Pentingnya sebuah asuransi dalam menjamin kelangsungan kehidupan anda  terjemahan - Pentingnya sebuah asuransi dalam menjamin kelangsungan kehidupan anda  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Pentingnya sebuah asuransi dalam me

Pentingnya sebuah asuransi dalam menjamin kelangsungan kehidupan anda dan keluarga, perlu adanya anda untuk mengetahui berbagai hal atau istilah tentang asuransi. Dalam posting saya kali ini akan kami jelaskan tentang Pengertian Asuransi, Fungsi dan Manfaat Asuransi yang dapat anda jadikan referensi dalam menentukan produk yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan asuransi.

Pada dasarnya Asuransi merupakan cara yang paling efisien dan efektif untuk mengganti penghasilan seseorang yang kehilangan penghasilannya. Contohnya bila anda mengikuti Asuransi Jiwa, maka Asuransi tersebut akan mengganti pendapatan yang hilang pada saat kematian atau seseorang tidak mampu bekerja karena cacat tetap.
pengertian asuransi dan manfaat asuransi
pengertian dan manfaat asuransi

Sedangkan penggunaan Asuransi kesehatan diperlukan sebagai cadangan untuk persiapan mengganti biaya pengobatan atau rawat inap di rumah sakit. contoh lain yaitu Asuransi kerugian, sama halnya denan asuransi properti, yaitu membayar kehilangan yang disebabkan oleh, kebakaran, pencurian dan kecelakaan atau perusakan oleh orang lain.

Uraian diatas adalah tentang berbagai macam jenis Asuransi, tapi apakah anda sudah memahami apa itu asuransi ? menurut beberapa sumber, asuransi itu sendiri mempunyai berbagai macam istilah, contoh yang pertama adalah penjelasan asuransi dari wikipedia, yang nenjelaskan :

Asuransi adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk merujuk pada tindakan, sistem, atau bisnis di mana perlindungan finansial (atau ganti rugi secara finansial) untuk jiwa, properti, kesehatan dan lain sebagainya mendapatkan penggantian dari kejadian-kejadian yang tidak dapat diduga yang dapat terjadi seperti kematian, kehilangan, kerusakan atau sakit, di mana melibatkan pembayaran premi secara teratur dalam jangka waktu tertentu sebagai ganti polis yang menjamin perlindungan tersebut.

Sedangkan menurut sumber lain, diterangkan bahwa :

Asuransi adalah salah satu bentuk pengendalian risiko yang dilakukan dengan cara mengalihkan/transfer risiko dari satu pihak ke pihak lain dalam hal ini adalah perusahaan asuransi.

Menurut KUHD pasal 246

Disebutkan bahwa "asuransi atau pertanggungan adalah suatu perjanjian dengan mana seorang penanggung mengikatkan diri kepada seorang tertanggung, dengan menerima suatu premi, untuk penggantian kepadanya karena suatu kerusakan atau kehilangan keuntungan yang diharapkan yang mungkin akan dideritanya karena suatu peristiwa yang tidak tentu".
Pengertian asuransi yang lain adalah merupakan suatu pelimpahan risiko dari pihak pertama kepada pihak lain. Dalam pelimpahan dikuasai oleh aturan-aturan hukum dan berlakunya prinsip-prinsip serta ajaran yang secara universal yang dianut oleh pihak pertama maupun pihak lain. Dari segi ekonomi, asuransi berarti suatu pengumpulan dana yang dapat dipakai untuk menutup atau memberi ganti rugi kepada orang yang mengalami kerugian.

Definisi Asuransi menurut Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang (KUHD), tentang asuransi atau pertanggungan seumurnya, Bab 9, Pasal 246:

