RELIGION UNITEDRELIGION UNITEDChristianity is the most widely practised religion in the United Kingdom since the middle ages, but it has already introduced the first time during the Roman and Gaelic. Currently, about 72% of the population of the United Kingdom identified as Christian. [207] the largest Denomination is the Anglican religion. [208] the Anglican Reformation period comes from the United Kingdom in the 6th century when King Henry VIII separated the State from the Roman Catholic Church because it is not allowed to divorce his wife, Catherine of Aragon, as well as the need for Bible United Kingdom. In the view of religion, Henry VIII is regarded as the Catholics and Anglicans.In the United Kingdom, there is a tradition of high Church and Low Church, and some adherents of Anglicanism considers itself as "Anglo-Catholics" after the Tractarian Movement. King or Queen of the United Kingdom was the leader of the titular of the Church which acts as the Supreme Governor. Anglicanism is the official religion in the United Kingdom. There are around 26 million adherents of this religion which is incorporated into the Anglican Communion, and the Archbishop of Canterbury acting as symbolic head of the worldwide communion. [209] many cathedrals and parish churches are historic buildings and architecture is a leading United Kingdom. These buildings include Westminster Abbey, York Minster, Durham Cathedral, Saint Paul's Cathedral and the Cathedral of Salisbury.Icon of man in armour on white horse fighting black dragon to his left.Saint George, the patron saint of United Kingdom.The second largest Christian denomination is the Latin rite of the Catholic Church. This belief enters the United Kingdom at the 6th century through Augustine's mission and became the main religion in the whole island for a thousand years. Since the advent of Catholic Emancipation, the Church was run in eklesiologikal in the United Kingdom and Wales. There are approximately 4.5 million adherents of this Church (mostly residents of the United Kingdom). [210] to date, recorded there was a Pope who came from the United Kingdom, that of Adrian IV. While St. Bede and Anselm is considered a doctor of the Church.Protestant denominations known as Methodism is the third largest Christian practice and grow from Anglicanism through John Wesley. [211] this teaching achieved popularity in the factory cities such as Lancashire, Yorkshire, and Cornwall. [212] there are also adherents of non-conformist minorities such as Quaker, Baptist Church, Unitarianism, Kongregasionalisme, and the Salvation Army. [213]Santo pelindung Inggris adalah Santo George. Simbol salibnya disertakan dalam bendera Inggris, juga dalam Union Flag sebagai bagian dari kombinasi Britania Raya.[214][214] Selain itu, terdapat banyak santo Inggris lainnya. Beberapa yang paling terkenal diantaranya: Cuthbert, Alban, Wilfrid, Aidan, Edward sang Pengaku, John Fisher, Thomas More, Petroc, Piran, Margaret Clitherow dan Thomas Becket. Disamping Kristen, Inggris juga memiliki penganut agama lainnya. Yahudi telah memiliki penganut minoritas di Pulau Britania sejak tahun 1070.[215] Penganut Yahudi diusir dari Inggris pada tahun 1290 menyusul diberlakukannya Edict of Expulsion, dan baru diizinkan kembali memasuki Inggris pada tahun 1656.[215]Sejak tahun 1950-an, agama-agama Timur yang berasal dari bekas koloni Britania mulai masuk ke Inggris akibat imigrasi. Islam adalah yang paling menonjol, sekitar 3,1% dari total populasi Inggris adalah Muslim. Penganut Islam terbanyak terdapat di London.[207] Hindu, Sikh, dan Budha adalah urutan berikutnya; kombinasi total dari penganut ketiga agama ini mencapai 2% dari total penduduk Inggris.[207] Agama-agama ini terutama sekali dibawa oleh para imigran dari India dan Asia Tenggara.[207] Selebihnya, sekitar 14,6% penduduk Inggris adalah Atheis.[207]
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