Education is an important element in life. Education has taught us many things, education became the capital base of a person to be successful in reaching his dream.Education has proven to be capable of changing the poor became rich people, stupid people be smart people. Education of a nation that is small change became a great nation. As has been noted by in Japan.After the defeat of the Japanese State was marked by the fall of the atomic bomb on the city of nagasaki and hiroshima. Then, Japan suffered a collapse. What is done by the Japanese Government? the Japanese Government took the initiative to gather the young man who is still alive to send abroad to learn to get an education. The youth prepare to dig into the science and then going back to the homeland to build a nation,a few years later, Japan became big country that mastered the technology world. The community also includes the economic level, the highest in the world. In fact, the population of Japan is very little compared to indonesia.From the description above, we should realize that education is very important. To change the standard of living our own. Education is not just intended for rich people. Education is the right of every person who wants to get science and wanted to change her life for the better. Let's continue to improve our education so that we can be people who have the knowledge and success in this life.I think enough about my English speech about education. Hopefully we should be enlarged with educational value in moral education, cultivate the intellect of our minds and bring us into believers in order to be successful in the world and success in the hereafter.Thank you for your attention. Speech error I apologize that setulus-sincere.
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