Source: Analysis of 2007
Description: T = High; S = Medium; R = Low From the table above it can be seen that the districts most in need of immediate enforcement action is Banjarmasin Eastern districts due to land use changes in weight deviation by commercial activity that has occurred quite high. As for the group of districts which have a high tendency deviation is moderate and sub-districts of West Banjarmasin require anticipatory action to prevent the development of larger deviations and directing the development of commercial activities at the planned location. Subdistrict which includes groups with low aberration characteristics and trends currently are districts Banjarmasin South then the group with moderate deviations characteristics and a low tendency is North Banjarmasin districts, all located in the planned area. In retrospect distribution of land use changes by commercial activity in the region is still limited, the low level of deviation can be interpreted that the commercial activity in the region is not well developed. In other words, the development of commercial activities in the city of Banjarmasin yet fairly evenly. The need for enforcement action to tackle irregularities and the need for the development of land use for commercial activities and the development of infrastructure that can encourage the development of commercial activities in the region given the limited commercial land use and development trend of commercial activities which are also low. I. PROPOSED CONTROL OF COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES IN LAND USE IN CITY Banjarmasin Based on the results of this study, there are some things proposed to the Regional Government of Banjarmasin to control deviation changes in land use by commercial activities. proposals for the control in two parts, control proposals in general and specifically the proposed control. Both proposals are described as follows: 3.1 Proposed Control General 1. Optimizing the function of secondary growth centers which already exist. One way is to increase the availability and quality of the road network infrastructure which greatly influenced the development of any type of commercial activity unit. 2. In addition to the development of secondary centers, neighborhood centers in every area of housing needs to be optimized further existence. This is done to limit and anticipate the development of commercial activities in segments of local roads in residential areas which are not regular. The type of commercial activity is directed, namely the local scale, are relevant to the daily needs of the inhabitants of a residential area. 3. Curbing the granting of land utilization (location permit, planning permission, building permit including permit land use change and changes in land use). Land use change permit application needs to meet requirements such as: proof of land procurement, compliance with the technical requirements of the building, pay attention to aesthetic value, architectonic and historical development of the city, written consent of all the nearest neighbors around him, as well as the availability of capacity environmental infrastructure and facilities in accordance with the technical provisions , In order for the licensing mechanism is consistent and its provisions are not mistaken, it should be realized local regulations (Perda) primarily related to the specific provisions of the land use change by the commercial activities in the city of Banjarmasin. 4. UN in commercial activities, which are located not in accordance with the plan set greater weight than the tax on corresponding location plan. 5. Determination of tax or levy on land use change, especially for commercial activities that do land use changes in the locations that are not planned. The amount of the levy depends on the level of disruption caused. 6. The development plan of the existing commercial activities can be emphasized to increase compensation for the externalities that have been caused and adapted to the characteristics of the place, among others: • Determination of the parking regulations on each of the buildings along the main street. Form of rules such as giving zone on-street parking restrictions on main roads; requires the manufacture of parking spaces in new buildings and charge a large charge; etc. • Realignment of Trade Zone is located in a park area, particularly downtown comprehensively. • This should be done on all the components of the city center, including the street vendors (informal sector) so that the possible release of partnership solutions in the use of building , provision of parking, the convenience of shopping, and others. • Determination of the free zones vendors. Based on the time of selling and the type of goods sold and street vendors placement zones with temporary permits. This is done with consideration of their negative effect on road users, such as pedestrians, bikers and cars. PKL with zoning permit must also be followed by the fireplace location and cleanliness of the place to trade which has also been adapted freedom of movement pedestrians. 7. Control of commercial activities in the land use needs to be supported and aligned with the following population policies allocation strategy so that the spatial concentration of people indirectly the development of commercial activities affected by the presence of people as consumers can be better controlled. 8. By the fact that the distribution of the number of units of commercial activities and extensive changes in land use of non-commercial land in the city of Banjarmasin which is not according to plan so dominant that Regulation No.4 / 1996 on guidelines for urban land use changes need to be elaborated in the form of local regulations are more detailed and decisive as a guideline for the control of commercial activities in land use in the city of Banjarmasin especially those that deviate from the plan. 9. Building a participatory monitoring system that is the coordination between the government and society in the implementation of the control of commercial activities in the land use on the smallest scale administrative (districts) to be more adaptive to the shape irregularities (such as demolition permit deviations space utilization by the authorities to investors) and also against the wishes of principals' activities commercial (market forces). In its implementation should also be supported by the government's consistency in providing legal commercial business establishment at a given location. 10. From institutional, inter-agency coordination should be optimized in implementing the control of commercial activities in land use and law enforcement (sanctions) against violation or deviation from business licenses or permits to build that does not correspond to the spatial direction must be implemented. In addition, the control and supervisory functions should be carried out with a standardized format and the concrete follow-up procedures in addressing these issues. 3.1 Proposed Control Specially 1. a) the District that need priority is the primary control districts East Banjarmasin which has a weight deviation change in land use by higher commercial activity and the development trend of commercial activities at the level of being. Unit transport and communications activities in the district of East Banjarmasin has the highest growth this is also due to the presence of Trisakti harbor ocean which causes the flow of the circulation of goods and people so rapidly, good circulation between districts and between provinces and between islands. b) By looking at the variable inclination value / Low land tax , the proposed control of commercial activities that can be given in Banjarmasin Eastern districts is to increase the value / tax land. Expected value / high land tax, the development of commercial activity can be controlled according to plan. Imposition of compensation for the externalities generated by the activities of transport and communications in the district of East Banjarmasin expected to be able to control the development of the commercial activity. 2. a) District of West Banjarmasin irregularities identified weighs land use changes by commercial activity being and development trend of commercial activities are at a high level. Unit large trading activities, retail, restaurant and service accommodation in the district of West Banjarmasin have growth that is also the highest point due to the presence of the main road and roundabout that connects the city of Banjarmasin with counties and cities in south Kalimantan and East Kalimantan. b) By seeing a trend variable travel time to downtown is low, the proposed control of commercial activities that may be granted in the West is curbing Banjarmasin districts, the imposition of fines of up to revocation of licenses may be granted for commercial activities especially large trading activity units, retail, restaurant and service accommodation along the road which is not according to plan. 3. a) District of Central Banjarmasin identified weighs deviations land use changes by commercial activity being and development trend of commercial activities are at
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