Sumber : Analisis, 2007  Keterangan : T = Tinggi; S = Sedang; R = Rend terjemahan - Sumber : Analisis, 2007  Keterangan : T = Tinggi; S = Sedang; R = Rend Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Sumber : Analisis, 2007 Keterangan

Sumber : Analisis, 2007
Keterangan : T = Tinggi; S = Sedang; R = Rendah

Dari tabel di atas dapat dilihat bahwa kecamatan yang paling membutuhkan tindakan penertiban segera adalah kecamatan Banjarmasin Timur karena bobot penyimpangan perubahan pemanfaatan lahan oleh kegiatan komersial yang telah terjadi cukup tinggi. Sementara untuk kelompok kecamatan yang memiliki penyimpangan sedang dan kecenderungannya tinggi adalah kecamatan Banjarmasin Barat memerlukan tindakan antisipatif pengembangan untuk mencegah terjadinya penyimpangan yang lebih besar dan mengarahkan perkembangan kegiatan komersial pada lokasi yang direncanakan.
Kecamatan yang termasuk kelompok dengan karakteristik penyimpangan rendah dan kecenderungannya sedang adalah kecamatan Banjarmasin Selatan kemudian kelompok dengan karakteristik penyimpangan sedang dan kecenderungannya rendah adalah kecamatan Banjarmasin Utara, seluruhnya berlokasi di kawasan yang direncanakan. Jika ditinjau kembali sebaran perubahan pemanfaatan lahan oleh kegiatan komersial di wilayah tersebut yang masih terbatas, maka rendahnya tingkat penyimpangan dapat diartikan bahwa kegiatan komersial di wilayah tersebut belum berkembang dengan baik.
Dengan kata lain, perkembangan kegiatan komersial di kota Banjarmasin belum cukup merata. Diperlukannya tindakan penertiban untuk mengatasi penyimpangan dan perlunya pengembangan peruntukan lahan bagi kegiatan komersial serta pembangunan prasarana yang dapat mendorong berkembangnya kegiatan komersial di wilayah tersebut mengingat peruntukan lahan komersial yang terbatas dan kecenderungan perkembangan kegiatan komersial yang juga rendah.


Berdasarkan hasil studi ini, ada beberapa hal yang diusulkan kepada Pemerintah Daerah Kota Banjarmasin untuk mengendalikan penyimpangan perubahan pemanfaatan lahan oleh kegiatan komersial. usulan pengendalian di bagi dalam dua bagian, usulan pengendalian secara umum dan usulan pengendalian secara khusus. Kedua usulan tersebut diuraikan sebagai berikut :

