2.1. Sejarah Demokrasi di IndonesiaSejak Indonesia merdeka dan berdaul terjemahan - 2.1. Sejarah Demokrasi di IndonesiaSejak Indonesia merdeka dan berdaul Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

2.1. Sejarah Demokrasi di Indonesia

2.1. Sejarah Demokrasi di Indonesia

Sejak Indonesia merdeka dan berdaulat sebagai sebuah negara pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, para Pendiri Negara Indonesia (the Founding Fathers) melalui UUD 1945 (yang disahkan pada tanggal 18 Agustus 1945) telah menetapkan bahwa Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia menganut paham atau ajaran demokrasi, dimana kedaulatan (kekuasaan tertinggi) berada ditangan Rakyat dan dilaksanakan sepenuhnya oleh Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR). Dengan demikian berarti juga NKRI tergolong sebagai negara yang menganut paham Demokrasi Perwakilan (Representative Democracy).

Penetapan paham demokrasi sebagai tataan pengaturan hubungan antara rakyat disatu pihak dengan negara dilain pihak oleh Para Pendiri Negara Indonesia yang duduk di BPUPKI tersebut, kiranya tidak bisa dilepaskan dari kenyataan bahwa sebagian terbesarnya pernah mengecap pendidikan Barat, baik mengikutinya secara langsung di negara-negara Eropa Barat (khususnya Belanda), maupun mengikutinya melalui pendidikan lanjutan atas dan pendidikan tinggi yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintahan kolonial Belanda di Indonesia sejak beberapa dasawarsa sebelumnya, sehingga telah cukup akrab dengan ajaran demokrasi yang berkembang di negara-negara Eropa Barat dan Amerika Serikat. Tambahan lagi suasana pada saat itu (Agustus 1945) negara-negara penganut ajaran demokrasi telah keluar sebagai pemenang Perang Dunia-II.

Didalam praktek kehidupan kenegaraan sejak masa awal kemerdekaan hingga saat ini, ternyata paham demokrasi perwakilan yang dijalankan di Indonesia terdiri dari beberapa model demokrasi perwakilan yang saling berbeda satu dengan lainnya.

Sejalan dengan diberlakukannya UUD Sementara 1950 (UUDS 1950) Indonesia mempraktekkan model Demokrasi Parlemeter Murni (atau dinamakan juga Demokrasi Liberal), yang diwarnai dengan cerita sedih yang panjang tentang instabilitas pemerintahan (eksekutif = Kabinet) dan nyaris berujung pada konflik ideologi di Konstituante pada bulan Juni-Juli 1959.

Guna mengatasi konflik yang berpotensi mencerai-beraikan NKRI tersebut, maka pada tanggal 5 Juli 1959, Presiden Ir.Soekarno mengeluarkan Dekrit Presiden yang memberlakukan kembali UUD 1945, dan sejak itu pula diterapkan model Demokrasi Terpimpin yang diklaim sesuai dengan ideologi Negara Pancasila dan paham Integralistik yang mengajarkan tentang kesatuan antara rakyat dan negara.

Namun belum berlangsung lama, yaitu hanya sekitar 6 s/d 8 tahun dilaksanakan-nya Demokrasi Terpimpin, kehidupan kenegaraan kembali terancam akibat konflik politik dan ideologi yang berujung pada peristiwa G.30.S/PKI pada tanggal 30 September 1965, dan turunnya Ir. Soekarno dari jabatan Presiden RI pada tanggal 11 Maret 1968.

Presiden Soeharto yang menggantikan Ir. Soekarno sebagai Presiden ke-2 RI dan menerapkan model Demokrasi yang berbeda lagi, yaitu dinamakan Demokrasi Pancasila (Orba), untuk menegaskan klaim bahwasanya model demokrasi inilah yang sesungguhnya sesuai dengan ideologi negara Pancasila.

Demokrasi Pancasila (Orba) berhasil bertahan relatif cukup lama dibandingkan dengan model-model demokrasi lainnya yang pernah diterapkan sebelumnya, yaitu sekitar 30 tahun, tetapi akhirnyapun ditutup dengan cerita sedih dengan lengsernya Jenderal Soeharto dari jabatan Presiden pada tanggal 23 Mei 1998, dan meninggalkan kehidupan kenegaraan yang tidak stabil dan krisis disegala aspeknya.

