A: Hey B remember tomorrow, do not let forget!
B: Forget what?
A: ouch, ituloh activities of our organization tomorrow week
B: oh yes-yes, just calm!
Yaudah Dulan gw ya
B was left A are still preparing, but suddenly look down and find an HP
A: Loh HP who ya?
Serahin to guard wrote first ah
A went to the security office
A: Excuse me sir, sorry
C: Yes, there is what ya mas?
A: This pack but I nemuin HP, I entrusted to you yes! Who knows there are nyariin ntar
C: ouch mas if beginian mending serahin care office aja mas
A: Wow, not bias here just yes sir? Weve place where sir?
C: yes mas can not, his place on the first floor of the building 3A mas, entered a right turn just ntar
A: wow thanks sir, I was there first deh
C: oh yes equally, please
A was headed to a security guard at the show earlier, when he got in place ....
A: Excuse me this mbak-luggage office?
D: Oh yes, mas, no one can help you?
A: Just now I menuin HP, said a security guard in the parking lot told serahin here aja
D : if so please put the goods here, then please fill out this form ya!
Putting the HP, A filling out a form
A: ok this mbak already completed
D: Well, later in the month when HP is no one feels lost and mencarnya. You will be contacted fatherly mengemblikannya back to you
A: good mabak thanks
A went
Elsewhere B.
E: oy and how does lu, from earlier in hubungin not removed !!
B: HP gw The hell juice was not the sound of
E : How ya, Blom already prepared for tomorrow's event
B: Yes, just calm!
As he reached into his pocket kntung finally the B-conscious
B: HP loh gw Where ya?
E: Lah where gw tau, check lagibiar bener!
B: Why not there ya?
E: Ah lu forgotten times, if not most jatoh ketingglan on the campus on the way.
B: Ah i try back again deh, nyari first gw
E: yaudah leading-sono, but ntar here again yes!
B went to college where he The last time using HP
Arriving him in the campus parking lot, he immediately rushed for the
B: Duh where ya?
Seeing the look of confusion and, from a distance F and G approached
F: Hey B again doing lu? I still here?
G: Eh face a very bleak lu, what the heck?
B: Duh HP gw ilang ya
G: Huh? Weve ilang where?
F: Lah? If he knows not "ilang" name
G: Yes elah, yak i Cuma an nanya
B: Heh !! Beramtem even more lu both, mending gw bantuin here!
F and G to help find HPnya B
G: Weve last time lu mainin HPnya where B?
B: Forget gw, if not wrong before ya here
F:'ve find out just let bener !!
G: until when ya want?
B: Until meet lah!
F: Ah, ve Tried nanya guard Blom lu B?
B: Oh yes gw gak stripped of earlier
G: yes elah let dah mending first ask
the Three went to the security station
B : Elu which nanya yes G
G: Loh kok gw?
F: Already deh aja lakuin
G: Yes deh
G menghapiri one security guard who was on duty
G: Excuse me sir
H: Yes mas, what is it?
G: This, my friend had HPnya ilang in the parking lot? There are nemuin not?
H: HP? Gee I do not know mas, oba I asked my friend first,
H summon another security guard, his friend
H: Hey C Here
C: What the hell?
H: Here anyone ask, he said HPnya Ilang here
C: Oh yes, there was here, he said nemuin HP, Try wrote to the office day care
B: Well where tuh sir?
C: It's on the 1st floor of the building 3A mas, enter wrote ntar turn right, from whence also already plasticity kok
B, F, G (simultaneously): Thanks yes sir
F : dah let us temenin
They Threesome go to the security office at the show earlier
And when he got there
B: Excuse me, this-luggage office?
D: Oh yes, yes, there can help you?
B: I'm looking for my missing HP, said security guard in the parking lot I can find it here
D: Oh yes Yes Sir, May I see the first identity card? Student cards for example
B: It mbak (handing him the identity card)
D: Please fill out this form mas, please fill such kind of lost items, the characteristics of the goods, and something special items, such as a sticker there.
Breakfast was filling out the form
F : content bener lu, ntar writing weird again
and finish filling out the form
B: It is finished is Ms.
D: Okay, please enter through the side door, we will look for it
and go in alone, bersana D seek HPnya missing
D: Please look for when No one who got you please take
B looking HPnya
B: Well this is it, this is my HP mbak
D: if being so please take
So they go back to the exit
B: Thanks ya ya HP finally I met
D: equally, happy could help
B out, and outside
F: Already met HP lu B?
B: Already donk ya she (he showed his HP)
F: yaudah if so afternoon we return ya ya ... first, let G
G: Ok, first yes B
B: Sip Thanks yes've want bantuin
F, G: yes it's okay -ends-
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