most high school students and junior high school has been implementing a national exam that is conducted online. However, the national exam online pelaksaan this raises the pros and cons among the public. They split into two mutually opposite sides in addressing the policy issued by the Ministry of education is. ..The pro community against these policies assume that what the Government has set this is a proper step to advance education Indonesia. The implementation of the national exam online it can instill values – the value of that element on all State struggled in the world of education, like teachers, and students so that they no longer will blind tehnologi..However, some communities that counter to this policy reasoned that the implementation of the national exam online is not yet appropriate to be implemented in Indonesia. This lack of technology and karenakan experts at some schools, particularly schools – the school that is located in the ...We can conclude that the implementation of the national exam online menimbukan a variety of reactions in the community. Therefore, the Government in this National Education Minister should find a way to bring together opinions among these communities broke out, so no more strife and eventually progress education Indonesia could be achieved.
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