Sejak runtuhnya Orde Baru yang bersamaan waktunya dengan lengsernya Presiden Soeharto, maka NKRI memasuki suasana kehidupan kenegaraan yang baru, sebagai hasil dari kebijakan reformasi yang dijalankan terhadap hampir semua aspek kehidupan masyarakat dan negara yang berlaku sebelumnya. Kebijakan reformasi ini berpuncak dengan di amandemennya UUD 1945 (bagian Batangtubuhnya) karena dianggap sebagai sumber utama kegagalan tataan kehidupan kenegaraan di era Orde Baru.

Amandemen UUD 1945, terutama yang berkaitan dengan kelembagaan negara, khususnya laginya perubahan terhadap aspek pembagian kekuasaan dan aspek sifat hubungan antar lembaga-lembaga negaranya, dengan sendirinya mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan terhadap model demokrasi yang dilaksanakan dibandingkan dengan model Demokrasi Pancasila di era Orde Baru.

2.2. Perkembangan Demokrasi di Indonesia

Perkembangan demokrasi di Indonesia dapat dilihat dari Pelaksanaan Demokrasi yang pernah ada di Indonesia. Pelaksanaan demokrasi di indonesia dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa periodesasi antara lain :

1. Pelaksanaan demokrasi pada masa revolusi ( 1945 – 1950 ).

Tahun 1945 – 1950, Indonesia masih berjuang menghadapi Belanda yang ingin kembali ke Indonesia. Pada saat itu pelaksanaan demokrasi belum berjalan dengan baik. Hal itu disebabkan oleh masih adanya revolusi fisik. Pada awal kemerdekaan masih terdapat sentralisasi kekuasaan hal itu terlihat Pasal 4 Aturan Peralihan UUD 1945 yang berbnyi sebelum MPR, DPR dan DPA dibentuk menurut UUD ini segala kekuasaan dijalankan oleh Presiden denan dibantu oleh KNIP. Untuk menghindari kesan bahwa negara Indonesia adalah negara yang absolut pemerintah mengeluarkan :

Maklumat Wakil Presiden No. X tanggal 16 Oktober 1945, KNIP berubah menjadi lembaga legislatif.
Maklumat Pemerintah tanggal 3 Nopember 1945 tentang Pembentukan Partai Politik.
Maklumat Pemerintah tanggal 14 Nopember 1945 tentang perubahan sistem pemerintahn presidensil menjadi parlementer

2. Pelaksanaan demokrasi pada masa Orde Lama

a. Masa Demokrasi Liberal (1950 – 1959)

Masa demokrasi liberal yang parlementer presiden sebagai lambang atau berkedudukan sebagai Kepala Negara bukan sebagai kepala eksekutif. Masa demokrasi ini peranan parlemen, akuntabilitas politik sangat tinggi dan berkembangnya partai-partai politik.

Namun demikian praktek demokrasi pada masa ini dinilai gagal disebabkan :

Dominannya partai politik
Landasan sosial ekonomi yang masih lemah
Tidak mampunya konstituante bersidang untuk mengganti UUDS 1950

Atas dasar kegagalan itu maka Presiden mengeluarkan Dekrit Presiden 5 Juli 1959 :

Bubarkan konstituante
Kembali ke UUD 1945 tidak berlaku UUD S 1950
Pembentukan MPRS dan DPAS

b. Masa Demokrasi Terpimpin (1959 – 1966)

Pengertian demokrasi terpimpin menurut Tap MPRS No. VII/MPRS/1965 adalah kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan perwakilan yang berintikan musyawarah untuk mufakat secara gotong royong diantara semua kekuatan nasional yang progresif revolusioner dengan berporoskan nasakom dengan ciri:

Dominasi Presiden
Terbatasnya peran partai politik
Berkembangnya pengaruh PKI

Penyimpangan masa demokrasi terpimpin antara lain:

Mengaburnya sistem kepartaian, pemimpin partai banyak yang dipenjarakan
Peranan Parlemen lembah bahkan akhirnya dibubarkan oleh presiden dan presiden membentuk DPRGR
Jaminan HAM lemah
Terjadi sentralisasi kekuasaan
Terbatasnya peranan pers
Kebijakan politik luar negeri sudah memihak ke RRC (Blok Timur)

Akhirnya terjadi peristiwa pemberontakan G 30 September 1965 oleh PKI yang menjadi tanda akhir dari pemerintahan Orde Lama.

