Chapter IIReview of LiteraturesDalam bab ini, Anda akan dilayani oleh  terjemahan - Chapter IIReview of LiteraturesDalam bab ini, Anda akan dilayani oleh  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Chapter IIReview of LiteraturesDala

Chapter II
Review of Literatures
Dalam bab ini, Anda akan dilayani oleh jawaban dari pertanyaan nomor 1 dan 2 dari pertanyaan penelitian, yang, definisi ginjal pada sistem ekskresi manusia dan makanan asin.
Kebanyakan orang tidak merasa bahwa ketika dia mengonsumsi suatu makanan dapat menyebabkan terganggunya pada sistem yang ada dalam tubuh mereka. Sebagian diantara mereka ketika mengonsumsi makanan tidak memiliki pantangan atau kendala. Tapi sebaliknya, ada sebagian orang yang bahkan ketika mengonsumsi makanan, tubuh mereka tidak menerima atau terganggu pada sistem kerja tubuh mereka. Seperti halnya mengonsumi makanan asin yang dapat menyebabkan terganggunya sistem ekskresi pada tubuh manusia. Sebelum membahas lebih dalam, penulis akan memaparkan hal-hal yang berkaitan tentang sistem ekskresi pada manusia yaitu ginjal.
2.1 Definition of Sistem Ekskresi pada manusia
Eksresi adalah proses pengeluaran zat sisa metabolisme baik berupa zat cair dan zat gas. Zat-zat sisa zat sisa itu berupa urine(ginjal), keringat(kulit), empedu(hati), dan CO2(paru-paru). Zat-zat ini harus dikeluarkan dari tubuh karena jika tidak dikeluarkan akan mengganggu bahkan meracuni tubuh. Pada pembahasan karya tulis ini,penulis akan lebih menjelaskan secara detail sistem ekskresi pada manusia yaitu bagian ginjal.
2.1.1 Ginjal
Ginjal merupakan salah satu bagian dari sistem ekskresi pada manusia. Ginjal adalah organ ekskresi dalam vertebrata yang berbentuk mirip kacang. Sebagai bagian dari sistem urin, ginjal berfungsi menyaring kotoran (terutama urea) dari darah dan membuangnya bersama dengan air dalam bentuk urin. Cabang dari kedokteran yang mempelajari ginjal dan penyakitnya disebut nefrologi. Ginjal memiliki beberapa bagian, bagian-bagian alat ekskresi pada ginjal adalah sebagai berikut:
Korteks: Adalah bagian ginjal yang terdapat badan-bagan malpighi(glomerulus dan kapsula bowman), tubulus kontortus proksimal, dan tubulus kontortus distal.
Nefron: Adalah tempat penyaringan darah. Di dalam ginjal terdapat lebih dari 1 juta buah nefron. 1 nefron terdiri dari glomerulus, kapsula bowman, tubulus kontortus proksimal, lengkung henle, tubulus kontortus distal, dan tubulus kolektivus.
Medula: Terdiri dari 9 sampai 14 bagian yang berbentuk piramid. Di dalamnya terdapat lengkung henle dan tubulus kolektivus.
Pelvis: Merupakan tempat bermuaranya tubulus yaitu tempat penampungan urin sementara yang akan dialirkan menuju kandung kemih melalui ureter dan dikeluarkan dari tubuh melalui uretra.
Glomerulus: Tempat penyaringan darah yang akan menyaring air, garam, asam amino, glukosa, dan urea. Menghasilkan urin primer.
Kapsula bowman: Adalah semacam kantong/kapsul yang membungkus glomerulus. Kapsula bowman ditemukan oleh Sir William Bowman.
Tubulus kontortus proksimal: Adalah tempat penyerapan kembali/reabsorpsi urin primer yang menyerap glukosa, garam, air, dan asam amino. Menghasilkan urin sekunder.
Lengkung henle: Penghubung antara tubulus kontortus proksimal dengan tubulus kontortus distal.
Tubulus kontortus distal: Tempat untuk melepaskan zat-zat yang tidak berguna lagi atau berlebihan ke dalam urin sekunder. Menghasilkan urin sesungguhnya.
Tubulus kolektivus: Adalah tabung sempit panjang dalam ginjal yang menampung urin dari nefron, untuk disalurkan ke pelvis menuju kandung kemih.
Pada penjelasan diatas bisa kita tarik kesimpulan bahwa ginjal memiliki bagian bagian. Selain itu Ginjal merupakan organ ekskresi vertebrata yang berbentuk mirip kacang yang berfungsi untuk menyaring kotoran (terutama urea) dari darah dan membuangnya bersama dengan air dalam bentuk urin. Adapun bagian bagian terpenting dalam ginjal. Berikut adalah penjelasan dari bagian-bagian terpenting pada ginjal:
1. Diafragma (bukan bagian dari ginjal, melainkan bagian dari sistem pernapasan pada manusia).
2. Kelenjar adrenal adalah kelenjar endokrin berbentuk segitiga yang terletak di atas ginjal (ad, "dekat" atau "di" + renes, "ginjal"). Kelenjar ini bertanggung jawab pada pengaturan respon stress pada sintesis kortikosteroid dan katekolamin, termasuk kortisol dan hormon adrenalin.
