Dampak negatif yang dapat terjadi akibat tontonan yang kurang mendidik terjemahan - Dampak negatif yang dapat terjadi akibat tontonan yang kurang mendidik Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Dampak negatif yang dapat terjadi a

Dampak negatif yang dapat terjadi akibat tontonan yang kurang mendidik:
1. Dapat merusak moral dan watak para siswa Sebab dalam cerita-cerita sinetron itu, sering kita lihat berbagai hal kurang baik seperti kata-kata kasar, hidup bermewah-mewahan, mode pakaian yang tidak sopan serta kisah percintaan.
2. Menjadikan anak yang malas belajar. Anak yang sering menonton sinetron, belajarnya menjadi kurang rajin dan nilai-nilainya kurang baik.
3. Para siswa jadi mempunyai sifat materialis dan suka berangan-angan. Mereka sering menirukan perbuatan pamer, sombong, membantah orang tua.
4. Gaya hidup mewah, gaya ini akan mempengaruhi anak-anak, khususnya anak remaja yang ingin berpenampilan seperti yang mereka telah saksikan di tivi.
5. Tidak hormat kepada orang tua/kurang ajar/berani membentak orang tua;
6. Sifat materialistis
7. Emosi yang meledak-ledak
8. Berpengaruh pada cara bicaraseorang siswa, (seorang anak dan remaja akan meniru apa yang di ucapkan orang ditelevisi, dan cara mengucapkannya);
9. Bagi para pelajar Tk atau sekolah dasar menonton tayangan televisi untuk orang dewasa, tentu hal ini sangat ”berbahaya” karena anak bisa dewasa sebelum dewasa, maksudnya adalah tindakan-tindakan yang dilakukan oleh orang dewasa tidak seharusnya dicontoh oleh anak kecil, seperti Kekerasan, gaya hidup seperti berpenampilan, bergaul, dan gaya-gaya berbicara yang tidak sesuai dengan kaidah bahasa yang baik, dan lain sebagainya.
10. Berbagai penelitian menyebutkan fakta, bahwa ‘meletakan anak’ usia dini di depan televisi berbahaya baik fisik, maupun psikis. Apalagi dalam waktu yang panjang. Karena hal ini akan mengakibatkan proses miring penyambungan antara sel-sel syaraf otak menjadi tidak sempurna. Karena sinetron tidak menggugah anak untuk berpikir.
11. Pada para pelajar remaja (SMP & SMA),sinetron menyodorkan berbagai cara untuk menciptakan ketergantungan pada remaja. Hal ini menyebabkan remaja menjadi pribadi yang lentur, tidak mempunyai pengalaman empiric untuk menempati empati sosial.
12. Pelajar yang keranjingan sinetron akan merasa ketergantungan dengan televisi, mereka akan malas untuk melakukan kegiatan lain selain menonton tivi.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The negative impact that can occur due to a less edifying spectacle:1. Can damage the morals and character of the students because in that soap opera stories, often we see things less well as rant, luxuriate in life, fashion clothes that are not polite and love story.2. Make a lazy child is learning. The children often watch soap operas, his studies became less diligent and its values.3. Students thus have the nature of materialist and like dreaming. They often mimicked deeds show-off, arrogant, argue parents.4. luxury lifestyle, this style will affect children, especially older children who want to look like they have been witnessed in the television hanging.5. Disrespect to parents/cheeky/bold snapped parents;6. nature of materialistic7. Emotional explosiveness8. Effect on the way the bicaraseorang students, (a child and adolescents will imitate what people say in ditelevisi, and how to pronounce it);9. For students in kindergarten or elementary school watch tv footage for the adults, naturally it is very "dangerous" because the child can mature before mature, it means acts done by an adult should not be emulated by young children, such as Violence, lifestyle like the band, hang out, and speaking styles that are not in accordance with the rules of good language, and so on.10. Various studies mention the fact, that the ' put ' early years in front of the television is harmful both physical and psychic. Especially in a long time. Because this would lead to a process of leaning the connection between the brain's nerve cells become imperfect. Because SOAP does not excite the child to think.11. on teenage students (JUNIOR HIGH & HIGH SCHOOL), sitcoms offered a variety of ways to create a dependency in teens. This causes the teenagers become pliable, not having the experience of empiric to occupy social empathy.12. Students who are avid soap opera will feel the dependence with the television, they are lazy to do other activities other than watching the television hanging.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
The negative impact that may occur as a result of short-changing spectacle:
1. To damage the morale and character of the students because in the soap opera stories, we often see things less well as a rant, bermewah life-luxuries, fashion immodest fashion and romance.
2. Make children lazy learning. Children who often watch soap operas, learning to be less diligent and less good values.
3. The students so have the nature of a materialist and likes to daydream. They often mimic the act of showing off, arrogance, denied the parents.
4. Luxury lifestyle, this style will affect children, especially teenagers who want to look like they've seen on television.
5. No respect for parents / CAD / dare yell at their parents;
6. Materialistic nature
7. Emotions explosive
8. Bicaraseorang effect on the way students (a boy and a teenager will mimic what people say on television on, and how to pronounce it);
9. For those students Nursery or primary school watching television for adults, of course it is very "dangerous" because kids can mature before adulthood, referring to the acts committed by adults are not supposed to be emulated by young children, such as violence, lifestyle like look, hang out, and styles of speaking that does not comply with the rules of good language, and so forth.
10. Various studies mention the fact, that 'put children' early childhood in front of the television harmful both physically, and psychologically. Especially in a long time. As this will result in skewed splicing process between nerve cells in the brain to be imperfect. Because the soap does not inspire children to think.
11. In the teenage students (junior high and high school), soap operas thrusting a variety of ways to create a dependency in adolescents. This causes teens to be personal, flexible, does not have to occupy the empirical experience of social empathy.
12. Students are avid soap opera will feel dependency with television, they will be reluctant to do other activities besides watching tivi.
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