The use of LPG in the community is one requirement that is considered the most economical than the use of lamp oil or kerosene, in addition to the price of LPG cheaper than kerosene and LPG are easy to obtain. Dumai City is one of the cities that participated in implementing the conversion program from kerosene to LPG since 2009. Agent 3 Kg LPG is a special channel that distribute LPG 3 Kg. Each distributor must have official permission to sell gas. The court found 3 kg LPG many sellers who do not have permission to sell LPG gas. LPG gas is sold at a price that exceeds the highest price set by the government. This is due to the seller as a third party to buy the gas and sub dealer who should be the last party that deal directly with consumers. So that the selling price is not in accordance with the retail price set by the government. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the implementation of Decree No. 25 Dumai Mayor 2014 About Appointment Agent and Base Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 3 Kg in Kota Dumai (Case Study Village Bukit Kayu Kapur) and to determine the factors that affect the implementation such policies. The concept of the theory that I use is the model of policy implementation Edward III. This study uses qualitative research methods to study descriptive data. In collecting the data, the authors use the technique of interview, observation and documentation. By using informants as information and data triangulation technique as a source in the validity of the data. The results showed that the implementation of Decree No. 25 Dumai Mayor 2014 About Appointment Agent and Base Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 3 Kg in Kota Dumai has not done optimally because there are many stalls in the village of Bukit Kapur who does not have permission base and selling LPG at a high price and variety. Lack of human resources assigned in the field conducting surveillance, socialization to people who have not been running, coordination and communication paths that are less good, can hinder the implementation of the decision of the Mayor Dumai Number 25 Year 2014 About the Appointment of Agent and Base Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 3 Kg ,
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