Habiskan 330 Juta Demi Punya Wajah Mirip Beckham,Kecintaan terhadap sa terjemahan - Habiskan 330 Juta Demi Punya Wajah Mirip Beckham,Kecintaan terhadap sa Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Habiskan 330 Juta Demi Punya Wajah

Habiskan 330 Juta Demi Punya Wajah Mirip Beckham,Kecintaan terhadap sang tokoh idola kadang diekspresikan dengan tindakan penuh totalitas. Hal inilah yang dilakukan seorang penggemar David Beckham bernama Jack Johnson.
Ketika menjadi narasumber di acara This Morning ITV baru-baru ini, Johnson mengungkapkan bahwa ia sudah mengeluarkan uang senilai 20 ribu poundsterling alias kurang lebih 330 juta rupiah untuk mengoperasi wajahnya agar mirip dengan Beckham. Bahkan, ia berencana menghabiskan 30 ribu poundsterling atau sekitar 500 juta rupiah lagi untuk makin menyempurnakan perubahan ini.
"Jelas saya tahu saya tak mirip dengannya, saya tak sebodoh itu. Tapi saya punya jalan yang panjang untuk mencapai tujuan saya menjadi mirip dengannya. Gampangnya sekitar 30 ribu poundsterling lagi. Ini akan menghabiskan uang dan operasi untuk menjadi mirip dengannya," ujar Johnson.
"Saya memberitahu mereka bahwa saya sangat membutuhkan hal ini dan ini akan mengubah hidup saya. Saya memiliki masalah dengan berat badan dan saya tak melakukan ini sebagai cara cepat menurunkan berat badan. Saya sudah pernah mencoba semua diet di buku, semua olahraga dan saya tak bisa melakukannya, jadi saya butuh gastric band (sejenis silikon pengecil lambung) untuk membantu saya. Dan ketika itu sudah dilakukan saya masih harus berolahraga dan makan sehat." lanjutnya.
Menariknya, yang membuat usaha Johnson ini makin menarik adalah fakta bahwa ia saat ini sedang berstatus sebagai pengangguran! Operasi yang sudah ia lakukan membuatnya kini memiliki utang senilai 19 ribu poundsterling. Meski demikian, ia tetap tak mau putus harapan.
"Saya tahu saya tak mirip David Beckham saat ini tapi saya merasa bahagia dan luar biasa akan diri saya. Saya berada di tempat terbaik selama setahun belakangan," tegas Johnson.

"Saya mencintai diri saya, saya hanya ingin menjadi mirip seperti David Beckham. Siapa yang tak ingin? Tak ada seorangpun yang bisa mengatakan ia gila atau tidak menarik. Bahkan orang yang bukan penggemar dirinya," tutupnya.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Spend 330 Million Demi had a Face similar to Beckham, love of the figure is expressed with action sometimes Idol full totality. This does a fan of David Beckham named Jack Johnson.When the presenter on the show This Morning ITV recently, Johnson revealed that he's been spending money worth 20 thousand pound sterling aka approximately 330 million dollars to operate on her face is so similar to that of Beckham. In fact, he plans to spend the 30 thousand pounds or around 500 million dollars more to further fine-tune these changes."Obviously I know I do not much like him, I am not as stupid as that. But I've got a long way to achieve my goal to be more like him. Simply put about 30 thousand pounds more. It will spend the money and the operation to be more like him, "said Johnson."I tell them that I really need this and this will change my life. I have a problem with my weight and I could not do this as a quick way to lose weight. I've tried every diet in the book, all sports and I could not do it, so I need a gastric band (a type of silicone gastric pengecil) to help me. And when it was done I still have to work out and eat healthy. "he continued.Interestingly, that makes Johnson's effort is more interesting is the fact that he is currently in status as unemployed! Operations that already he did make it now has debts totaling 7 thousand pounds sterling. Nevertheless, he still does not want to break up the expectations."I know I am not similar to David Beckham at the moment but I feel happy and wonderful will be my self. I was in the best place for a year later, "stated Johnson."I love my self, I just want to be like David Beckham. Who does not want to? No one can say he was crazy or not interesting. Even people who are not a fan of her, "the lid.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Spend 330 Million Demi Have Faces Similar Beckham, love of the idol is sometimes expressed with the full totality of action. This is precisely what a fan of David Beckham named Jack Johnson.
When a guest speaker on the show This Morning ITV recently, Johnson revealed that he had to pay $ 20 thousand pounds or less 330 million to operate his face so similar to Beckham. In fact, he plans to spend 30 thousand pounds, or about 500 million more to further enhance this change.
"Obviously, I know I do not like him, I'm not that stupid. But I have a long way to achieve my goal of becoming like him. Simply put around 30 thousand pounds more. It will spend the money and operations to be like him, "said Johnson.
" I told them that I really needed it and it will change my life. I had a weight problem and I do not do this as a way of rapid weight loss. I've tried every diet in the book, all sports and I can not do, so I need a gastric band (a type of silicone reducers stomach) to help me. and when it was done I still need to exercise and eat healthy. " he continued.
Interestingly, which makes it more attractive Johnson effort is the fact that he is currently being status as unemployed! Surgery he had done made it now has 19 thousand pounds worth of debt. Nevertheless, he still did not want to lose hope.
"I know I do not look like David Beckham at the moment but I feel happy and incredible will to me. I was in the best over the past year," said Johnson.

"I love myself, I just want to be a bit like David Beckham. who would not? nobody can say he is insane or not interesting. Even people who are not a fan of him, "he concluded.
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