3.1 Usulan Pengendalian Secara Umum

1. Mengoptimalkan fungsi pusat-pusat pertumbuhan sekunder yang sudah ada. Salah satu caranya adalah peningkatan ketersediaan dan kualitas prasarana jaringan jalan yang mana sangat mempengaruhi perkembangan setiap jenis unit kegiatan komersial.
2. Selain pengembangan pusat sekunder, pusat-pusat lingkungan di setiap kawasan perumahan perlu dioptimalkan lagi eksistensinya. Hal ini dilakukan untuk membatasi dan mengantisipasi perkembangan kegiatan komersial di ruas-ruas jalan lokal di kawasan perumahan yang tidak teratur. Jenis kegiatan komersial yang diarahkan yaitu yang berskala lokal, relevan dengan kebutuhan sehari-hari penghuni kawasan perumahan.
3. Penertiban pemberian ijin pemanfatan lahan (ijin lokasi, ijin perencanaan, IMB termasuk ijin perubahan pemanfaatan lahan dan perubahan guna lahan). Permohonan ijin perubahan pemanfaatan lahan perlu memenuhi persyaratan berupa: bukti pengusaan lahan, kesesuaian dengan persyaratan teknis bangunan, memperhatikan nilai estetika, arsitektonis dan sejarah perkembangan kota, persetujuan tertulis dari seluruh tetangga terdekat disekelilingnya, serta ketersediaan kapasitas prasarana dan sarana lingkungan yang sesuai dengan ketentuan teknis. Agar mekanisme perijinan ini konsisten dan ketentuan di dalamnya tidak disalahartikan, maka perlu segera direalisasikan peraturan daerah (Perda) terutama yang berkaitan dengan ketentuan spesifik tentang perubahan pemanfaatan lahan oleh kegiatan komersial di kota Banjarmasin.
4. PBB pada kegiatan komersial yang lokasinya tidak sesuai rencana ditetapkan dengan bobot yang lebih besar daripada pajak pada lokasi yang sesuai rencana.
5. Penetapan pajak atau retribusi perubahan pemanfaatan lahan khususnya untuk kegiatan komersial yang melakukan perubahan pemanfaatan lahan pada lokasi yang tidak direncanakan. Besarnya retribusi tergantung pada tingkat gangguan yang ditimbulkan.
6. Rencana pengembangan kegiatan komersial eksisting dapat ditekankan kepada penambahan kompensasi terhadap eksternalitas yang telah ditimbulkannya dan disesuaikan dengan karakteristik tempatnya, antara lain:
• Penetapan peraturan perparkiran pada setiap bangunan di sepanjang jalan utama. Bentuk peraturannya seperti memberikan zona larangan parkir on-street pada ruas jalan utama; mengharuskan adanya pembuatan ruang parkir pada bangunan baru dan mengenakan charge yang besar; dll.
• Penataan kembali Kawasan Perdagangan yang berada dalam satu daerah kawasan, terutama pusat kota secara komprehensif.
• Hal ini sebaiknya dilakukan terhadap semua komponen pusat kota, termasuk diantaranya adalah para pedagang kaki lima (informal sector) sehingga dimungkinkan keluarnya solusi kemitraan dalam pemakaian bangunan, penyediaan parkir, kenyamanan belanja, dan lain-lain.
• Penetapan zona-zona bebas pedagang kaki lima. Berdasarkan pada waktu berjualan dan jenis barang yang dijual dan zona penempatan pedagang kaki lima dengan ijin sementara. Hal ini dilakukan dengan pertimbangan adanya pengaruh negatif terhadap pengguna jalan, seperti pejalan kaki, pengendara motor dan mobil. Penetapan zona PKL dengan ijin juga harus diikuti dengan perapian letak dan kebersihan tempat berdagang yang juga telah disesuaikan kebebasan gerak pejalan kaki.
7. Pengendalian kegiatan komersial dalam pemanfaatan lahan perlu didukung dan diselaraskan dengan kebijakan kependudukan berikut strategi pengalokasian konsentrasi penduduk secara spasial sehingga secara tidak langsung perkembangan kegiatan komersial yang dipengaruhi oleh keberadaan penduduk sebagai konsumen dapat lebih dikendalikan.
8. Dengan adanya kenyataan bahwa distribusi jumlah unit kegiatan komersial dan luas perubahan pemanfaatan lahan dari lahan non komersial di kota Banjarmasin yang tidak sesuai rencana sangat dominan maka Permendagri No.4/1996 tentang pedoman perubahan pemanfaatan lahan perkotaan perlu dijabarkan dalam bentuk peraturan daerah yang lebih rinci dan tegas sebagai pedoman untuk mengendalikan kegiatan komersial dalam pemanfaatan lahan di kota Banjarmasin terutama yang menyimpang dari rencana.
9. Membangun sistem pengawasan partisipatif yaitu adanya koordinasi antara pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan pengendalian kegiatan komersial dalam pemanfaatan lahan pada skala administratif terkecil (kecamatan) agar lebih adaptif terhadap bentuk penyimpangan (seperti penyimpangan penertiban ijin pemanfaatan ruang oleh aparat kepada investor) dan juga terhadap keinginan pelaku kegiatan komersial (kekuatan pasar). Dalam pelaksanaannya perlu juga didukung oleh konsistensi pemerintah dalam memberikan legalitas pendirian usaha komersial pada suatu lokasi.
10. Dari kelembagaan, perlu dioptimalkan koordinasi antar instansi dalam pelaksanakan pengendalian kegiatan komersial dalam pemanfaatan lahan dan penegakan hukum (sanksi) terhadap pelanggaran atau penyimpangan dari ijin usaha atau ijin membangun yang tidak sesuai dengan arahan tata ruang harus dilaksanakan. Selain itu, fungsi kontrol dan pengawasan perlu dilaksanakan dengan format yang baku dan adanya prosedur tindak lanjut yang konkrit dalam mengatasi persoalan tersebut.

