ABSTRAKSkripsi yang berjudul “Penerapan Pembelajaran Pidato Bahasa Ara terjemahan - ABSTRAKSkripsi yang berjudul “Penerapan Pembelajaran Pidato Bahasa Ara Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

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Skripsi yang berjudul “Penerapan Pembelajaran Pidato Bahasa Arab Di Pondok Modern “Al-Mawaddah 02” Blitar tahun ajaran 2014/2015”. Benar-benar ditulis oleh Ita Nurmawadah, NIM: 3212113022 tahun 2015 Fakultas Tarbiyah jurusan Bahasa Arab, dosen pembimbing: Dr. As’aril Muhajir, M. Ag.
kata kunci: Pembelajaran Pidato
Latar belakang: Pidato adalah seni berbicara di depan umum. Pidato sangat membantu proses komunikasi antara manusia secara langsung dan sangat penting untuk diketahui, dipelajari dan dilaksanakan oleh seseoranng dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sehingga seseorang bisa berbicara di depan umum tanpa ragu. Akan tetapi banyak orang yang percaya bahwa pidato yang baik hanya bisa dilakukan oleh orang –orang yang memiliki bakat berpidato saja. Masalah yang penting dan sering terjadi ketika berpidato adalah demam panggug. Biasanya, jika orator mengalami demam panggug, maka ia tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa. Oleh karena itu, peneiti dalam penelitian ini akan membahas tentang pentingnya berpidato dan bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja.
Rumusan masalah: (1) Bagaimana materi dalam pembelajaran pidato bahasa Arab di pondok modern “Al-Mawaddah 2” Blitar?, (2) Bagaimana proses pembelajaran pidato bahasa Arab di pondok modern “Al-Mawaddah 2” Blitar? (3) Bagaimana evaluasi dalam pembelajaran pidato bahasa Arab di pondok modern “Al-Mawaddah 2” Blitar?.
Tujuan penelitian: (1) Mengetahui materi dalam pembelajaran pidato bahasa Arab di pondok modern “Al-Mawaddah 2” Blitar (2) Mengetahui proses pembelajaran pidato bahasa Arab di pondok modern “Al-Mawaddah 2” Blitar (3) Mengetahui evaluasi dalam pembelajaran pidato bahasa Arab di pondok modern “Al-Mawaddah 2” Blitar.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Peneliti memperoleh Sumber data dari pengasuh pondok, para ustadzah bagian bahasa, pendamping pidato, siswa, dan dokumen. Untuk pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi pondok modern Al-Mawaddah 2. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah reduksi data, sajian data, dan verifikasi/ simpulan data. Pengecekan keabsahan temuan menggunakan ketekunan pengamatan, triangulasi, dan pemeriksaan sejawat melalui diskusi.
Hasil penelitian: (1) Materi dalam pembelajaran pidato bahasa Arab di pondok modern “Al-Mawaddah 2” Blitar adalah tidak ditentukan. Santri bisa mencari materi pidato dari berbagai sumber. (2) Proses pembelajaran pidato bahasa Arab di pondok modern “Al-Mawaddah 2” Blitar yaitu terdapat beberapa rangkaian acara seperti pembukaan, pembacaan ayat-ayat suci Al-Qur’an, menyanyikan lagu/mars Al-Mawaddah, pidato, drama, do’a serta penutup. Dalam menyampaikan pidato, ada beberapa metode yang bisa dipilih yaitu: metode embaca naskah, metode menghafal naskah, metode impromtu, dan metode ekstemporan. (3) Evaluasi dalam pembelajaran pidato bahasa Arab di pondok modern “Al-Mawaddah 2” Blitar yaitu ada beberapa hal yang dinilai antara lain: MC, dirigen, Pembaca Al-Qur’an, dama, dan kekompakan. sedngka evaluasi terhadap penyampaian pidato yaitu setelah santri menyampaikan pidato, maka guru memberikan evaluasi dengan memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang isi pidato yang disampaikan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana santri menguasai materi tersebut.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah bahwa pembelajaran pidato itu efektif dan efisien dalam melatih keterampilan berbicara dan keberanian berbicara di depan umum.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
ABSTRACTThesis entitled "the application of Speech Learning Arabic In a Modern Cottage" Al-Mawaddah 02 "Blitar school year 2014/2015." Completely written by Ita Nurmawadah, NIM: 3212113022 2015 Faculty of Tarbiyah majoring in Arabic, supervising professor: Dr. As'aril Muhajir, m. Ag.Keywords: learning, SpeechBackground: Speech is the art of public speaking. The speech is very helpful to the process of communication between human beings directly and very important to known, studied and implemented by seseoranng in everyday life, so that one can speak in public without a doubt. But many people believe that a good speech can only be done by people-people who have addressed a talent only. The issue is important and often happens when public speaking is panggug fever. Typically, if the orator experienced fever panggug, then he can't do anything. Therefore, the peneiti in this study will throw light on the importance of public speaking, and can be done by anyone.Formulation of the problem: (1) how does the material in the Arabic speech learning in modern cottage "Al-Mawaddah 2" Blitar?, (2) how the learning process speech in modern Arabic "Al-Mawaddah 2" Blitar? (3) How evaluation learning in speech in modern Arabic "Al-Mawaddah 2" Blitar?.Research objectives: (1) find out the material in the Arabic speech learning in modern cottage "Al-Mawaddah 2" Blitar (2) know the Arabic language speech