Aladin is a man who comes from the Persian State. He lived both with his mother. They live in simplicity. Until one day there is a man who comes home Aladin. The man said he was a brother of the late father which have long migrated to neighboring countries. Aladin and his mother is very happy at all, because it turns out they still have siblings."Unfortunately the fate of my brother," said the boy aladin and his mother. "The important thing we can still eat, uncle", answered Aladin. Because it feels concerned about the State of his brother, then the man was intending to invite Aladin out of town. With the blessing of his mother, and his uncle went to follow Aladin out of town.The journey that they travel very far at all, and her uncle does not allow Aladin to rest. When asked his uncle Aladin to pause, his uncle immediately rebuked him. Until finally they got somewhere in the middle of the forest. Aladin then ordered his uncle to look for firewood. "Later ya uncle, Aladin want break used to be", says Aladin. His uncle was furious after hearing the answer the Aladin. "Leave now, or, thou kusihir into a frog", cried uncle. See her uncle so angry, and then hurried departure looking wooden Aladin.Setelah mendapatkan kayu, pamannya lalu membuat api dan mengucapkan mantera. Aladin sangat terkejut sekali, karena setelah pamannya membacakan mantera, tiba-tiba tanah menjadi retak dan membentuk lubang. Aladin mulai bertanya pada dirinya sendiri, “Apakah dia benar pamanku? Atau dia hanya seorang penyihir yang ingin memanfaatkan aku saja?”“Aladin, turunlah kamu kelubang itu. Ambilkan aku lampu antic di dasar gua itu”, suruh pamannya. “AKu takut paman”, kata Aladin. Pamannya lalu memberikan cincin kepada Aladin. “Pakailah ini, cincin ini akan melindungimu”, kata pamannya. Kemudian Aladin mulai turun kebawah.
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