ABSTRACTYuspita, Eli. 2015. "analysis of the structure, function, and meaning of the Mantra Selusuh Malay Sub Kendawangan Regency Ketapang". Thesis. Department of language education and art education courses, language and literature, Indonesia, Faculty of teacher training and educational sciences of the University of Tanjungpura, Pontianak. Supervisor: Dr. a. Full-blooded Priyadi, m. Pd and Supervisor II: Henny Sanulita, m. Pd.The research was distributed by interest on the mantra Selusuh Malay Kendawangan which serves to help launch a labor. A common problem in this research is the structure (rhythm and rhyme), the function and meaning of the mantra Selusuh Malay Kendawangan. The purpose of this study was to describe the problem that while the benefits discussed in this study i.e. can contribute to the development of the old poetry research or oral literature in particular mantra, can be used as learning materials in schools, the literature can serve as a reference for further research, as well as one of conservation cultural society Malay Kendawangan.This research uses qualitative, descriptive methods shaped structural approach, and semiotik. The source of the data in this study are the native spell Selusuh Malay Sub Kendawangan Regency Ketapang. The technique of data collection will be done in this research is the technique of recording, direct observation and interview techniques. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data terhadap mantra Selusuh masyarakat Melayu Kecamatan Kendawangan Kabupaten Ketapang dapat disimpulkan bahwa rima yang terdapat dalam mantra Selusuh yaitu rima berdasarkan persamaan bunyi yang terdapat dalam mantra Selusuh yaitu rrima penuh, rima mutlak, rima paruh, dan rima aliterasi. Rima menurut letak kata dalam baris kalimat terdiri atas rima awal, rima tengah, rima akhir, rima tegak, rima terus, rima silang rima putus dan rima bebas. Secara keseluruhan pembacaan mantra Selusuh masyarakat Melayu Kendawangan berintonasi datar. Fungsi mantra Selusuh meliputi fungsi mantra dari segi budaya, keyakinan, pendidikan, sosial sastra itu sendiri dan komunikasi. Menentukan makna mantra Selusuh menggunakan pembacaan heuristik dan hermeneutik (hipogram aktual dan hipogram potensial). Kata kunci: Struktur, Fungsi, Makna, dan Mantra Selusuh
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