learning in modern cottage "Al-Mawaddah 2" Blitar (3) find out the evaluation in learning speech in modern Arabic "Al-Mawaddah 2" Blitar.The research method used is descriptive qualitative methods. Researchers obtain the data source of the caretakers cottage, the ustadzah part of language, speech, student escorts, and documents. Data collection for researchers using observation, interviews, and documentation of modern cottage Al-Mawaddah 2. Data collection methods used are observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis technique used is the reduction of data, data verification, and cereal/summary data. Checking the validity of findings using persistence observation, triangulation, and examination of colleagues through discussion.Results of research: (1) the material in the Arabic speech learning in modern cottage "Al-Mawaddah 2" Blitar is not specified. Students can find the speech material from various sources. (2) the learning process speech in modern Arabic "Al-Mawaddah 2" i.e. There is some set of Blitar events like opening, reading of the verses of the Holy Qur'an, sings/mars Al-Mawaddah, speech, drama, prayer and cover. In delivering the speech, there are several methods to choose from namely: method embaca method of memorizing a script, script, method, and method of impromtu ekstemporan. (3) Evaluation in learning speech in modern Arabic "Al-Mawaddah 2" Blitar i.e. There are some things that are rated as follows: MC, conductor, readers of the Qur'an, dama, and compactness. sedngka evaluation of the delivery of the speech that is after the students delivered a speech, then the teacher evaluation by providing questions about the content of the speech that was delivered to know the extent to which students master the material.Conclusion of this research is that learning the speech was effective and efficient in the train the speaking skills and courage to talk in public.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Thesis entitled "Application of Speech Learning Arabic At Pondok Modern" Al-Mawaddah 02 "Blitar academic year 2014/2015". Actually written by Ita Nurmawadah, NIM: 3212113022 2015 Faculty of MT Department of Arabic, supervisor: Dr. As'aril Muhajir, M. Ag.
keyword: Learning Speech
Background: Speech is the art of public speaking. Speech greatly assist the process of communication between human beings directly and very important to be known, studied and implemented by seseoranng in everyday life, so that one can speak in public without hesitation. However, many people believe that a good speech can only be done by people who have the talent speech alone. Issues that are important and often occurs when the speech is panggug fever. Usually, if the orator has a fever panggug, then he can not do anything. Therefore, peneiti in this study will discuss the importance of speech and can be done by anyone.
Formulation of the problem: (1) How is the material in the speech learning Arabic in modern cottage "Al-Mawaddah 2" Blitar ?, (2) What is the process speech learning Arabic in modern cottage "Al-Mawaddah 2" Blitar? (3) How does the evaluation in speech learning Arabic in modern cottage "Al-Mawaddah 2" Blitar ?.
research objectives: (1) Determine the material in the speech learning Arabic in modern cottage "Al-Mawaddah 2" Blitar (2) Know the process speech learning Arabic in modern cottage "Al-Mawaddah 2" Blitar (3) Knowing evaluation in speech learning Arabic in modern cottage "Al-Mawaddah 2" Blitar.
The method used is descriptive qualitative method. Sources researchers obtained data from caretakers cottage, the cleric part of language, speech assistant, student, and documents. For data collection the researcher using observation, interviews, and documentation of modern cottage Al-Mawaddah 2. Data collection methods used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and verification / conclusions data. Checking the validity of the findings using persistence observation, triangulation, peer through discussion and examination.
The results: (1) The material in the speech learning Arabic in modern cottage "Al-Mawaddah 2" Blitar is not specified. Pupils can find speech material from various sources. (2) The process of learning Arabic speech in modern cottage "Al-Mawaddah 2" Blitar that there are a series of events such as opening, reading verses from the Koran, sang / mars Al-Mawaddah, speech, drama, do 'a and cover. In delivering a speech, there are several methods that can be selected are: methods embaca script, script memorization method, impromtu methods, and methods ekstemporan. (3) Evaluation of the learning speech in Arabic in modern cottage "Al-Mawaddah 2" Blitar that there are some things that assessed include: MC, conductor, reader of the Qur'an, dama, and compactness. sedngka evaluation of the delivery of the speech is after the students delivered a speech, the teacher gives the evaluation by providing questions about the content of the speech made ​​to determine the extent to which students master the material.
The conclusion of this study is that learning the speech was effective and efficient in practice and speaking skills the courage to speak in public.

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