3.1 Usulan Pengendalian Secara Khusus

1. a) Kecamatan yang perlu mendapat prioritas pengendalian utama adalah
kecamatan Banjarmasin Timur yang memiliki bobot penyimpangan
perubahan pemanfaatan lahan oleh kegiatan komersial yang tinggi dan
kecenderungan perkembangan kegiatan komersial berada pada tingkat
sedang. Unit kegiatan pengangkutan dan komunikasi di kecamatan
Banjarmasin Timur memiliki pertumbuhan yang tertinggi hal ini juga
dikarenakan terdapatnya pelabuhan samudera Trisakti yang menyebabkan
arus sirkulasi barang dan orang sedemikian pesat, baik sirkulasi antar
kabupaten maupun antar propinsi dan antar pulau.

b) Dengan melihat kecenderungan variabel nilai/pajak lahan yang rendah
maka usulan pengendalian kegiatan komersial yang dapat diberikan di
kecamatan Banjarmasin Timur adalah dengan meningkatkan nilai/pajak
lahan. Diharapkan dengan nilai/pajak lahan yang tinggi maka perkembangan
kegiatan komersial dapat dikendalikan sesuai rencana. Pengenaan
kompensasi terhadap eksternalitas yang ditimbulkan oleh kegiatan
pengangkutan dan komunikasi di kecamatan Banjarmasin Timur diharapkan
dapat mengendalikan perkembangan kegiatan komersial tersebut.

2. a) Kecamatan Banjarmasin Barat diidentifikasi memiliki bobot penyimpangan
perubahan pemanfaatan lahan oleh kegiatan komersial yang sedang dan
kecenderungan perkembangan kegiatan komersial berada pada tingkat tinggi.
Unit kegiatan perdagangan besar, eceran, rumah makan dan jasa
akomodasi di kecamatan Banjarmasin Barat memiliki pertumbuhan yang
tertinggi hal ini juga dikarenakan terdapatnya jalan utama dan jalan lingkar
yang menghubungkan Kota Banjarmasin dengan kabupaten dan kota di
kalimantan selatan dan kalimatan timur.
b) Dengan melihat kecenderungan variabel waktu tempuh ke pusat kota yang
rendah maka usulan pengendalian kegiatan komersial yang dapat diberikan di
kecamatan Banjarmasin Barat adalah penertiban, pengenaan denda
hingga pencabutan perijinan dapat diberikan bagi kegiatan komersial
khususnya unit kegiatan perdagangan besar, eceran, rumah makan dan jasa
akomodasi di sepanjang ruas jalan yang tidak sesuai rencana.

