ON THE COST OF SOCIAL MODERNIZATION: Social Disintregation, Atomie / Anomie and Social Development
Johan Galtung Senior Advisor, UNRISD, in preparation for the WORLD SUMMIT FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, Copenhagen, 11 to 12 March 1995. Professor of Peace Studies; Universitaet Witten / Herdecke, University of Hawaii, University of Peace Europe, Universidad de Alicante, TRANSCEND Member, Scientific Council International, Swiss Academy for Development,
Geneva, January 1995 Honolulu, February 1995
she modernization project launched by the West two centuries ago, it based on three pillars: State-logic, Ca pital-logic-logic ratio; formulated in part by Montesquieu (France), Smith (England) and Kant (German). State centralization implicit logic of coercive power, tempered by democracy. The logic of the power of capital markets implied to economic power, outraged by the anti-monopoly clause. Logic Ratio secularization implied normative power. The result is spectacular, with the bureaucracy, companies and universities become the main operator of the logic of the three, with all the o-ring effect veralam .;
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