Ekaviana, Dessy. 2016. "school environment and orientation of Future Work As the variable quality of Input Influence Mediation Students against the Competencies of Accounting Accounting Class XII Students of SMK Negeri 2 Semarang year 2015/2016". Thesis. Department Of Economics Education. The Faculty Of Economics. State University Of Semarang. Supervising Akhmad Nurkhin, S. Pd., M.Si.Keywords: Accounting Competence, the quality of the Input of students, school environment, and the orientation of the future areas of work.Accounting competence of vocational high school students influenced by several factors, including the quality of the input of students, school environment, and the future orientation of the work of students. Preliminary observations indicate that there is a problem with the competence of accountancy students class XII Accountancy SMK Negeri 2 Semarang based on competence of accounting technicians. This research aims to know the influence of the quality of the input of students against accounting competencies through the mediation of the school environment as well as the orientation of the future areas of work. The population of this research is the entire class XII students of SMK Negeri 2 Semarang Accounting that follows the Accounting Technician Competence Certifying the profession of Accounting Technicians by 2015. Sampling method used is the saturated samples a number of 96 students. Variables bound to studies this is a competency accounting. The quality of the student's input as free variables with mediation variables in the form of school environment and the orientation of the future areas of work. Data collection techniques using question form and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive and statistical analysis statistical analysis inferensial. The results showed the influence of the quality of the input of students against the competencies of accounting, the influence of the quality of the input of students against the school environment, the influence of school environment against the competencies of accounting, the influence of school environment towards the orientation of future work, the influence of the quality of the students ' input towards the orientation of future work, the influence of the orientation of the future work toward competency accounting, influence the quality of the input of students through school environment against the competencies of accounting , the influence of the quality of the input of students through orientation of future work toward competence in accounting, and the influence of school environment through the orientation of future work toward competency accounting is positive and significant. Summed up, the quality of input to the accounting competencies students either directly or indirectly through the school environment as well as the orientation of the future areas of work. The advice given is the school should review the policy of five working days, increasing the completeness of school facilities for comfort and a more conducive learning environment, as well as improve the orientation of the future areas of work students through teachers and expand partner connection business world/world industry to open up the opportunity of students working as graduate field of expertise.
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