Kegiatan menanya pada subtema “ Keunikan daerah tempat tinggalku sudah terjemahan - Kegiatan menanya pada subtema “ Keunikan daerah tempat tinggalku sudah Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Kegiatan menanya pada subtema “ Keu

Kegiatan menanya pada subtema “ Keunikan daerah tempat tinggalku sudah terlihat dan jika dianalisis, pertanyaan guru sudah merujuk pada kriteria pertanyaan yang baik antara lain: 1) singkat dan jelas, misalnya: “apa yang dimaksud dengan barter? (PB 3) ”, 2) menginspirasi jawaban, misalnya: “sebutkan contoh gotong royong yang ada disekitar kalian!”, 3) bersifat probing atau divergen, misalnya “apakah transaksi di Pasar Bantul menggunakan jukung? Mengapa tidak menggunakan jukung?”, 4) bersifat validatif yaitu dengan menanyakan pertanyaan yang sama pada siswa yang berbeda, 5) merangsang peningkatan kemampuan kognitif dimana pertanyaan sudah mulai diarahkan pada pertanyaan analisis dengan kata tanya “mengapa” dan “bagaimana”. Kegiatan menanya muncul empat kali dari enam kali pembelajaran atau 67% dari subtema.
Meskipun mencoba identik dengan mata pelajaran eksak (IPA) penerapan kegiatan mencoba tidak hanya dilakukan pada pelajaran yang bersifat eksak (IPA) namun juga pembelajaran lainnya. Pernyaaan di atas menjelaskan bahwa keterampilan kreatif umumnya dipandang sebagai sesuatu yang harus dipelihara di kelas.
Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan kegiatan pembelarajan, guru telah mendorong kretifitas anak dimana selama kegiatan mencoba guru meminta siswa mengerjakan tugas mereka sendiri secara bebas. Kreatifitas siswa dapat terlihat dari ukuran, bentuk, ataupun hiasan ketika siswa berkreasi membuat layang-layang ataupun wayang.
Penalaran adalah proses berfikir yang logis dan sistematis atas fakta-kata empiris yang dapat diobservasi untuk memperoleh simpulan berupa pengetahuan (Kemendikbud, 2013, p.217). Guru mendorong siswa melakukan kegiatan menalar merujuk pada kegiatan yang terdapat pada buku guru. Setelah mencermati gambar/ membaca bacaan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan membandingkan dan lain sebagainya. Kegiatan menalar juga dilaksanakan dengan tanya jawab. Guru telah melakukan kegiatan menalar pada subtema: “keunikan daerah tempat tinggalku” sebanyak dua kali dari enam kali pembelajaran atau 33% dari subtema. Guru memberikan umpan balik ketika siswa melakukan kegiatan menalar.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Activity ask yourself on subtema "the uniqueness of the area where tinggalku was in sight and, if analyzed, questions the teacher already refer to the criteria of good questions include: 1) short and clear, for example:" what does it mean to barter? (PB 3) ", 2) inspire answers, for example:" mentioned the example of the existing mutual surrounding you! ", 3) are probing or diverging, for example" If the transaction in the market of Bantul using jukung? Why not use jukung? ", 4) are validatif i.e. by asking the same question on different students, 5) stimulate increased cognitive ability in which questions have started to question directed at the analysis of the question words" why "and" how ". Activity ask yourself four times out of six times the learning or 67% of the subtema. Although it tried with identical subjects exact (IPA) implementation activities try not only performed on the exact nature of the lesson (IPA) but also other learning. Pernyaaan above explained that creative skills are generally seen as something to be kept in the classroom.Based on the results of observation activities pembelarajan, teachers have encouraged children lying in which during activity tries the teacher asked the students work on their own task independently. Creativity of students can be seen from the size, shape, or when students create ornaments make a kite or a puppet.Reasoning is the process of logical thinking and systematic empirical words over the fact that can be observed to obtain a summary in the form of knowledge (Kemendikbud, 2013, p. 217). The teacher encourages students conducting menalar refers to the activities that are contained in a book the teacher. After looking closely at the pictures/reading readings followed by comparing and others. Menalar activities are also implemented by faqs. Teachers have been doing menalar on subtema: "the uniqueness of the area where tinggalku" as much as two times from six times the learning or 33% of the subtema. Teachers provide feedback when students do activities menalar.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Activities ask the subtema "The uniqueness of the area where I live has been seen and if analyzed, the teacher's questions already referred to the criteria of good questions include: 1) a brief and clear, for example:" What is meant by barter? (PB 3) ", 2) inspiring answer, for example:" mentioned example of mutual cooperation that exist around you! ", 3) is probing or diverging, such as" whether the transaction in Bantul Market using jukung? Why not use the boats? ", 4) is validatif namely by asking the same question in different students, 5) stimulate increased cognitive abilities which have started to question directed at the question of analysis with a question word" why "and" how ". Activity appears to question four times out of six times of learning or 67% of the sub-themes.
While trying identical to the exact subjects (IPA) implementation of activities to try not only done on the lessons to be exact (IPA) but also other learning. The suggestion above explains that the creative skills is generally seen as something to be kept in the classroom.
Based on observations pembelarajan activities, teachers have to encourage creativity of children during activities where the teacher asks the students to try their own tasks independently. Student creativity can be seen from the size, shape, or decoration when students be creative to make a kite or a puppet.
Reasoning is the process of thinking logically and systematically over-the word empirical facts that can be observed to obtain a conclusion in the form of knowledge (Kemendikbud, 2013, p.217 ). Teachers encourage students to conduct reasoning refers to the activities contained in the book the teacher. After looking at the picture / read the readings and then proceed to compare and so forth. Reasoning activities are also conducted debriefing. Teachers have been conducting reasoning on the sub-theme: "the uniqueness of the area where I live" as many as two times out of six times of learning or 33% of the sub-themes. Teachers provide feedback when students do activities make sense.
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