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Kali ini twisata akan membahas keindahan Kawah Ijen, yang menyimpan segudang pesona keindahan alam Indonesia dan akan membuat siapa saja yang melihatnya terpukau. bagi Anda yang belum pernah mengunjungi tempat ini, mungkin ulasan berikut ini bisa menjadikan referensi sebelum Anda mengunjunginya. Ok dari pada lama - lama kita langsung mengulasnya.
Kawah Ijen merupakan sebuah kawah sebuah gunung ter-asam di dunia. Memiliki dinding kaldera setinggi 300-500 meter sedangkan luasnya mencapai 5.466 hektar. Untuk ukuran kawahnya sendiri kurang lebih 20 km. Kawah tersebut memiliki kedalaman sekitar 300 meter di bawah dinding kaldera. Tak pernah terbayangkan jika Indonesia yang sangat kita cintai ternyata memiliki pesona alam yang dapat kita banggakan di mata dunia. Khususnya warga Banyuwangi – Jawa Timur, yang tentunya sangat beruntung tinggal di berdekatan dengan Kawah Ijen.
Nama Ijen mulai dikenal dunia sejak kedatangan dua turis asal Perancis, Nicolas Hulot dan istrinya Katia Kraft, padatahun 1971. Mereka menuliskan kisah pesona Kawah Ijen beserta kerasnya kehidupan para penambaang bongkahan belerang di majalah Geo, Perancis. Dua hal inilah yang Menjadi daya tarik utama bagi para wisatawan dan fotografer dunia.
Dari segi panorama alam, Anda tak perlu khawatir, karena wisata ini memiliki pesona alam yang sangat indah. It’s so beautiful scenery. Di pagi hari, Anda akan disuguhkan pemandangan sunrise yang sangat menakjubkan. Selain itu, sinar matahari pagi yang menyinari kawah akan dipantulkan sehingga membentuk warna kemilau hijau toska dari permukaannya. Namun Anda harus berhati - hati air kawah yang terlihat sangat tenang tersebut ternyata berbahaya looo. Pasalnya, air belerang di Kawah Ijen memiliki volume air sekitar 200 juta meter kubik dan panasnya mencapai 200 derajad, sehingga ketika kita nekat untuk masuk kesana, pakaian kita akan meleleh, bukan hanya itu, bahkan kita sendiri juga akan meleleh. Jadi jangan coba - coba untuk bermain – main mendekati Kawah Ijen yaaaa.
Di sisi tenggara Kawah Ijen terdapat lapangan solfatara yang selalu melepaskan gas vulkanik dengan konsentrasi sulfur yang cukup tinggi sehingga tak jarang dapat menimbulkan bau yang sangat menyengat. Sedangkan di bagian barat terdapat bendungan air yang merupakan hulu dari Kali (Sungai) Banyupait. Bendungan ini juga mempunyai daya tarik yang tak kalah bagusnya, namun pengunjung jarang mendatanginya, dikarenakan untuk menuju kesana, jalan yang harus dilewati cukup sulit dan sering terjadi longsor. Bendungan yang ada di dekat Kawah Ijen merupakan bangunan beton yang dibangun sejak masa pemerintahan Belanda. Dahulu bendungan ini berfungsi untuk mengatur level air danau agar tidak terjadi banjir asam. Namun sekarang sudah tidak berfungsi lagi, karena air tidak pernah mencapai pintu bendungan, sehingga mengakibatkan terjadinya rembesan air danau di bawah bendungan.
Pada dini hari objek wisata Kawah Ijen kembali menyuguhkan keindahan yang fantastis. Dari cairan belerang yang mengalir tiada henti di bawah kawah menimbulkan pancaran api berwarna biru ( blue fire ). fenomena ini cuman ada dua di Dunia yang pertama di Islandia dan yang ke dua ada di Indonesia. Wah keren yaaaaaaaa ?. Untuk menikmati penorama alam ini Anda harus mendaki Gunung Ijen yang dimulai sekitar jam 02.00 WIB dari pintu masuk ( Paltuding ), dengan menahan dinginya udara pegunungan yang suhunya mencapai 10 derajad celcius, bahkan bisa mencapai 2 derajad celcius. Tetapi itu ini tidak akan terasa dengan suguhan pemandangan yang akan Anda lalui selama perjalanan mendaki.
