CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONA. Background The hospital is a social organization in charge of health services for the community are required to always provide the best service and satisfy for any users who make use of them. Based on the types and benefits of hospital, Director General of Yan. RI Department of health medical (Medical Service of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Indonesia) on tehun 1993 split into 3 parts, namely: public hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, and hospitals. Of the three types of the hospital, a hospital that has a bersar problem and less attention was a mental hospital. Basic health research 2007 mentions, the prevalence of mental disorders in the form of emotional depression and anxiety in people aged over 15 years reached 11.6 percent. If the population in the age group of the year 2010 there are 169 million, the number of people with mental disorders 19.6 million people. This is as described by the Director of the community mental health, the Ministry of health in Indonesia that there are people living in emotion and psychiatric conditions are problematic. This amount is quite moderate and if expanded, then the psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents, the number could be bigger (Anna, 2012). Mental disorder is a disease that is caused due to a disorder of thought, perception and behavior. Where individuals are not able to adjust to yourself, other people, society, and environment (Stuart & Sundeen, 1998). Factors causing occurrence of mental disorders varies depending on the types of mental disorder is experienced. Generally, this phenomenon is happening in society, mental disorders are caused due to the psychological stress caused by pressure from outside individuals and pressure from within the individual. Some of the things that the cause is the unknowing families and communities against the kind of distractions this soul, and there is some stigma regarding mental disorders (the Hawari,2001).Mental disorder tendencies will continue to increase over the shift in the economic and political situation towards the erratic, not only on the prevalence among medium-sized down as a direct impact of economic deprivation, but also middle-class and above as a direct or indirect impact on the inability of an individual in a social change diriterhadap adjustment is constantly changing (Rasmun, 2011)People who have a good mental health can not be free from anxiety and feelings of guilt. He is still experiencing anxiety and feelings of guilt but not dominated by anxiety and feeling guilty about it. Given the increasingly rapid development efforts, modernization and industrialization that resulted in the community, then a lot of emerging social problems and disorders/mental disorder in major cities. Increasingly many are citizens who cannot afford to make adjustments themselves quickly to all kinds of social change. They were having a lot of frustrating, open conflicts/internal, external and inner tension and suffering from mental disorders.Factors – social factors behind mental disorders, such as belakagi: the stability of families, parenting patterns, economic level, life of communities (urban and rural), the problem of minority groups which include prejudice and facilities for health, education and welfare are inadequate, racial influences, as well as the values that developed in the community. The stigma concerning mental disorder schizophrenia sufferers is where the attitude of families and communities assume that when one member of his family was suffering from schizophrenia, this is a disgrace for families and sufferers often get the inhumane treatment of violent treatment, such as ostracized, isolated or dipasung. Often schizophrenic concealed not brought medical treatment because of the embarrassment. Some people also consider schizophrenia is a disorder caused by things not rational or supernatural, for example due to action or diteluh, the entry of the devil, in violation of the ban and others. The attitude of families ' alienating ' sufferers from the surrounding environment make the local community still consider that a person with a mental disorder should be shunned or janga approached.B. Formulation Of The Problem Basically many mental disorders diseases occur in Indonesia with a wide variety of causes. Grhasia psychiatric hospital owned by the provincial Government of Yogyakarta special region to be one means of handling the psychiatric disorder sufferers patients. Therefore, this research has the outline of the problem as follows:1. What is the contribution of the family in the treatment of patients with mental disorders? 2. How the effort of understanding the social conditions of rehabilitation against the installation of the patient as well as handling?C. Research Objectives 1. to know the role and contributions of the family in the patient's mental disorder sufferers penaganan in Grhasia mental hospital in Yogyakarta.2. To know the social condition of patients with psychiatric rehabilitation environment.3. To know the steps-step sociological performed the installation in the healing process of rehabilitation of patients with disorders of the soul.D. Benefits Of Research 1. The research is expected to deliver the knowledge and scientific contributions of psychiatric is sociological.2. Referable to help the sufferers of mental disorders, so as not to terdiskriminasi in the family and society.3. This research is expected to provide new insights in the field of health and Social Affairs.E. Framework Theory Mental disorder of the mengetahau for glasses sosioogis, need to be strengthened with the theory of sociology, as: Karl Marx's theory of sociological theory in addition to most of the class was the theory of alienation. Separation of oneself from the environment, due to internal and external factors. When no solution of problems encountered someone, good solution from established themselves, as well as from other parties, the seeorang can finally experience the turmoil that led to the interruption of the soul.Social alienation was instrumental in the life of pendeita ganguan directly, or indirectly. Giving rise to its own difficulties for patients with ganguan the soul. In addition to the theory of alienation, it was also another theory doing the handling in the. The involvement of a wide range of units, elements, and a part in a system. Structural and functional systems theory needs to be used in discussing this issue. Functional and structural theory is one of the theories of communication in the general theory of groups or general theories (Littlejohn, 1999). Structural functionalism or more popular with ' functional structural ' is the result of a very strong influence from general systems theory in which functionalism approach adopted from the natural sciences, especially biology, emphasizing the notable about ways to organise and maintain the system. And the structuralism approach comes from linguistics, emphasizing the notable things that concerns language and organizing social system. Structural functionalism or ' system ' analysis in principle centers on some of the concepts, but the most important is the concept of a function and the concept of structure.The function is used in various fields of human life and activity, shows the dynamics of human in achieving goals of his life. Views of the purpose of life, human activity is a function and functions. Qualitatively in terms of the usefulness of the function and benefits of a person, group, organization or association.Before the patient goes into rehab, past some of the installation steps:
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