Awalnya mereka ragu ketika burung jahil itu mengatakan bahwa mereka di terjemahan - Awalnya mereka ragu ketika burung jahil itu mengatakan bahwa mereka di Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Awalnya mereka ragu ketika burung j

Awalnya mereka ragu ketika burung jahil itu mengatakan bahwa mereka diundang Raja Fraterland untuk makan malam namun pada akhirnya ia berhasil membuat mereka ber-63 percaya dan keluar dari rumah. Waktu menunjukan 7 malam. Burung jahil itu mulai mendekor ruangan. Ia membutuhkan 1 jam untuk mendekorasinya. Sentuhan terakhir adalah dengan menaburkan serbuk ajaib agar ruangan itu terlihat lebih indah dengan kue ulang tahun yang ditancapkan lilin berbentuk 2 diletakan di tengah ruangan. 10 malam.
"Nah, akhirnya selesai. Sepertinya mereka akan memarahiku karena telah menipu mereka" kata burung jahil. Ia bersiap-siap untuk mengikuti teman-temannya yang sepertinya masih ada di depan kasti raja Fraterland. Ia ingin meminta maaf dan mengajak mereka pulang agar bisa memberi mereka kejutan yang telah ia persiapkan.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Initially they hesitate when birds ignorant that said that they were invited to King Fraterland for dinner but in the end he managed to get them conditioned 63 trust and out of the House. Time shows 7 nights. Birds of the ignorant it starts to mendekor the room. It takes 1 hour to mendekorasinya. The final touch is a magic powder to be sprinkled with that room look more beautiful with a birthday cake-shaped candles plugged 2 placed in the middle of the room. 10.
"well, finally finished. It looks like they're going to yell at me for having deceived them "said birds ignorant. He had gearing up to follow her friends who seemed to be still there in front of the King Fraterland kasti. He wanted to apologise and invite them home to give them a surprise which she had prepared.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
At first they hesitated when the mischievous bird said that they invited King Fraterland for dinner but in the end he managed to make them air-63 believes in and out of the house. 7 shows a night. Birds began to decorate the room ignorant. He needs 1 hour to decorate. The final touch is to sprinkle magic powder room so that it looks more beautiful with birthday cake candle shaped plugged 2 placed in the middle of the room. 10 nights.
"Well, finally finished. seems like they would scold me for having deceived them" the bird said mischievously. He is getting ready to follow his friends were apparently still there in front of the king Fraterland rounders. He wants to apologize and invite them to return in order to give them the surprise he had prepared.
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