"Asuransi atau Pertanggungan adalah suatu perjanjian dengan mana seorang penanggung mengikatkan diri kepada seorang tertanggung, dengan menerima suatu premi, untuk memberikan penggantian kepadanya karena suatu kerugian, kerusakan atau kehilangan keuntungan yang diharapkan, yang mungkin akan dideritanya karena suatu peristiwa yang tak tertentu.”
Asuransi dalam Undang-Undang No. 2 Th 1992 tentang usaha perasuransian adalah perjanjian antara dua pihak atau lebih, dengan mana pihak penanggung mengikatkan diri kepada tertanggung, dengan menerima premi asuransi, untuk memberikan penggantian kepada tertanggung karena kerugian, kerusakan atau kehilangan keuntungan yang diharapkan atau tanggung jawab hukum pihak ke tiga yang mungkin akan diderita tertanggung, yang timbul dari suatu peristiwa yang tidak pasti, atau memberikan suatu pembayaran yang didasarkan atas meninggal atau hidupnya seseorang yang dipertanggungkan.
Badan yang menyalurkan risiko disebut "tertanggung", dan badan yang menerima risiko disebut "penanggung". Perjanjian antara kedua badan ini disebut kebijakan: ini adalah sebuah kontrak legal yang menjelaskan setiap istilah dan kondisi yang dilindungi. Biaya yang dibayar oleh "tertanggung" kepada "penanggung" untuk risiko yang ditanggung disebut "premi". Ini biasanya ditentukan oleh "penanggung" untuk dana yang bisa diklaim di masa depan, biaya administratif, dan keuntungan.
Contohnya: seorang pasangan membeli rumah seharga Rp100 juta. Mengetahui bahwa kehilangan rumah mereka akan membawa mereka kepada kehancuran finansial, mereka mengambil perlindungan asuransi dalam bentuk kebijakan kepemilikan rumah. Kebijakan tersebut akan membayar penggantian atau perbaikan rumah mereka bila terjadi bencana. Perusahaan asuransi mengenai mereka premi sebesar Rp1 juta per tahun. Risiko kehilangan rumah telah disalurkan dari pemilik rumah ke perusahaan asuransi

Manfaat Apa Yang Didapat Dalam Mengikuti Asuransi ?

Inilah manfaat yang dapat anda terima dalam mengikuti program asuransi, dimana manfaat yang diberikan dalam program Asuransi tersebut diklasifikasikan menjadi beberapa bagian, yaitu fungsi utama, fungsi skunder dan fungsi tambahan.
Fungsi utama dalam mengikuti asuransi adalah sebagai pengalihan risiko, pengumpulan dana dan premi yang seimbang. Fungsi skunder asuransi adalah untuk merangsang pertumbuhan usaha, mencegah kerugian, pengendalian kerugian, memiliki manfaat sosial dan sebagai tabungan. Sedangkan fungsi tambahan asuransi adalah sebagai investasi dana dan pendapatan tak terlihat.
Selain dari penjelasan diatas, dibawah ini akan saya uraikan lebih dalam lagi tentang Fungsi dan Manfaat Asuransi
Ada beberapa manfaat jika kita mengikuti program asuransi, diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut:

Alat atau Prasarana Menabung.
Prasarana menabung artinya, sejumlah dana yang diasuransikan memiliki nilai tunai dan dapat diambil kembali, ini termasuk jenis asuransi tertentu seperti whole life atau endowment, ada jenis produk asuransi yang sengaja digabungkan dengan investasi, yaitu dinamakan unitlink.
Pengalokasian Biaya dan Manfaat yang Lebih Adil.
Semakin besar risiko kerugian yang timbul maka semakin besar pula premi pertanggungan dari pihak penanggung polis.
Membantu Meningkatkan Produktifitas Usaha Tertanggung
Tertanggung yang akan berinvestasi pada suatu bidang usaha tertentu (High Risk Business) bila sebagian resiko investasi tersebut dapat ditutup oleh asuransi untuk mengurangi resiko yang mungkin terjadi di kemudian hari.
Memberikan Perlindungan atau Rasa Aman.
Dengan memiliki polis asuransi, pihak tertanggung akan terhindar dari kemungkinan timbulnya risiko kerugian di kemudian hari dan merasa aman dan tenang jiwanya karena objek yang diasuransikan telah dijaminan oleh penanggung polis.
Memberikan Tingkat Kepastian.
Merupakan manfaat utama dari asuransi karena pada dasarnya mereka berusaha untuk mengurangi konsekuensi yang tidak pasti dari suatu keadaan yang merugikan, yang sudah diprediksikan sebelumnya sehingga biaya dari kerugian tersebut menjadi pasti atau relatif lebih pasti.
Jaminan Kredit.
Polis asuransi dapat dijadikan sebagai jaminan pinjaman kredit, biasanya hanya untuk asuransi jiwa dan sangat selektif untuk jenis kredit dan bank tertentu.