3. Pelaksanaan demokrasi Orde Baru (1966 – 1998)

Dinamakan juga demokrasi pancasila. Pelaksanaan demokrasi orde baru ditandai dengan keluarnya Surat Perintah 11 Maret 1966, Orde Baru bertekad akan melaksanakan Pancasila dan UUD 1945 secara murni dan konsekwen. Awal Orde baru memberi harapan baru pada rakyat pembangunan disegala bidang melalui Pelita I, II, III, IV, V dan pada masa orde baru berhasil menyelenggarakan Pemilihan Umum tahun 1971, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, dan 1997.

Namun demikian perjalanan demokrasi pada masa orde baru ini dianggap gagal sebab:

Rotasi kekuasaan eksekutif hampir dikatakan tidak ada
Rekrutmen politik yang tertutup
Pemilu yang jauh dari semangat demokratis
Pengakuan HAM yang terbatas
Tumbuhnya KKN yang merajalela

Sebab jatuhnya Orde Baru:

Hancurnya ekonomi nasional ( krisis ekonomi )
Terjadinya krisis politik
TNI juga tidak bersedia menjadi alat kekuasaan orba
Gelombang demonstrasi yang menghebat menuntut Presiden Soeharto untuk turun jadi Presiden.

4. Pelaksanaan Demokrasi Reformasi {1998 – Sekarang).

Berakhirnya masa orde baru ditandai dengan penyerahan kekuasaan dari Presiden Soeharto ke Wakil Presiden BJ Habibie pada tanggal 21 Mei 1998.

Masa reformasi berusaha membangun kembali kehidupan yang demokratis antara lain:

Keluarnya Ketetapan MPR RI No. X/MPR/1998 tentang pokok-pokok reformasi
Ketetapan No. VII/MPR/1998 tentang pencabutan tap MPR tentang Referandum
Tap MPR RI No. XI/MPR/1998 tentang penyelenggaraan Negara yang bebas dari KKN
Tap MPR RI No. XIII/MPR/1998 tentang pembatasan Masa Jabatan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden RI
Amandemen UUD 1945 sudah sampai amandemen I, II, III, IV

