That day was Sunday. Exactly where everyone is off from school activities or its work respectively. On the same day I and a group of friends in the village plans to spend most of our time looking for fish in the river that lies in front My house.
At 10:00 I and my friends gathered at the front porch of my house to get ready to go to the river to find fish. We were ready with a bucket that was brought by each person for a place to accommodate the fish later. After gathering we immediately went to the river. We rejoice while passing through the paddy fields and past the ravines are very steep, but it does not make us afraid. We even increased vigor as eager to catch fish.
Once there, we immediately look for a shady spot to put our footwear and immediately plunged into the river to catch fish also while swimming here and there. There we had a great fun to spend the day of our week. No need to take a long time we were in that place, having felt that his fish has been reduced, we soon moved to the place of others. Before we dive into the river suddenly my sister said塗ey, carefully place dalammendegar those words my heart dag-dig-dug like mad, because I really do not know how to swim. Because other friends who could swim, they have fun on the river to swim together. I noticed they felt like joining in, and without thinking I immediately plunged into the river. It turned out that the river was deep, even height up throughout my neck. I was a little anxious, but still I dare to move a bit to the middle.
When I arrived in the middle I paused for a stepping stone to be safe from these heights. But when I was going back to the edge, I slipped stone beneath what I just said, until finally I was drowning. I was immediately shouted for help
"ttoollonngg ..... too..llo..nng ... in your heart you're so scared, because there was no one who heard my cries. In fact I fear what if I'm not survive. I can only pray while harden my cries.
"Ttoollonngg .... too ... lloo..ngg..dalam my heart, I really hate, because I heard my sister who thought that I was just pretending to drown , Finally, not long after my brothers know that I was drowning and he was soon to help me, then I was dragged to the edge while sobbing.
"Alhamdulilahkata me silently, stroking his chest.
Because of that incident, I did not dare to go to the river.
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