Kawah Ijen merupakan kawah gunung yang digunakan untuk tempat penambangan belerang yang ada di wilayan kabupaten Banyuwangi - Jawa Timur, yang juga merupakan tempat penambangan belerang terbesar di Indonesia dan pengolahanya masih menggunakan cara tradisional. Kawah Ijen mempunyai sublimat belerang yang tidak akan pernah habis, karena dapat keluar secara terus menerus dengan sendirinya. Sublimat belerang ini bermanfaat untuk berbagai keperluan industri kimia selain itu juga bisa digunakan untuk bahan penjernih gula.
Banyak dari wisatawan yang telah mengunjungi tempat ini berpendapat bahwasanya, dengan mengunjungi kawah Ijen kita akan lebih menghargai kehidupan. Bagaiman tidak, pengunjungi yang kesini akan banyak melihat para penambang yang berlalu – lalang menjajaki sekitar kawah dengan membawa beban belerang yang sangat berat. Penambang tersebut masih menggunakan cara tradisional. Lelehan belerang disalurkan melalui pipa yang berasal dari sumber gas vulkanik yang mengandung sulfur. Gas inilah yang dialirkan melalui pipa lalu keluar dalam bentuk lelehan belerang berwarna kemerah – merahan . Belerang tersebut akan membeku berwarna kuning. Bekuan inilah yang akan diambil oleh pekerja tambang.
Biasanya para penambang belerang melakukan pekerjaanya dengan berjalan kaki, menuruni kaldera sejauh 3 km untuk mengambil belerang. Itu bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah untuk dilakukan, karena mereka masih harus menggali terlebih dahu
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
This time the twisata will discuss the beauty of the Ijen crater, which houses a myriad of Indonesia's natural beauty and charm will make anyone who saw it were amazed. for those of you who have never visited this place, perhaps the following reviews can make reference before you visit it. OK off on long-duration direct mengulasnya.Ijen crater is a crater a mountain ter-acid in the world. The caldera walls as high as 300-500 metres away while the breadth of reach 5,466 hectares. For the size of the crater itself approximately 20 km. the Crater has a depth of about 300 metres below the walls of the caldera. Not been unimaginable if Indonesia very we love turned out to have a natural charm that we can proud of in the eyes of the world. In particular the citizens of Banyuwangi, East Java, – which is certainly very fortunate living in adjacent to Ijen crater.Ijen name began to be known since the arrival of two French tourists, Nicolas Hulot and his wife Katia padatahun Kraft, 1971. They write the story charms Ijen crater along with the rigors of life penambaang the mass of sulphur in the magazine Geo, France. Two things this is the main attraction for tourists and photographers of the world.In terms of natural view, you do not need to worry, because tourism has a very beautiful natural charm. It's so beautiful scenery. In the morning, you will be presented a very stunning sunrise views. In addition, the morning sunlight that illuminates the crater will be reflected so that it forms a green Sheen toska color of the surface. But you should take care of the water visible crater that very calm turns dangerous looo. Because water, sulfur in the Ijen crater has a water volume of about 200 million cubic meters and the heat reach the 200 degree movies, so when we're desperate to get there, our outfits will melt, not only that, even we ourselves will also melt. So don't try to play – main approached the Ijen crater yaaaa.In the South there is the Ijen crater fumarole field that always let go of the volcanic gases with sulfur concentrations are high enough so that often can lead to a very pungent odor. While in the western part there is a water dam is upstream from the Times Banyupait (River). The dam also has the attraction that is just as good, but the visitors rarely approached him, because to get to there, the path that must be skipped quite hard and frequent landslides. The existing dam near Ijen crater is a concrete building dating from the reign of the Netherlands. In the past the dam serves to regulate the water level of the Lake so as not to flood the acid. But now it doesn't work anymore, because the water never reached the door of the dam, resulting in the occurrence of Lake water seepage under the dam.On the early morning sights Ijen crater back offering a fantastic beauty. Sulfur liquid that flows from the incessant under the crater glow of fire raises is blue (blue fire). This phenomenon only two in the world that Iceland's first and second there in Indonesia. Wah keren yaaaaaaaa?. To enjoy the spectacular views of this nature you should climb Mount Ijen that starts around the clock 02.00 pm from the entrance (Paltuding), by holding down the dinginya mountain air temperature reaches 10 Celsius degree movies, even can reach 2 centigrade degree movies. But it will not be felt with a wonderful sight that you will go through during the hike.Ijen crater is a crater that is used for sulfur mining territory which is in Banyuwangi Regency, East Java-, which is also the largest sulfur mining in Indonesia and pengolahanya still use the traditional way. Ijen crater have sublimat sulfur that will never run out, because it can come out continuously by itself. Sublimat sulfur is beneficial for the needs of the chemical industry in addition can also be used for purification of sugar.Many of the tourists who visit this place has argued that, by visiting the Ijen crater we would better appreciate life. How does the pengunjungi, here will see a lot of miners that passes – passing by exploring around the crater by carrying a very heavy load of sulfur. The miners are still using the traditional way. Molten sulfur is channelled through a pipe that comes from volcanic gas source containing sulfur. It is this gas that flowed through the pipeline and then come out in the form of molten sulphur kemerah – merahan. The sulfur would freeze is yellow. It was this clot to be taken by the miners.Normally the sulphur miners doing improvements on foot, down the caldera as far as 3 km to take sulfur. It is not an easy thing to do, because they still have to dig first dahu
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
This time twisata will discuss the beauty of the crater, which stores the myriad charms of natural beauty of Indonesia and will make anyone who sees it captivated. for those who have never visited this place, maybe the following reviews may make reference before you visit. Ok from the old - old we immediately review it.