Pada Masa Reformasi berhasil menyelenggarakan pemiluhan umum sudah dua kali yaitu tahun 1999 dan tahun 2004.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
2.1. history of democracy in IndonesiaSince Indonesia's independence and sovereign as a nation on 17 August 1945, the founders of the State of Indonesia (the Founding Fathers) through the Constitution (enacted on 18 August 1945) has determined that the unitary State of Republic Indonesia subscribes to the tenets of democracy, or understand where the sovereignty of the (Supreme power) was in the hands of the people and was carried out entirely by the people's Consultative Assembly (MPR). Thus meaning also SO classified as State doctrine of representative democracy (Representative Democracy).Determination of understand democracy as a relationship between people's settings settings on one side with the other hand by the founders of the State of Indonesia, which sits on the BPUPKI, presumably could not be released from the fact that some of its greatest ever tasted Western education, either follow it directly in the countries of Western Europe (particularly the Netherlands), as well as follow through on further education and higher education organized by the Netherlands colonial rule in Indonesia since the previous decadesso that was quite familiar with the teachings of a thriving democracy in the countries of Western Europe and the United States. Furthermore the atmosphere at that moment (August 1945) countries the teaching of democracy has come out as victors of World War II.In State practice since the early days of independence up to now, it turns out after a run of representative democracy in Indonesia consists of several models of representative democracy are different from one another.In line with the establishment of the temporary CONSTITUTION of 1950 (UUDS 1950) Indonesia practise Democracy Purely Parlemeter model (or also called Liberal democracy), characterized by a long sad story about the instability of Government (Executive = Cabinet) and almost resulted in a conflict of ideology in the constituent Assembly in June-July 1959.In order to resolve the conflict SO that potential, then on 5 July 1959, President Sukarno issued a decree the President re-enforces the 1945 CONSTITUTION, and has since Guided Democracy model also be applied that are claimed in accordance with the State ideology Pancasila and understand Integralistik who teaches about unity between the people and the country.But not last long, that is only about 6 s/d 8 years carried out Guided Democracy, his life threatened due to back the Union conflict of politics and ideology that led to the events of G. 30. S/PKI on September 30, 1965, and the fall of Sukarno from Office of the President of the REPUBLIC on 11 March 1968.President Suharto, who replaced Sukarno as President the 2nd RI and applying a model of democracy which is different again, which is called Pancasila Democracy (Orba), to assert a claim that this is the real democracy models in accordance with the State ideology Pancasila.Pancasila democracy (Orba) managed to survive relatively long enough compared to other democratic models which never applied before, which is about 30 years old, but the sad story is closed with akhirnyapun with lengsernya General Suharto from the Presidency on May 23, 1998, and left the State of life which is unstable and crisis disegala aspects.Since the collapse of the new order are coinciding with lengsernya President Soeharto, then SO, entering a new State, life as a result of the policy of reform that run against nearly all aspects of people's lives and the country previously. This reform policy culminated with the amandemennya Constitution (part Batangtubuhnya) because it is considered as the main source of failure State in life settings of the new order era.An amendment to the Constitution, especially with regard to the institutional State, particularly the laginya changes to the power-sharing aspects and aspects of the nature of the relationship between the institutions of his country, by itself lead to the occurrence of a change of the model of democracy that was implemented compared to the Pancasila Democracy models in the new order era. 2.2. development of democracy in IndonesiaThe development of democracy in Indonesia can be viewed from the implementation of Democracy that had existed in Indonesia. The implementation of democracy in indonesia can be divided into several periodesasi include:1. implementation of democracy during the revolution (1945-1950).1945 – 1950, Indonesia still struggling against the Netherlands wanted to return to Indonesia. At that time the implementation of democracy has not been going well. It is caused by the presence of the physical revolution still. At the beginning of independence there is still centralized power it looks article 4 Transitional Constitution Rules that berbnyi before the MPR, DPR and DPA formed according to this CONSTITUTION, all power is run by a President, assisted by the KNIP. To avoid the impression that Indonesia is a country of absolute Government issued: Vice Presidential Edict No. X on 16 October 1945, the KNIP became the legislative institutions. Government information on 3 November 1945 concerning the formation of political parties. Government information on 14 November 1945, regarding changes to the parliamentary system of rule presidensil be2. the implementation of democracy during the old ordera. The Liberal Democracy (1950 – 1959)The parliamentary liberal democratic President as a symbol or serves as the head of State, not as the Chief Executive. The role of this Parliament, democracy, political accountability is very high and the development of political parties.However, the practice of democracy in this period valued failed due to: Its dominating political party The cornerstone of the social