Call to President Joko Widodo so that people and businesses remain optimistic in facing the issue of slowing economic growth should also be followed by the government concrete solutions to overcome it. This is important so that the solicitation does not understand as mere hollow statement. I appreciate the President who seeks exposure to arouse popular enthusiasm and businessmen in the face of current conditions, how the problems facing the nation together. However, it is unfortunate after the president extend an invitation to people to be optimistic, there is no exposure to what will be done by the government to accelerate the economic well within a period of three months or six months.
In my opinion, the government should have the main target for people, especially with regard to efforts to improve the standard of living or level of prosperity of its people. balancing growth must offer in accordance with demand. for the required supervision and regulation by the State or government in order to achieve balanced growth. for balance requires a supervision on the production, distribution and consumption komoditas.untuk government should make a plan for physical surveillance as well as measures of fiscal and monetary needs to be done.
Governments should continue to actively perform its obligations in meeting society's basic rights such as food security, the provision of low cost housing, health services and educational services. This policy can be seen from a program providing food distribution, 9-year compulsory education program, public housing construction, and others. The agricultural sector and small enterprises play an important role in economic development and poverty reduction. Development of human resources to improve the quality of human resources that will ultimately improve productivity, especially for the poor population groups. Improving the quality of human resources is done through education and health programs.
insurance policy of full employment of the government is expected to reduce the unemployment rate is increasing, which is a way to prepare vocational schools to accommodate a high school graduate and become a force ready to use, Expanding employment opportunities, foster creativity and skills of the communities to create jobs sendirisosialisasi jobs to workers by inviting some employers or companies that have a job
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