ABSTRACTKhusna, Anis Lifafatul. 2015. "the influence of emotional intelligence (EQ) and Spiritual intelligence (SQ) against the results of learning math Grade VIII MTs Pucanglaban Country". Thesis. Tadris Department Of Mathematics. Faculty Of Tarbiyah. Institute Of Islamic Countries. Supervisor. Umm Sholihah, M.Si. Keywords: results of learning, emotional intelligence (EQ) and Spiritual intelligence (SQ).Education is the main tool in shaping and creating qualified human resources, either through formal education and informal education. One of the indicators of the achievement of learning objectives can be identified by looking at the results of learning achieved by students. A good learning results is influenced by two factors, namely the internal factors and external factors. Mathematics is the science of the count or the science of numbers and including an exact science, so the importance of the sciences that study the solemnity required in order to obtain a high understanding of and achieve good learning results. Balance between EQ and IQ is the key to the success of student learning in schools. Goleman revealed a factor other than cognition which can affect a person in work, this factor is known as emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. The purpose of this research is to find out whether the spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence affect the results of the learning of mathematics.The subject of this research is grade VIII MTs Country Pucanglaban school year 2014/2015. The sample in this study amounted to 33 students. Data collection instrument in this study is the now the now emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, the test results of the study, and documentation. Regression analysis used is multiple regression analysis for this study uses two independent variables namely emotional intelligence (EQ) (X 1) and Spiritual intelligence (SQ) (X 2), and the dependent variable is one that is the result of learning (Y).Results of the research there is a positive influence on emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence against the results of the learning of mathematics in students of class VIII MTs Country Pucanglaban school year 2014/2015 as seen from the SPSS calculations. The result of the calculation of the SPSS indicates if F count (3,804) > Ftabel (3,316). As can be seen from the SPSS program which shows the calculation thitung (2,684-) > ttabel (-2,042) for emotional intelligence, and thitung (0,983) < ttabel (2,042) for spiritual intelligence.
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