Vacationing is one activity that I like. Two years ago, there was a time on vacation that I will never forget. I went to a very high mountain climbing together with my friends. We set off in the morning by car jeep. Why we chose a jeep? Because of the way that we are going through very hard so when we decided to use a regular car or motorcycle, we will not be able to achieve to the slopes of the mountain on time.After being on top of the car for 15 minutes, we reached the slopes of the mountain. I along with 4 friends right down from the car and prepare the various items we carry. Most of us bring food, blankets, and two of us bring a tent.I am so excited about starting this journey because this is my first time to climb the mountain. There is a friend of mine named Riandi, she is a person who is already experienced in mountain climbing. Riandi've often climb the mountain that exists in many provinces in Indonesia. Today, we are dependent on him.We started climbing at 08.00 in the morning. Along with friends, I scoured forests and coffee plantations during mountain climbing. An hour later, Riandi instructs us to stop. We then take a break in a hut belonging to a resident who is on a coffee plantation. The atmosphere in the place of climbing is very cool, we also encountered a strange animal, namely a lizard that brightly colored and very large. However, Riandi told us to be mediocre, as does not happen anything.Two of my friends seem to experience fatigue, they were the Danio and Chandra. It looks like they are indeed older city that never work out. With forced, we rest more laam to consume a provision so Danio and Chandra gain enough power to go on.After we rested, then proceed. Me and my friends are so worried when raining. The climb was forced to suspended and we decided to set up tents as soon as possible. The rain lasted long enough and the four of us were inside a tent. I felt very uncomfortable because my shirt wet exposed to rain. Finally, Chandra meminjamkanku a t-shirt so that my body felt comfortable again.Setelah satu jam berada di dalam tenda, hujan reda dan kami melanjutkan pendakian. Riandi mengatakan kepada kami bahwa kami semua harus berhati-hati. Jalan begitu licin dan kami sebaiknya sangat teliti dalam berjalan. Riandi menyuruhku untuk menjadi pengawas dengan berjalan di urutan terakhir, sementara ia menjadi pengawas di bagian depan. Ini adalah bagian yang paling sulit karena kami hanya menemukan sebuah jalur yang sangat sempit, licin, dan di sebelah kami adalah jurang. Ketika kami terjatuh, maka kami mungkin tidak dapat selamat.Hal yang kami takutkan benar-benar terjadi. Danio tidak berjalan dengan hati-hati dan ia terjatuh. Danio terperosok ke dalam jurang. Saya, Riandi, dan Chandra terus berteriak untuk memanggil Danio. Danio akhirnya menjawab panggilan kami dan ternyata dia tidak terjatuh terlalu dalam karena ia berpegangan pada akar pohon. Secara perlahan, Danio terus berpindah antara satu akar pohon ke akar pohon yang lain dan berhasil kembali ke jalur pendakian. Kami sangat bahagia karena Danio selamat. Kemudian, Riandi segera mengajak kami untuk mendaki karena hari sudah hampir malam.Pada pukul 6:00 sore, kami tiba di puncak pertama dan kami memutuskan untuk mendirikan tenda di tempat tersebut sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan esok pagi. Di malam hari, kami bercanda, menyalakan api unggun, dan mengobrol. Ini adalah sebuah pengalaman liburan yang sangat menakjubkan. Saya tidak akan pernah melupakan banyak kejadian yang ada di dalamnya.
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