Ijen Crater is a crater of a mountain ter-acid in the world. Caldera wall has a height of 300-500 meters, while the extent of reaching 5,466 hectares. For the size of the crater itself approximately 20 km. The crater has a depth of approximately 300 meters below the caldera wall. Indonesia unthinkable if our beloved turns out to have a natural charm that we can be proud in the eyes of the world. Especially citizens of Banyuwangi - East Java, which is certainly very lucky to live in adjacent to the crater.
Ijen name began to be known the world since the arrival of two tourists from France, Nicolas Hulot and his wife Katia Kraft, padatahun 1971. They wrote the story of the charm of the crater along with the hard life of the penambaang chunks of sulfur in the magazine Geo, France. Two things that Being is a major attraction for tourists and photographers the world.
In terms of natural scenery, you do not need to worry, because this tour has a very beautiful natural charm. It's so beautiful scenery. In the morning, you will be presented with a view sunrise is amazing. In addition, the morning sun shining on the crater will be reflected thereby forming the sheen turquoise color of the surface. But you have to be careful - careful water crater that looks very calm the dangerous turns looo. Because the sulfur water in the crater has a water volume of about 200 million cubic meters and heat to 200 degrees, so that when we are desperate to go there, our clothes will melt and not only that, we ourselves will also melt. So do not try - try to play - play approaching the crater yaaaa.
On the southeast side of the crater there are always solfatara field release of volcanic gases with sulfur concentrations high enough so that not infrequently can cause a dreadful stench. Over in the west there is a hydroelectric dam that is upstream of Kali (River) Banyupait. The dam also has a charm that is not less good, but the visitors rarely come to him, because to get there, the road that must be passed quite difficult and frequent landslides. Existing dam near Ijen is a concrete building that was built since the reign of the Netherlands. In the past this dam serves to regulate the water level of the lake to prevent flooding acid. But now it does not work anymore, because the water never reached the floodgates, resulting in water seepage under the dam lake.
In the early hours attraction re-presenting the beauty crater was fantastic. Liquid sulfur from flowing endlessly at the bottom of a crater causing emission of blue flame (blue fire). This phenomenon cuman there are two in the first World in Iceland and the second in Indonesia. Wow cool yaaaaaaaa?. To enjoy this natural penorama you have to climb Mount Ijen which began around 02.00 pm from the entrance (Paltuding), by holding dinginya mountain air temperature reaches 10 degrees Celsius, could reach 2 degrees Celsius. But it is not going to taste the treats scenery you will pass during the drive up.
Ijen is a crater that is used for mining sulfur in wilayan Banyuwangi - East Java, which is also the largest sulfur mine in Indonesia and pengolahanya still using traditional means. Kawah Ijen has sublimat sulfur that will never run out, because it can get out continuously by itself. Sublimat sulfur is useful for various purposes of the chemical industry but it also can be used for sugar purification material.
Many of the travelers who have visited this place believes that, by visiting the crater of Ijen we will better appreciate life. How not, here pengunjungi which will see many of the miners who went by - passing exploring around the crater with a very heavy load of sulfur. The miners are still using traditional means. The molten sulfur to be piped from sources of volcanic gases that contain sulfur. Gas is piped in and out in the form of molten sulfur reddish color - pink. The sulfur will freeze yellow. The clot is to be taken by the miners.
Usually the sulfur miners do its job by foot, down the caldera 3 km to take sulfur. It is not an easy thing to do, because they still have to dig up dahu
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