore needed an adequate facility to serve pedestrians, at the Soekarno-Hatta Road Natuna islands of observations and surveys be eligible to Function the way that was done in the way that there is an adequate pedestrian facilities. This research is important for knowing 1.) characteristics of pedestrians in the area. 2.) to get the design of pedestrian facilities berkeselamatan and budget costs required to build such facilities. The method to be used by the analysis of the existing conditions in the approach to the characteristics of pedestrians and traffic as well as analyzing the needs of pedestrian facilities in the area, then do a good review of the literature as well as reviews of the conditions of the location to perform the design of pedestrian facilities and also to calculate the budget cost by adopting a unit price set by the Government. The results of this study got that Way requires wide sidewalk Soekarno-Hatta 4 meters on the left side and 3 meters on the right side as well as the need of the Zebra crossing facilities in the form of a Cross, with the addition of facilities in the form of a guiding line diffable, the green line, the flatness and the height of the pavement with the approach to disability sera manufacture ZoSS and sellers wait with settings and pemberan the speed limit traffic total cost refers to the value of the IKK Natuna Islands.Keywords: Natuna, pedestrian, pedestrian facilities design go into details, the analysis of the design of pedestrian facilities costs
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Walking is the basic transport used by humans, therefore we need a sufficient facilities to serve pedestrians, at Jalan Soekarno Hatta Natuna of observation and survey Eligible Function Jalan done in the way it has not been the presence of pedestrian facilities were adequate. This research is important to know 1) the characteristics of pedestrians in the area. 2.) to get a pedestrian facility design Safety and budget required to build the facility.
The method to be used is the analysis of existing conditions in the area with characteristic approach pedestrians and traffic as well as to analyze the needs of pedestrian facilities in the area, then do the good reviews the literature and review the condition of the scene to conduct the design of pedestrian facilities are appropriate and also calculate the budget required to adopt the unit price set by the government.
the results of this research found that Jalan Soekarno Hatta require wide sidewalks of 4 meters on the left side and 3 meters on the right side as well as the need of facilities penyebrangan form Zebra cross, with the addition of facilities such as the guiding line with disabilities, the green line, slope and height of the pavement with his approach to the disabled sera manufacture ZoSS and shanties waiting with parking arrangements and pemberan speed limit traffic, total it cost refers to the value IKK Natuna.

Keywords: Natuna, pedestrians, pedestrian facilities into details of design, analysis and pedestrian facilities design fees
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