Kuliner merupakan gaya hidup yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupa terjemahan - Kuliner merupakan gaya hidup yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupa Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Kuliner merupakan gaya hidup yang t

Kuliner merupakan gaya hidup yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan sehari-hari karena setiap orang memerlukan makanan yang sangat dibutuhkan sehari-hari. Jika dilihat dari sisi perkembangan wisata kuliner saat ini di daerah Jabodetabek mengalami kemajuan yang sangat pesat. Hal tersebut, terlihat dari banyaknya perusahaan-perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang kuliner dari skala kecil, menengah, sampai besar. Akan tetapi, karena kurangnya informasi tentang daftar lokasi wisata kuliner membuat wisatawan mengalami kesulitan untuk menentukan kuliner pilihan mereka. Saat ini smartphone telah menjadi perangkat yang banyak dimiliki. Salah satu operasi yang banyak yang digunakan pada smartphone adalah android. Oleh karena itu penulis membuat penerapan pada aplikasi ini yang berisikan seperti Google Maps yang berhasil dimasukan kedalam aplikasi, informasi tentang rumah makan, menu hidangan, dan berbagi ke media sosial seperti facebook dan twitter. Dengan adanya teknologi tersebut, masyarakat dapat memanfaatkan smartphone mereka untuk menggali berbagai kebutuhan serta lokasi dan rute jalan yang dapat diakses kapanpun dan dimananpun. Oleh karena itu, penulis membuat aplikasi mobile berbasis android.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Culinary is a lifestyle that cannot be separated from daily life as each person requires much needed food everyday. If seen from the development of culinary tourism is currently in the area of Jabodetabek progress very rapidly. That, seen from the large number of companies engaged in the field of culinary from small scale, medium, to large. However, because of the lack of information about the location of the list of culinary tourists have difficulty to determine their choice of culinary. Current Smartphones have become a device that many have. One of the many operations that are used on Smartphones is android. Therefore the author makes application of this application containing such as Google Maps that were successfully inserted into the application, the information about the restaurants, menu, and share to social media like facebook and twitter. With such technology, the community can take advantage of their smartphone to dig various needs as well as the location and route of the road which can be accessed anytime and dimananpun. Therefore, the author makes android-based mobile applications.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Culinary is a lifestyle that can not be separated from everyday life because everyone needs food badly needed daily. If viewed from the side of the current development of culinary tourism in the Greater Jakarta area is progressing very rapidly. It is, seen from the number of companies engaged in the culinary field of small, medium to large. However, due to lack of information on the list of tourist sites make the culinary tourists have difficulty to determine their culinary choice. Currently smartphones have become the device that is widely held. One of the many operations that used on smartphones is android. Therefore, the authors make the application on this application which contains as Google Maps that successfully inserted into the application, information about the restaurant, menu dishes, and share to social media such as facebook and twitter. With the technology, people can utilize their smartphones to explore a variety of needs as well as the location and the way that these can be accessed whenever and dimananpun. Therefore, the authors make the android-based mobile applications.
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