3. a) Kecamatan Banjarmasin Tengah diidentifikasi memiliki bobot
penyimpangan perubahan pemanfaatan lahan oleh kegiatan komersial yang
sedang dan kecenderungan perkembangan kegiatan komersial berada pada
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Source: analysis, 2007 Description: T = High; S = Medium; R = Low From the above table it can be seen that kecamatan that are most in need of immediate sweeping action is a subdistrict of Bacolod East due to land use change deviation weighting by the commercial activity that has taken place is quite high. While the sub groups to have medium to high tendencies are aberrations are West subdistrict of Bacolod require anticipatory action to prevent the development of a larger deviation and directs the development of commercial activities in the planned location. The District includes a group with low distortion characteristics and tendencies are being is subdistrict of Bacolod South then the group with characteristic deviation of the medium and low tendency is a subdistrict of Bacolod North, entirely located in the planned. If reviewed by land use changes in distribution of commercial activity in the region is still limited, the low level of distortion can be interpreted that the commercial activity in the area has not been well developed. In other words, the development of commercial activities in the city of Banjarmasin haven't quite evenly. It needs sweeping action to address the deviation and the need for the development of the allocation of land for commercial activities as well as construction of infrastructure that could encourage the development of commercial activities in the region given the limited commercial land allocation and development trend of commercial activities which are also low.I. PROPOSAL FOR THE CONTROL OF COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES IN LAND USE IN THE CITY OF BANJARMASINBased on the results of this study, there are a few things that the Government proposed to The city of Banjarmasin to control land use change deviation by commercial activities. the proposed controls on for in two parts, the proposed control in General and the proposed control specifically. Both of these proposals are outlined as follows:3.1 the proposed Control in General1. Optimize the function of secondary growth centers that already exist. One way is to increase the availability and quality of infrastructure of the road network which strongly influenced the development of every kind of commercial activity units.2. In addition to the development of the secondary Center, environmental centres in every residential area needs to be further optimized its existence. This is done to limit and anticipate the development of commercial activities in local road sections in irregular housing area. This type of commercial activities which are geared towards the local scale, i.e., relevant to the everyday needs of the residents of the residential area.3. license grants Sweeping pemanfatan land (location permit, planning permissions, BUILDING PERMITS including land use change and permit changes in land use). Petition for change of land use permit will need to meet the requirements of: pengusaan land, evidence of conformity with the technical requirements of the building, pay attention to the value of aesthetics, for the city's development history, and written consent from all over the surrounding nearest neighbors, as well as the availability of infrastructure capacity and means an environment that complies with the technical provisions. In order for this consistent permitting mechanisms and conditions in them are not misinterpreted, then soon realized local regulations (Perda) especially with regard to the specific provisions on changes in land use by commercial activity in the city of Banjarmasin.4. The United Nations on its commercial activities do not fit the plan set with weights greater than the tax on the appropriate location plan.5. Determination of tax or levy on land use change in particular for commercial activity that does land use change on a site that was not planned. The magnitude of the levy depends on the level of disruption caused.6. plan the development of existing commercial activities can be reinforced to increase the compensation of externalities which have been incurred and is adapted to the characteristics of the place, among other things:• Determination of regulations perparkiran on every building along the main road. The rule forms such as providing zone restrictions on-street parking on main roads; requires the creation of parking spaces in new buildings and a large charge; etc. • Realignment of The trades that are in one area of the region, especially Central in a comprehensive manner.• It should be made against all components of the city centre, including the street vendors (informal sector) so that it is possible to discharge partnership solutions in the use of the building, the provision of parking, convenience shopping, and others.• The establishment of zones free of street vendors. Based on the time selling and the type of goods sold and the placement of street vendors with temporary permission. This is done with consideration of any negative influence of road users, such as pedestrians, bikers and cars. STREET VENDORS with zoning permission must also be followed by the location and the cleanliness of the fireplace where the trade has also been adapted for the freedom of movement of pedestrians. 