BRAND: ARTWOODTHE DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESSBACKGROUND The clock is a tool that is already no stranger in hearings by the public at large, the clock that serves as a pointer is very time required by any person, other than a pointer as time clock also has a value of estektika. The clock itself has some kind of, among others, watches and wall clocks. Watches that have a higher flesibelitas level of wall clock because the watches can be directly used by these people can be brought anywhere, unlike the case with the wall clock. However, the wall clock can be an aesthetic value of ruag meningkatka because it has a function as a decorative element space. Now developments will wall clock is already greatly increased. The average population began to be aware of the importance of time itself. Variety of wall clock also vary greatly, which used wall clock uses only metal and pvc material is now able to use the wood even more organic materials and can be combined with a wide range of aesthetic elements such as LED lights, leather, sensors, etc. Of the needs of the community will use the clock then the ARTWOOD had the idea to create a wall clock that has a function pointer as time and also has a high aesthetic value, besides ARTWOOD also has the objective to reduce the use of PVC as raw material for the manufacture of wall clock so that the creation of a better environment. ANALYSIS PRODUCTSProduction Details• Selection and collection of raw materialsFor pembuata 1 piece wall clock-Wood measuring ± 40x40cm-Engine hours-Local Skin-Paint and wood finishing-Couplers• Pattern making/PatteringMaking the pattern of product manually using a bow and a ruler.• CuttingCutting material using a saw and a hand scrollPembolongan as a holder machine hours and time use the pointer machine drill• Unification of elementsThe unification of the machine with a blend of wood and leather materials using glue and screws• FinishingFinishing on the wood using the natural finishing.• EvaluationManually checking for defectsMARKET ANALYSISMarket segmentation includes consumers in areas around bandung University where students are organizing membuntuhkan time.TARGETINGTarget ARTWOOD addressed to students and the community medium pointer needs time. So being able to help the students and the community in organizing time and has high aesthetic.POSITIONINGBe a time of pointing device made from penggabugan natural materials so it has high aesthetic value.
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