economy that is still weak Not as constituent Assembly convened to replace UUDS 1950Atas dasar kegagalan itu maka Presiden mengeluarkan Dekrit Presiden 5 Juli 1959 : Bubarkan konstituante Kembali ke UUD 1945 tidak berlaku UUD S 1950 Pembentukan MPRS dan DPASb. Masa Demokrasi Terpimpin (1959 – 1966)Pengertian demokrasi terpimpin menurut Tap MPRS No. VII/MPRS/1965 adalah kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan perwakilan yang berintikan musyawarah untuk mufakat secara gotong royong diantara semua kekuatan nasional yang progresif revolusioner dengan berporoskan nasakom dengan ciri: Dominasi Presiden Terbatasnya peran partai politik Berkembangnya pengaruh PKIPenyimpangan masa demokrasi terpimpin antara lain: Mengaburnya sistem kepartaian, pemimpin partai banyak yang dipenjarakan Peranan Parlemen lembah bahkan akhirnya dibubarkan oleh presiden dan presiden membentuk DPRGR Jaminan HAM lemah Terjadi sentralisasi kekuasaan Terbatasnya peranan pers Kebijakan politik luar negeri sudah memihak ke RRC (Blok Timur)Akhirnya terjadi peristiwa pemberontakan G 30 September 1965 oleh PKI yang menjadi tanda akhir dari pemerintahan Orde Lama.3. Pelaksanaan demokrasi Orde Baru (1966 – 1998)Dinamakan juga demokrasi pancasila. Pelaksanaan demokrasi orde baru ditandai dengan keluarnya Surat Perintah 11 Maret 1966, Orde Baru bertekad akan melaksanakan Pancasila dan UUD 1945 secara murni dan konsekwen. Awal Orde baru memberi harapan baru pada rakyat pembangunan disegala bidang melalui Pelita I, II, III, IV, V dan pada masa orde baru berhasil menyelenggarakan Pemilihan Umum tahun 1971, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, dan 1997.Namun demikian perjalanan demokrasi pada masa orde baru ini dianggap gagal sebab: Rotasi kekuasaan eksekutif hampir dikatakan tidak ada Rekrutmen politik yang tertutup Pemilu yang jauh dari semangat demokratis Pengakuan HAM yang terbatas Tumbuhnya KKN yang merajalelaSebab jatuhnya Orde Baru: Hancurnya ekonomi nasional ( krisis ekonomi ) Terjadinya krisis politik TNI juga tidak bersedia menjadi alat kekuasaan orba Gelombang demonstrasi yang menghebat menuntut Presiden Soeharto untuk turun jadi Presiden.4. Pelaksanaan Demokrasi Reformasi {1998 – Sekarang).Berakhirnya masa orde baru ditandai dengan penyerahan kekuasaan dari Presiden Soeharto ke Wakil Presiden BJ Habibie pada tanggal 21 Mei 1998.Masa reformasi berusaha membangun kembali kehidupan yang demokratis antara lain: Keluarnya Ketetapan MPR RI No. X/MPR/1998 tentang pokok-pokok reformasi Ketetapan No. VII/MPR/1998 tentang pencabutan tap MPR tentang Referandum Tap MPR RI No. XI/MPR/1998 tentang penyelenggaraan Negara yang bebas dari KKN Tap MPR RI No. XIII/MPR/1998 regarding the restriction of the term of the President and Vice President of INDONESIA An amendment to the Constitution already up to amendment I, II, III, IVOn The reform of the public pemiluhan have organised two times that in 1999 and 2004.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
2.1. History of Democracy in Indonesia Since Indonesia as an independent and sovereign state on August 17, 1945, the Founder of the State of Indonesia (the Founding Fathers) through 1945 (which was passed on August 18, 1945) has established that the Republic of Indonesia adopts or teaching democracy, where sovereignty (supreme power) in the hands of people and carried out entirely by the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR). Thus, it means the Homeland also classified as a country adopts Representative Democracy (Representative Democracy). Determination of the idea of democracy as the relationship between the people setting arrangements on the one hand with the other hand state by the Founding Fathers Indonesia sits on the BPUPKI, would not be released from the fact that some of its biggest ever Western educated, either follow directly in the countries of Western Europe (especially the Netherlands), as well as follow through on further education and higher education organized by the Dutch colonial government in Indonesia since a few decades earlier, so it was quite familiar with developing the teaching of democracy in the countries of Western Europe and the United States. Plus the atmosphere at the time (August 1945) states adherents of democracy has come out as the winner of World War II. In the practice of national life since the early days of independence to the present, are in fact representative democracy that is run in Indonesia consists of several models of democracy representatives differ from each other. In line with the implementation of the Provisional Constitution of 1950 (UUDS 1950) Indonesia practice models Parlemeter Pure Democracy (or also called Liberal Democracy), which is characterized by a long sad story about the instability of government (executive = Cabinet) and the almost endless the ideological conflict in the Constituent June-July 1959. In order to overcome potential conflicts scatters the Republic of Indonesia, on July 5, 1959, the President issued a Presidential Decree Ir.Soekarno re-enact the 1945 Constitution, and since then also applied the model of Democracy Guided claimed in accordance with the state ideology of Pancasila and understand Integralistic that teach about the unity between the people and the country. But not last long, which is only about 6 s / d 8 years carried his Guided Democracy, re-state life is threatened due to political and ideological conflict culminate in the events G.30.S / PKI on September 30, 1965, and the decline in Ir. President Sukarno from office on March 11, 1968. President Suharto, who replaces Ir. Sukarno as President of Indonesia and apply two different models of democracy again, which is called Democracy Pancasila (New Order), to assert the claim that this is the true model of democracy in accordance with the state ideology of Pancasila. Democracy Pancasila (Orba) managed to survive relatively long compared with the other democratic models ever applied before, which is about 30 years, but akhirnyapun closed with a sad story with the fall of General Suharto from office the President on May 23, 1998, and left the life of an unstable state and the crisis in all its aspects. Since the collapse of the New Order which coincided with the fall of President Suharto, the Homeland entering the atmosphere of the new state, as a result of the policy reforms undertaken to almost all aspects of society and the state that went before. Policy reforms culminated in the amendments to the 1945 Constitution (section Batangtubuhnya) because it is considered as a major source of failure in the setting of national life the era of the New Order. Amendment of 1945, primarily related to state institutions, particularly laginya changes to the power-sharing aspect and the aspect of the nature of the relationship between institutions of his country, by itself resulted in a change to the democratic model compared to the model implemented Pancasila Democracy in the New Order era. 2.2. The development of democracy in Indonesia Indonesia's democratic development can be seen from the implementation of democracy that ever existed in Indonesia. The implementation of democracy in Indonesia can be divided into a number of periodization among others: 1. The implementation of democracy in the revolutionary period (1945-1950). In 1945 to 1950, Indonesia is still struggling with the Dutch who wanted to return to Indonesia. At the time of the exercise of democracy has not been going well. It is caused by the persistence of the physical revolution. At the beginning of independence is still a centralization of power that looks Section 4 of the Transitional Provisions of the 1945 Constitution which berbnyi before the MPR, DPR and DPA formed in accordance with this Constitution any authority run by President denan assisted by KNIP. To avoid the impression that Indonesia is a country that absolute government issued: Vice President Notice No. X dated October 16, 1945, KNIP turned into the legislature. The declaration of the Government dated 3 November 1945 on the Formation of Political Parties. The declaration of the Government dated 14 November 1945 concerning changes in the presidential into a parliamentary system of good governance 2. The implementation of democracy in the Old Order a. Future of Liberal Democracy (1950 - 1959) The period of liberal democracy as a symbol or parliamentary president serves as the head of state not as a chief executive. The future role of parliamentary democracy, political accountability is very high and the development of political parties. However, the practice of democracy at this time considered to have failed due to: the dominance of political parties socioeconomic foundation of the weak not convene a constituent inability to replace the 1950 On the basis of the failure of the The President issued a Presidential Decree of 5 July 1959: Disband constituent Back to the 1945 Constitution does not apply S 1950 The establishment of the MPRS and DPAs b. Guided Democracy period (1959 - 1966) The definition of democracy guided by the MPRS Decree No. VII / MPRS / 1965 is a populist, led by the inner wisdom of deliberations with a core representation deliberation mutual cooperation between all national powers with the progressive revolutionary Nasakom with traits: Dominance President Limited role of political parties The growing influence of the PKI Deviations guided democracy period between Other: blurring the party system, party leaders jailed many Role of Parliament valley even eventually dissolved by the president and the president established DPRGR weak guarantee of human rights occurred centralization of power limited role of the press policy of foreign policy has been tilted in the PRC (the Eastern Bloc) Finally the events of the G 30 September 1965 by the CPI which marked the end of the Old Order. 3. Implementation democratic New Order (1966 - 1998) Named also Pancasila democracy. Implementation of the new democratic order marked by the release of March 11, 1966 Order, the New Order was determined to implement Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution is pure and consistent. The beginning of a new order giving new hope to people in all fields of development through Pelita I, II, III, IV, V and in the new order successfully hosted the 1971 General Election, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, and 1997. However, the democratic way the new order is considered a failure because: Rotation of executive power is almost non-existent Recruitment closed political election is far from the spirit of the democratic rights of limited recognition of the rampant growth of corruption because the fall of the New Order: The destruction of the national economy (economic crisis) Occurrence of political crisis TNI not willing to be the new order of power tools intensified wave of demonstrations demanding President Suharto to step down as President. 4. Implementation of the Reform Democracy {1998 - Present). The term of the new order is characterized by the transfer of power from President Suharto to Vice President BJ Habibie on May 21, 1998. The period of reform sought to re-establish democracy, among others: The exit of MPR Decree No. X / MPR / 1998 on the main points of the reform Decree No. VII / MPR / 1998 on the repeal of the referendum tap MPR MPR Decree No. XI / MPR / 1998 on the organization of the State that is free from corruption MPR RI No. XIII / MPR / 1998 on the restriction of Term of Office of the President and Vice President had to Amendment 1945 amendment I, II, III, IV In The Reformation succeeded in organizing the general pemiluhan already twice, in 1999 and 2004.

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