7. Control of land use in commercial activities need to be supported and aligned with the population policy following the strategy of spatial concentration of population assignment so that indirectly the development of commercial activities that are affected by the presence of residents as consumers can be better controlled.8. Given the fact that the distribution of number of units of commercial activities and extensive land use changes from non-commercial lands in the city of Banjarmasin not according to plan was dominant then Permendagri No. 4/1996 on urban land use change guidelines need to be elaborated in the form of more detailed regional regulations and assertive as guidelines for controlling the commercial activity in the land use in the city of Banjarmasin especially those deviating from the plan.9. Establishing participatory monitoring system that the coordination between the Government and the community in the implementation of the control of commercial activities in land use on the scale of the smallest administrative (sub) to be more adaptive to the form of irregularities (aberrations such as curbing use of space by the apparatus permits to investors) and also against the desires of the principal commercial activity (market forces). In practice it should be also supported by the Government's consistency in delivering the legality of commercial business establishment at one location.10. from the institutional, necessary coordination agency in optimized pelaksanakan control of land use in commercial activities and law enforcement (sanctions) against violation or deviation from a business license or a permit to build an incompatible with spatial direction should be implemented. In addition, the control and supervision functions need to be implemented with raw format and the presence of concrete follow-up procedures in addressing the issue.3.1 the proposal Specifically Control1. a) Districts that need to get control of the main priority is kecamatan Banjarmasin East which has a weighted deviation changes in land use by commercial activity is high and the development trend of commercial activity is at a level being. Transportation and communication activities unit in district Banjarmasin East has the highest growth it is also because there is oceans causing Trisakti Harbour current circulation of goods and people in such a rapid, good circulation between counties as well as between provinces and between the Islands. b) by looking at the value of the variable inclination/low land tax the proposed control of commercial activities that can be given in the kecamatan Banjarmasin East is to increase the value/tax land. Expected value/high land taxes and the development commercial activities can be controlled according to plan. The imposition of compensation of externalities caused by the activities of the transport and communication in the kecamatan Banjarmasin East expected can control the development of the commercial activity.2. a Subdistrict of Bacolod West) have identified the weight discrepancy changes in land use by commercial activities and are the development trend of commercial activity is at a high level. Major trading activity units, retail, restaurants and services accommodation in subdistrict of Bacolod West has the growth the highest it is also because there is a main road and ring road connecting the city of Banjarmasin in regencies and cities in South Kalimantan and East kalimatan. b) by looking at the trend variable travel time to the city centre lower then the proposed control of commercial activities that can be given in the subdistrict of Bacolod West was sweeping, the imposition of fines until the revocation of permission can be granted for commercial activities in particular large trading activity units, retail, restaurants and services accommodation along the roads which are not according to plan. 3. a Subdistrict of Bacolod) has identified the Middle weights deviation change in land use by commercial activities being and development trend of commercial activity is
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Source: Analysis of 2007
Description: T = High; S = Medium; R = Low From the table above it can be seen that the districts most in need of immediate enforcement action is Banjarmasin Eastern districts due to land use changes in weight deviation by commercial activity that has occurred quite high. As for the group of districts which have a high tendency deviation is moderate and sub-districts of West Banjarmasin require anticipatory action to prevent the development of larger deviations and directing the development of commercial activities at the planned location. Subdistrict which includes groups with low aberration characteristics and trends currently are districts Banjarmasin South then the group with moderate deviations characteristics and a low tendency is North Banjarmasin districts, all located in the planned area. In retrospect distribution of land use changes by commercial activity in the region is still limited, the low level of deviation can be interpreted that the commercial activity in the region is not well developed. In other words, the development of commercial activities in the city of Banjarmasin yet fairly evenly. The need for enforcement action to tackle irregularities and the need for the development of land use for commercial activities and the development of infrastructure that can encourage the development of commercial activities in the region given the limited commercial land use and development trend of commercial activities which are also low. I. PROPOSED CONTROL OF COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES IN LAND USE IN CITY Banjarmasin Based on the results of this study, there are some things proposed to the Regional Government of Banjarmasin to control deviation changes in land use by commercial activities. proposals for the control in two parts, control proposals in general and specifically the proposed control. Both proposals are described as follows: 3.1 Proposed Control General 1. Optimizing the function of secondary growth centers which already exist. One way is to increase the availability and quality of the road network infrastructure which greatly influenced the development of any type of commercial activity unit. 2. In addition to the development of secondary centers, neighborhood centers in every area of housing needs to be optimized further existence. This is done to limit and anticipate the development of commercial activities in segments of local roads in residential areas which are not regular. The type of commercial activity is directed, namely the local scale, are relevant to the daily needs of the inhabitants of a residential area. 3. Curbing the granting of land utilization (location permit, planning permission, building permit including permit land use change and changes in land use). Land use change permit application needs to meet requirements such as: proof of land procurement, compliance with the technical requirements of the building, pay attention to aesthetic value, architectonic and historical development of the city, written consent of all the nearest neighbors around him, as well as the availability of capacity environmental infrastructure and facilities in accordance with the technical provisions , In order for the licensing mechanism is consistent and its provisions are not mistaken, it should be realized local regulations (Perda) primarily related to the specific provisions of the land use change by the commercial activities in the city of Banjarmasin. 