2.1 Introduction to Business
2.1.1 Business Understanding
Business is an organization that sells goods or services to consumers or other businesses, to gain maximum profit. Historically, the business comes from word business is derived from the basic busy, which means "busy". In that sense, the busy activity and jobs that bring profits. In kapatalis economy, most businesses are owned by private parties, business formed to make a profit and increase the prosperity of their owners.
In etymology, the business is a situation where a person or group of people are busy doing work that produces a profit. Broadly, the business is an activity undertaken by an individual or group of people (organizations) that create value through the creation of goods and services to meet the needs of society and the maximum profit through the transaction. There are several definitions of several prominent businesses including:
a. According to Hughes and Kapoor: "Business is the organized effort of individuals to produce and sell for a provit, the goods and services that satisfy needs societies. The general terms of business refer to all such Efforts within a society or within an industry ", which means business is a business activity of individuals organized to produce and sell goods and services to gain an advantage in meeting the needs of society and exists in the industry.
B. According to Musselman and Jackson: Business is an activity that meets the needs and desires of the community and the company economically organized to engage in such activity.
C. According to Griffin and Ebert: "Business is an organization that Provides goods or services in order toearn provit", which means business is an organization that provides goods and services and aims to generate profit (profit). (1996)
d. According to Allan Afuah: Business is a set of activities performed to create a way menggembangkan and transform the resources into goods or services that consumers want. (2004).
2.1.2 Business Goals
In business or entrepreneurship course we have a goal, we must transform before trying to process the material to be used as a product required by consumers in the form of goods and services. Whereas, the purpose of the company is getting maximum profit, which is a remuneration derived by an enterprise of providing a product for consumers.
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