Demikian uraian singkat tentang pengertian asuransi dan manfaat dalam mengikuti program asuransi, semoga dapat menjadi bahan pertiambangan bagi anda dalam memutuskan untuk memilih jenis asuransi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda dan keluarga.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The importance of a continuity of insurance in your life and the family, the need for you to know a variety of things or the term of the insurance. In my post this time we will explain about the sense of insurance, Insurance Benefits and Functions that you can set as a reference in determining the products offered by insurance companies.Insurance is basically the way that most efficiently and effectively to replace the income of someone who lost his income. For example when you follow life insurance, then the Insurance would replace the lost revenue at the time of death or a person unable to work due to a permanent disability.understanding insurance and insurance benefitsunderstanding and insurance benefitsWhile the use of health insurance is required as a backup for the preparation of substitute cost of treatment or hospitalization in hospitals. Another example that is insurance, as well as property insurance business, namely pay loss caused by fire, theft and accidents or tampering by others.The explanation above is about various kinds of insurance, but if you already understand what is insurance? According to some sources, the insurance itself has a wide range of terms, an example of the first is explanation of insurance from wikipedia, the nenjelaskan: Insurance is a term used to refer to the action, system, or business in which financial protection (or indemnification financially) to people, property, health and so forth get a replacement from the events that are not predictable which can occur such as death, loss, damage or pain, in which involves the payment of a premium on a regular basis within a certain period in Exchange for a guarantee of the protection policy.Meanwhile, according to another source, explained that: Insurance is a form of risk control is carried out by means of redirecting/transfer of risk from one party to the other party in this case is insurance companies.According to article 246 KUHD It is said that "insurance or coverage is an agreement by which an insurer committing yourself to an insured, by receiving a premium, for the replacement of him due to a damage or loss of profits expected that might be suffered due to an event that is not necessarily". The notion that other insurance is a risk pelimpahan of the first party to the other party. In pelimpahan controlled by the rules of law and the introduction of principles and teachings that are universally embraced by the first party or another party. In terms of Economics, insurance means a collection of funds that can be used to close or give compensation to people who suffered losses.The definition of Insurance according to the book of law commercial law (KUHD), about insurance coverage or seumurnya, Chapter 9, article 246: "Insurance or Coverage is an agreement by which an insurer committing yourself to an insured, by receiving a premium, to provide the replacement of him for a loss, damage or lost profits expected, that may be sustained due to an event that is not certain." Insurance in law No. 2 Th 1992 regarding business perasuransian is an agreement between two or more parties, with which the insurer committing yourself to the insured, by accepting the insurance premiums, to provide reimbursement to the insured because of the loss, damage or lost profits expected legal liability or third party that may be suffered by the insured, arising from an event which is uncertain , or providing a payment based upon his life someone who died or dipertanggungkan. The Agency distributes risk called "the insured", and the Agency accepts the risk of so-called "insurer". The agreement between the two bodies is called policy: this is a legal contract that outlines each of the terms and conditions are reserved. Costs paid by the "insured" to "insurer" for the risk borne by the so-called "premium". This is usually determined by the "insurer" for funds that can be claimed in the future, the administrative expenses, and profit. An example: a couple buying a home costing $ million. Knowing that lost their homes will lead them to financial ruin, they take insurance protection in the form of home ownership policy. The policy will pay for replacement or repair their houses in case of disasters. Insurance companies about their premiums amounting to Rp1 million per year. The risk of losing the House have been channeled from the homeowner to the insurance companyWhat Benefits Were Obtained In The Following Insurance?This is the benefits that you can receive in the insurance program, in which the benefits provided in the insurance programs are classified into several sections, namely the main functions, functions and additional functions skunder.The primary function of insurance is as in following the transfer of risk, fundraiser and balanced premium. The function of skunder insurance is to stimulate business growth, prevent loss, loss control, have social benefits and as savings. While insurance is additional functions as an investment fund and an invisible incomes.Aside from the explanation above, below I'll describe more about the functions and benefits of InsuranceThere are some benefits if we follow the insurance program, among which are the following: Tools or Infrastructure saving. Saving infrastructure means that the amount you are insured has cash value and can be taken back, these include certain types of insurance such as whole life or endowment, there kinds of insurance products which are deliberately combined with investments, that is called unitlink. Assignment of costs and benefits are More Justly. The greater the risk of losses arising then the greater the premium coverage from the insurer. Help Improve Productivity For Insured Businesses The insured who would invest in a specific line of business (High Risk Business) when a portion of the investment risk can be covered by insurance to reduce the risk that may occur at a later date. Provide protection or Security. By having an insurance policy, the insured will be spared from possible incidence risk losses later in the day and feel safe and calm his soul because the insured object has been dijaminan by the insurer. Provide A Level Of Certainty. Is the main benefit of insurance because they are basically trying to reduce an uncertain consequences of an adverse circumstance, which has been predicted beforehand so the cost of these losses to be definitely or relatively more for sure. The Guarantee Credit. Insurance policies can be used to guarantee loans, usually only to life insurance and very selective to certain types of credit and bank.Demikian uraian singkat tentang pengertian asuransi dan manfaat dalam mengikuti program asuransi, semoga dapat menjadi bahan pertiambangan bagi anda dalam memutuskan untuk memilih jenis asuransi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda dan keluarga.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
