PENDAHULUANA. Latar Belakang Internet merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat  terjemahan - PENDAHULUANA. Latar Belakang Internet merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

PENDAHULUANA. Latar Belakang Intern

A. Latar Belakang
Internet merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat penting dimasa sekarang. Dimana hampir semua keperluan informasi dapat diperoleh dari internet. Banyak para remaja sekarang cenderung lebih ingin setengah dari harinya dipakai untuk membuka internet. Dan yang lebih menarik lagi, banyak dibuka Game Online Center. Dimana orang-orang dapat bermain game layaknya di video game, tapi juga bisa untuk kontak sosial dan saling berbagi. Para remaja banyak yang menggandrungi Game Online Center ini.
Usaha internet ini diperlukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi semua orang, termasuk Game Online Center yang diperlukan sebagai sarana hiburan dan sarana komunikasi. Harga yang ditawarkan untuk jasa ini adalah Rp. 4.000,-/jam. Dengan harga tersebut maka semua lapisan masyarakat dapat menikmati fasilitas tersebut.
Di era globalisasi ini kita dapat menggunakan jasa internet bukan hanya sebagai media komunikasi melainkan sebagai sarana hiburan,pertemanan,pencarian informasi bahkan pekerjaan. Pekerjaan yang di tawarkan juga sangat menarik dan tidak memberikan banyak syarat, kebanyakan orang justru makin sukses karena menggunakan jasa internet.
Internet merupakan suatu akses terbesar di dunia yang dapat menghubungkan manusia di berbagai belahan dunia dan sarana terbesar yang membuat orang barat semakin maju. Maka dari itu internet sangat berperan penting dalam kehidupan manusia.
B. Nama Perusahaan dan Alamat
Alamat : Jl. Poros, RT. 04, Desa Semoi II, Kecamatan Sepaku Kabupaten PPU.

C. Visi dan Misi
- Visi
Membuat usaha yang menyediakan kebutuhan konsumen, berkenaan dengan kebutuhan akan sarana hiburan,komunikasi,service computer,dan informasi yang dapat memberikan berita yang sebenar-benarnya dengan harga yang terjangkau.
- Misi
1. Menyediakan sarana informasi,hiburan,dan berita,
2. Memberikan informasi yang sesuai dengan fakta,
3. Memberikan informasi dalam waktu yang singkat,
4. Memberikan semua informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat,
5. Meyediakan jasa perbaikan komputer,
6. Membantu pemerintah dalam hal memajukan pengetahuan masyarakat terutama dalam bidang teknologi.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
INTRODUCTIONA. Background The Internet is a very important future needs now. Where almost all purposes of information can be obtained from the internet. A lot of teenagers are now more likely to want half of the day is used to open the internet. And Interestingly, many opened Online Gaming Center. Where people can play games like in the video game, but it could also be for social contact and share. Many teenagers who menggandrungi Online Game Center. This internet effort needed to meet the information needs of everyone, including Online Game Center that is necessary as a means of entertainment and a means of communication. The price offered for this service is $. 4000.0-/jam. With the price of all walks of life can enjoy such facilities. In this era of globalization we can use the internet not just as a communication medium but rather as a means of entertainment, friendship, information retrieval even work. The work on offer are also very interesting and doesn't provide a lot of conditions, most people are precisely the more successful because it uses the internet services.The Internet is one of the world's largest access can link humans in various parts of the world and the largest facility that makes Westerners more advanced. Thus internet is very instrumental in human life.B. the company name and addressBusiness name: GENTA-NET and COMPUTER SERVICEAddress: JL. Shaft, RT. 46, village, sub-district II Semoi Sepaku PPU District.C. vision and mission-VisionMaking business which provides the needs of the consumer, with regard to the need for a means of entertainment, communication, computer, and information service that can deliver real news at an affordable price.-Mission1. Provide a means of information, entertainment, and news,2. Provide the information in accordance with the facts,3. Provide the information in a short time,4. to provide all the information needed by the community,5. Provide computer repair services,6. Assist Governments in terms of advancing the knowledge society, especially in the field of technology.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
A. Background
The Internet is a very important requirement in the present. Where almost all of the purposes of information can be obtained from the internet. Many young people are now more likely to want half of the day is used to open the internet. And more interestingly, many opened Game Online Center. Where people can play games like in video games, but also for social contact and sharing. The teenagers are many who love this Online Game Center.
Business Internet is necessary to meet the needs of all the information, including Online Game Center required as a means of entertainment and communication facilities. The price offered for this service is USD. 4000, - / hour. With these prices then all walks of life can enjoy the facility.
In this era of globalization we can use the Internet not only as a medium of communication, but as a means of entertainment, friendship, even a job search information. Jobs on offer is also very attractive and does not provide many conditions, most people even more successful because the use of Internet services.
Internet access is a world that can connect people in various parts of the world and the largest facility that makes Westerners more advanced. Thus the Internet is very important in human life.
B. Company Name and Address
Address: Jl. Shaft, RT. 04, Village Semoi II, District Sepaku PPU district. C. Vision and Mission - Vision Creating a business that provides the needs of consumers, with regard to the need for a means of entertainment, communications, computer services, and information that may provide news truthfully at an affordable price. - Mission 1. Provide a means of information, entertainment, and news, 2. Provide information in accordance with the facts, 3. Provide information in a short time, 4. Provide all the information needed by the community, 5. Providing computer repair services, 6. Assist the government in the advancement of public knowledge, especially in the field of technology.

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