Aku tidak pernah melupakanmu,.Kadang aku berpikir bahwa kau hanya memp terjemahan - Aku tidak pernah melupakanmu,.Kadang aku berpikir bahwa kau hanya memp Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Aku tidak pernah melupakanmu,.Kadan

Aku tidak pernah melupakanmu,.
Kadang aku berpikir bahwa kau hanya mempermainkan perasaanku,..
Tidak perlu bertanya tentang bagaimana aku,karena kau sudah sangat tau itu.
Tapi jujur, saat kau katakan aku seorang yang egois,dan saat aku beri penjelasan kemudian kau tidak berusaha menanggapi dengan baik,aku sungguh marah padamu, bahkan saat aku tidak sengaja salah kirim pesan kau juga tidak menanggapiku,..
Sungguh berbeda denganku, aku tidak bisa mengabaikanmu, dan aku tidak suka itu. Walaupun perhatianku tidak harus dan selalu aku munculkan dengan nyata. Karena memang begitu harusnya kita,berusaha untuk mengendalikan diri,dan itu aku pikir telah kita sepakati.
Aku sangat ingin bicara banyak padamu, tapi aku tidak siap saat pesanku hanya kau baca, tapi tidak kau tanggapi dengan baik, siapa yang egois?
Kita berdua adalah egois, saat kita tidak bisa menjaga kebaikan satu sama lain, kita berdua adalah egois saat kita membiarkan diri dalam kelemahan kita, dan kita berdua adalah egois saat kita sudah mulai menyakiti perasaan satu sama lain.
Mungkin kau tidak menyangka aku akan mengatakan semua ini. Tapi sungguh aku sangat ingin my Ismail kembali menunjukan kesediaannya untuk saling menjaga segalanya, seperti tiga bulan ini,..
Walaupun tidak selalu,namun kita bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik,..
Terima kasih banyak atas kesediaan anda membaca ini semua.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
I never forget you,.Sometimes I think that you just play the way I feel, ...No need to ask about how I am, because you're already very know that.But honestly, when you say I'm a selfish, and as I give the explanation then you're not trying to respond with the good, I'm really upset you, even when I'm not intentionally wrong send a message you're also not menanggapiku, ...Really different with me, I could not mengabaikanmu, and I don't like it. Although perhatianku did not have to and always I come up with real. Because it is so should we, trying to control myself, and that I think we have agreed on.I very much wanted to talk to you, but I'm not ready when pesanku just you read, but aren't you respond well, who is selfish? Both of us are selfish, as we can not keep the goodness of each other, both of us are selfish at the moment we allow ourselves in our weaknesses, and both of us are selfish as we've started to hurt each other's feelings.Maybe you never thought I'd say all of this. But really I desperately wanted my Ismail showed his willingness to back each other's keeping everything, like three this month, ...Although not always, but we can communicate well, ...Thanks so much for your willingness to read it all.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
I never forget ,.
Sometimes I think that you're just toying with my feelings, ..
No need to ask how I am, because you've really know that.
But honestly, when you say I'm a selfish person, and when I give an explanation and then you do not attempted to respond well, I'm really mad at you, even when I inadvertently misdirected messages you did not take me, ..
it's different with me, I can not ignore you, and I do not like it. Although attention was not to be and I always come up with the real. Because it is we should be, trying to control myself, and I thought we agreed to.
I really want to say much to you, but I was not ready when my message just you read, but do not you respond well, who is selfish?
We both are selfish, when we could not keep the good of each other, both of us are selfish when we let ourselves in our weakness, and we are both selfish when we had started to hurt each other.
Maybe you did not think I would say all of this. But really I wanted my Ismail back showed his willingness to keep each other everything, such as three months, ..
Though not always, but we can communicate well, ..
Thank you very much for your willingness to read it all.
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