Shock occurs when someone touches a conductor (conductor) that are attached to an alternating electrical current on one side of the body, and the other side of the body is also touching another conductor. The human body is a good electrical conductor since most water contains are conducting. Alternating electrical current contains frequency and energy, so that when the human body is electrified this will affect the work of the organs, where the most fatal consequence was death. That's why when we stung the most electric light alone then after it will feel Achy or tingling in part that stung.The cause of this shock, among others1. the cord is being chipped or naked. then we should not be holding it because electricity can flow enters into the body.2. wet hands. then try does not hold water because it is one of good conductor3. on the electrical power too many plugs, this can cause stun because arusnya divided for4. The cord is tied up. Cause electric currents converge so that its energy is stronger, resulting in when touched we will experience a stun.In conclusion, the electrical power cord can we use but should take heart. Here I will give you tips in its use so that we avoid the danger, among others:a. Jangan coba-coba menyentuh ujung kabel yang telanjang, bila kita tidak tahu apakah kabel itu bertegangan atau tidak. Gunakan test pen untuk memastikan. Ini adalah peraturan keselamatan yang utamab. Bila tangan anda basah, harus dikeringkan dulu sebelum memasang atau mencabut “colokan” listrik ke/dari stop kontak.c. Bila anda merasa takut saat memasang atau mencabut “colokan” listrik ke/dari stop kontak, karena melihat kualitas “colokan” listrik yang tidak meyakinkan, anda bisa berdiri diatas karpet, alas karet atau memakai sepatu/sandal karet saat melakukan aktifitas itu. Ini akan mencegah bahaya sengatan listrik karena tidak ada arus listrik mengalir dalam tubuh.d. Ganti dengan yang baru untuk “colokan” listrik, “stop kontak” atau kabel yang terkelupas bila anda lihat tidak meyakinkan.e. Bila ada “colokan” atau “stop kontak” listrik yang terkena cipratan air (biasanya bila hujan), jangan digunakan dulu sampai benar benar kering atau dikeringkan dulu dengan alat pengering.
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