In any other religion holds the same Catholic Church, for example, retaining its doctrine that rejects homosexual practice. In 1975, the Vatican issued a decree entitled "The Vatican Declaration on Sexual Ethics." Its contents are, among others, asserted: "It (Scripture) does attest to the fact that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered and can in no case be approved of." In a speech on new year's Eve 2006, Pope Benedict XVI also reiterates about homosexual behavior terkutuknya. Even among them there is the sefaham especially from the Liberal Jews, Liberal Christian, also had long same-sex marriage justifies. They also stated, that what they do is in line with Biblical teachings. They also accuse the Jews and the Christians as "Orthodox", "conservative" and the like, because it doesn't want to recognize and legalize homosexual practices. In sociological, can just say which offered as a newspaper The Jakarta Post quoted the opinion of a speaker named Nurofiah, which indicates that the dominant view in the Islamic community about heterogeneity is a "social construction", so the result in the banning of homosexuality by the majority. This is the same as the case of "gender bias" due to the dominance of the patriarchal culture. Therefore, he said, it would be different if the ruling is House of homosexuality. Rather, cited this gender activists greeting: "Like gender bias or heterogeneity, patriarchy bias is socially constructed. It would be totally different if the ruling group was homosexuals. "Indeed it is not so, as revealed by the Liberals in the context of the patriarchal social system as a sub. In the theory of sociology, ' social construction ' will be awakened by the existence of social stratification which originated from the social roles of various individuals who interact in it. As for the types of individuals who interact that the existence of two kinds of (QS. Anisa) does not mention the existence of a kind of half male or female half or similar to bepasangan. And, a view that "far-fetched" If the House of homosexuality can be more dominant and powerful then an in-flight social it will turn around.In the context of the culture, the social phenomenon of Lesbian and homo is in fact an "endemic" should look for solutions instead of treatment by raising the legitimacy of religious law with interpret unusual creed to ' justify ' same-sex marriage.As a religious "rahmatan lil alamin" in the context of social existence can appreciate it. But not in aspeks a religious marriage. Maybe, here the role of the State is necessary, legal certainty based on marriage laws-ungan Government. Not to mention the issue of halal or whether, because of the religious views of the majority is expressly rejected.
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