Musrena is one forum for women in Banda Aceh to express their aspirations in a community-based development planning. Musrena born upon initiation of grassroots women's groups (mothers of households) and the NGO activists and women politicians and academics. Musrena has been born since 2007-until 2016 that then, counted 10 times executed, but interestingly female City has been making Musrena a magnetic force or that has a value in the fight for the aspirations of women in development. several programs that have been born all berspektif gender equity program is not solely the needs of women, but also the two (Men and Women),
in this conference, I will explain how the work patterns of women in designing programs Musrena. at the early stages of the woman doing a deliberation (Duek pakat) among women who are members of the organization Balee Inong, to be conducted every January their neighbors assisted by the NGO Women, second stage, they coordinate with the Bureau of Women Banda Aceh and Bappeda Banda Aceh, in which case it is agreed in February as the month dilevel Deliberation Regency / City and facilitated by the Planning Agency. The third stage
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