The importance of insurance in your life and ensure the survival of the family, the need for you to know the various terms or terms of insurance. In my post this time we will explain about Understanding Insurance, Functions and Benefits of Insurance that you can make a reference in determining the products offered by insurance companies. Basically Insurance is the most efficient and effective way to replace the income of a person who loses income. For example if you are following Life Insurance, the insurance will replace the lost revenue at the time of death or the person is unable to work due to permanent disability, understanding insurance and insurance benefits of understanding and insurance benefits, while the use of health insurance is required as a backup for the preparation reimburse treatment or hospitalization hospital. Another example is insurance losses, as well denan property insurance, which pays loss caused by, fire, theft and accidents or destruction by others. The above description is about the various types of insurance, but if you already understand what insurance? according to some sources, the insurance itself has a wide variety of terms, the first example is an explanation of insurance from wikipedia, which discloses: Insurance is a term used to refer to the act, system, or business where financial protection (or compensation financially) to life, property, health and so forth get reimbursement of events that can not be alleged that can occur such as death, loss, damage or pain, which involves the payment of premiums on a regular basis within a specified period in exchange for a policy which ensures such protection. Meanwhile, according to other sources, explained that: Insurance is one form of risk control is done by way of transfer / transfer of risk from one party to another party in this case is an insurance company. According to the Commercial code article 246 is mentioned that "insurance or coverage is an agreement by which a binding to an insured, to receive a premium, for reimbursement to him for damage to or loss of expected profit which may be suffered due to an event that is not necessarily ". Understanding the other insurance is a transfer of risk from the first party to party another. In the delegation ruled by the rule of law and the enactment of the principles and teachings which are universally adopted by the first party or other parties. In terms of economics, insurance means a collection of funds that can be used to cover or give compensation to those who suffered losses. The definition of insurance under the Code of Commercial Law (Commercial code), concerning insurance or age, Chapter 9, Article 246: " Insurance or Assured is an agreement by which a binding to an insured, to receive a premium, to provide reimbursement to him for any loss, damage or loss of expected profit, which may be suffered due to an event that is not certain. "Insurance in Law No. 2 Th 1992 on insurance business is an agreement between two or more parties, with which the parties committed themselves to the insured person, by accepting insurance premiums, to reimburse the insured for loss, damage or loss of expected profit or responsibility the law of a third party which may be suffered by the insured, arising from an uncertain events, or providing a payment based on death or life of an insured person. Agency risk that channel called "insured", and the agency receiving the risk of so-called "insurer ". Agreement between the two entities is called the policy: this is a legal contract that explains all terms and conditions are protected. Fees paid by the "insured" to "guarantor" for the risks covered by so-called "premium". This is usually determined by the "guarantor" for the funds that can be claimed in the future, administrative costs, and profits. For example: a couple bought a house worth Rp100 million. Knowing that lost their homes will bring them to financial ruin, they take out insurance in the form of home ownership policy. The policy will pay for the replacement or repair of their homes in the event of a disaster. The insurance company on their premiums Rp1 million per year. The risk of losing their homes have been channeled from homeowners to insurance companies Benefits What Obtained In the Following Insurance? These are the benefits that you can receive in the insurance program, where benefits are provided in the insurance program are classified into several parts, the main function, secondary functions and additional functions. The main function in the following insurance is risk transfer, fundraising and premiums are balanced. Insurance secondary function is to stimulate business growth, prevent loss, damage control, and social benefits as savings. While the additional function of insurance is an investment fund and revenue invisible. Aside from the above, the following I will describe more about the Functions and Benefits of Insurance There are several benefits if we are to follow the insurance program, are as follows: Tool or Infrastructure Savings. Infrastructure saving means, a number of funds which the insured has a cash value and can be retrieved, including types of insurance such as whole life or endowment, there is the type of insurance product that is deliberately combined with investments, that is called unitlink. Allocation of Costs and Benefits More Fair. The substantial risk of loss incurred, the greater the premium the insured of the insurer policyholder. Help Increase Productivity Business Insured Insured will invest in a certain business sectors (High Risk Business) if the majority of investment risk can be covered by insurance to reduce the risks that may occur later on. Provide Protection or Security. By having an insurance policy, the insured person will be protected from the possibility of losses later in the day and feel safe and calm his soul because the object insured has been I guarantee by a guarantor policy. Giving Levels of Certainty. It is the main benefit of insurance because basically they are trying to mitigate the consequences of uncertain from an adverse circumstances, which have been predicted in advance so that the costs of such losses become uncertain or relatively uncertain. Credit Guarantee. The insurance policy can be pledged as collateral for loans, usually only for life insurance and is highly selective for certain types of credit and bank. Similarly, a brief description of the understanding of insurance and benefits in the insurance program, may be material pertiambangan for you in deciding to choose the type of insurance that suits your needs and family.

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