The regional administration of the autonomous regions based on the paradigm of good governance seeks to prioritize processes and procedures in development planning, which in the process of preparation, planning, formulation and development of policies involving all stakeholders. The process to formulate the development planning requires coordination between government agencies and community participation as agents of development through forums Musrenbang.
Forum Musrenbang in District Tegal South Tegal is an annual event which is still considered the activities formality because musrenbang as if the forum only accommodate the proposal without any realization , Therefore, to achieve the program planning more participatory, fair and equitable to use the scoring method. By counting the scoring in the prioritization of the proposals can give certainty and assurance program and budget proposed can be realized.
This study is a qualitative research with the aim to describe or depict in detail and depth about musrenbang the scoring method and analyzes the factors that influence participatory planning in Subdistrict South Tegal Tegal. Data collection method is by in-depth interviews (depth-interview), observation and documentation. The data source is to use primary and secondary data sources. Research Informants been most widely know as Head of Government BAPPEDA, Head, Head, Sub-district staff and community members in the District of South Tegal. Model data analysis In this research method used is interactive data analysis (Interaktive models of analysis) of Miles and Huberman which includes the step of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion and validity of the data using Tringulasi data.
From the research findings concluded that: 1. Process musrenbang the scoring method in the district of Tegal South has not been implemented optimally because at this stage of the investigation, the data in the form of the problems that exist in the community has not been explored in depth and stage of preparation of the budget is still often overlooked because of the public perception that results Musrenbang only contains the proposed activities only , 2. Factors - factors that affect the process of participatory planning is understanding / knowledge of stakeholders, active participation in the collection of information, participation in providing complete supporting data plans and proposals to the government, and the relationship between stakeholders
therefore need to 1) optimize the identification of problems and the use of these data in order to approach the needs of the community. 2) training activities scoring overall planning 3) socialization to provide clarity regarding the development planning process 4) The involvement of all stakeholders element 5) Assistance facilitator in each stage of the process of participatory planning in the district of South Tegal.
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