Bahan1.tepung flour 125 grams of protein chicken sedang2.telur 4 grains 3.margarin 4.baking 125 grams of powder 1/4 tablespoon finely 1/2 teaspoon 5.garam 6.air 250 ml Ingredients 2 tablespoons flour VLa1.tepung makan2. 4 tablespoons cornstarch 1 tablespoon makan4.susu makan3.mentega 300 ml5.kuning fresh liquid egg 2 eggs 1/4 scoop of vanilla 6.pasta teh7.rum 1 1/4 scoop spoon makan8.garam tehPembuatan cake Susa. How to make VLA: 1.campur cornstarch with flour, salt sugar, stir. then dilute the mixture with fresh liquid milk. stir "up rata2.Campuran yagn already mami racik above, please boiled until it thickens, angkat.3.Mumpung custard filling is still hot, give the butter, vanilla, rum as well kuningtelur. if it is mixed well, then let it cool B. how to make kulit1. salted margarine mixed with salt, then boiled until boiling 2.berikutnya put the flour slowly "while not stopping mengaduknyasampai uneven or not stick in the pan. let the dough so that rather dingi (warm) 3. If already a little warm, add baking powder and eggs. enter the egg should gradually one by one while diaduk4.Masukan dough into plastic triangle shape. at the end of using that plastic, must be in pasangi syringe 5.Semprotkan star batter into the baking pan that has been in the coat with margarine. do until adonat skin without residual 6.Jika eclairs had been arranged rapidalam baking sheet, bake until matang.7.Oven please dipake create manggang, has a temperature of at least 20 derajat.8.Kue sus that already mateng, please mamih cut in the sides of the cake , then input into the custard filling eclairs
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