4. UN in commercial activities, which are located not in accordance with the plan set greater weight than the tax on corresponding location plan. 5. Determination of tax or levy on land use change, especially for commercial activities that do land use changes in the locations that are not planned. The amount of the levy depends on the level of disruption caused. 6. The development plan of the existing commercial activities can be emphasized to increase compensation for the externalities that have been caused and adapted to the characteristics of the place, among others: • Determination of the parking regulations on each of the buildings along the main street. Form of rules such as giving zone on-street parking restrictions on main roads; requires the manufacture of parking spaces in new buildings and charge a large charge; etc. • Realignment of Trade Zone is located in a park area, particularly downtown comprehensively. • This should be done on all the components of the city center, including the street vendors (informal sector) so that the possible release of partnership solutions in the use of building , provision of parking, the convenience of shopping, and others. • Determination of the free zones vendors. Based on the time of selling and the type of goods sold and street vendors placement zones with temporary permits. This is done with consideration of their negative effect on road users, such as pedestrians, bikers and cars. PKL with zoning permit must also be followed by the fireplace location and cleanliness of the place to trade which has also been adapted freedom of movement pedestrians. 7. Control of commercial activities in the land use needs to be supported and aligned with the following population policies allocation strategy so that the spatial concentration of people indirectly the development of commercial activities affected by the presence of people as consumers can be better controlled. 8. By the fact that the distribution of the number of units of commercial activities and extensive changes in land use of non-commercial land in the city of Banjarmasin which is not according to plan so dominant that Regulation No.4 / 1996 on guidelines for urban land use changes need to be elaborated in the form of local regulations are more detailed and decisive as a guideline for the control of commercial activities in land use in the city of Banjarmasin especially those that deviate from the plan. 9. Building a participatory monitoring system that is the coordination between the government and society in the implementation of the control of commercial activities in the land use on the smallest scale administrative (districts) to be more adaptive to the shape irregularities (such as demolition permit deviations space utilization by the authorities to investors) and also against the wishes of principals' activities commercial (market forces). In its implementation should also be supported by the government's consistency in providing legal commercial business establishment at a given location. 10. From institutional, inter-agency coordination should be optimized in implementing the control of commercial activities in land use and law enforcement (sanctions) against violation or deviation from business licenses or permits to build that does not correspond to the spatial direction must be implemented. In addition, the control and supervisory functions should be carried out with a standardized format and the concrete follow-up procedures in addressing these issues. 3.1 Proposed Control Specially 1. a) the District that need priority is the primary control districts East Banjarmasin which has a weight deviation change in land use by higher commercial activity and the development trend of commercial activities at the level of being. Unit transport and communications activities in the district of East Banjarmasin has the highest growth this is also due to the presence of Trisakti harbor ocean which causes the flow of the circulation of goods and people so rapidly, good circulation between districts and between provinces and between islands. b) By looking at the variable inclination value / Low land tax , the proposed control of commercial activities that can be given in Banjarmasin Eastern districts is to increase the value / tax land. Expected value / high land tax, the development of commercial activity can be controlled according to plan. Imposition of compensation for the externalities generated by the activities of transport and communications in the district of East Banjarmasin expected to be able to control the development of the commercial activity. 2. a) District of West Banjarmasin irregularities identified weighs land use changes by commercial activity being and development trend of commercial activities are at a high level. Unit large trading activities, retail, restaurant and service accommodation in the district of West Banjarmasin have growth that is also the highest point due to the presence of the main road and roundabout that connects the city of Banjarmasin with counties and cities in south Kalimantan and East Kalimantan. b) By seeing a trend variable travel time to downtown is low, the proposed control of commercial activities that may be granted in the West is curbing Banjarmasin districts, the imposition of fines of up to revocation of licenses may be granted for commercial activities especially large trading activity units, retail, restaurant and service accommodation along the road which is not according to plan. 3. a) District of Central Banjarmasin identified weighs deviations land use changes by commercial activity being and development trend of commercial activities are at

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