3. Ginjal terdiri dari 2 buah. Gambar di atas menunjukkan posisi ginjal di dalam perut kita.
4. Arteri ginjal adalah pembuluh nadi yang berfungsi untuk membawa darah ke dalam ginjal untuk disaring di glomerulus.
5. Vena ginjal adalah pembuluh balik yang berfungsi untuk membawa darah keluar dari ginjal menuju vena cava inferior kemudian kembali ke jantung.
6. Vena cava inferior (pembuluh balik besar bawah) adalah pembuluh darah yang menerima darah dari badan dan kedua kaki. Darah yang dibawa oleh pembuluh darah jenis ini mengandung banyak CO2.
7. Aorta abdominalis adalah arteri terbesar di cavitas abdominalis atau rongga perut. Sebagai bagian dari aorta, aorta abdominalis adalah kelanjutan dari aorta descendens.
8. Ureter adalah suatu saluran muskuler berbentuk silinder yang menghantarkan urin dari ginjal menuju kandung kemih.
Dari: Bahasa Indonesia
Ke: Inggris
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Chapter IIReview of LiteraturesIn this chapter, you will be served by the answers of questions number 1 and 2 of the research question, that is, the definition of kidney in human excretion system and salty foods. Most people do not feel that when she consumes a food can cause a disruption in the system that exists in their body. Most of them when consuming food have no dietary restrictions or constraints. But otherwise, there are some people who even when consuming food, their bodies don't accept or distracted at work their body systems. As with any mengonsumi salty foods that can cause disruption of system excretion in human body. Before discussing the deeper, the author will expose things that are related to System i.e. renal excretion in humans.2.1 Definition of human Excretory SystemEksresi is the process of residual substances are metabolic expenditure either liquid and gas substances. The remaining substances substances the rest of it in the form of urine (kidneys), sweat (skin), biliary (liver), and CO2 (lungs). These substances must be removed from the body because if not expelled would disrupt even poison the body. On the discussion of this paper, the authors will better explain in detail the system of excretion in humans, the kidneys. 2.1.1 the kidneys The kidney is one part of the system for excretion in humans. The kidneys are the organs of excretion in vertebrates in the shape resemble nuts. As part of the urinary system, kidney function to filter out impurities (especially urea) from blood and dispose of it along with water in the form of urine. The branch of medicine that studies the kidneys and the ailment is called Nephrology. The kidneys have several parts, parts of the kidney for excretion in the tool are as follows:Cortex: is part of the kidney that there are body-malpighi chart (the glomerulus and bowman kapsula), proximal kontortus tubule, distal tubules and kontortus.Nefron: is where the filtering blood. In the kidney, there is more than 1 million fruit nefron. 1 nefron consists of the glomerulus, bowman kapsula proximal tubules, kontortus, curved henle, distal kontortus tubule, and kolektivus tubules.Medulla: consists of 9 to 14 are pyramid-shaped part. Inside are arcing henle and kolektivus tubules.Pelvis: is the site of bermuaranya tubules where urine is temporary shelter will be channeled towards the bladder via the ureters and removed from the body through the urethra.Glomerulus filtration: the blood which will filter the water, salt, glucose, amino acids, and urea. Generate the primary urine.Kapsula bowman: is a kind of bag/capsule that encloses the glomerulus. Kapsula bowman was discovered by Sir William Bowman.Proximal kontortus tubule: is where absorption of return/reabsorption of urine primer that absorbs water, salts, glucose, and amino acids. Generate a secondary urine.Arch of henle: liaison between the proximal kontortus tubule with distal kontortus tubule.Kontortus distal tubules: the place to release substances that are not useful anymore or excessive urine into the secondary. Produce urine.Kolektivus tubules: Is long narrow tubes in the kidney that accommodate the urine from nefron, disposal into the pelvis toward the bladder. On the above explanation can we pull the conclusion that the kidney has a part. Besides the kidney excretion of vertebrate organ is shaped similar to a nut that serves to filter the impurities (especially urea) from blood and dispose of it along with water in the form of urine. As for the part the most important part in the kidney. The following is an explanation of the most important parts in the kidneys:1. Diaphragm (not part of the kidney, but rather part of the respiratory system in humans).2. adrenal glands are triangle-shaped endocrine glands located on top of the kidneys (ad, "near" or "at" + renes, "kidneys"). These glands are responsible for stress response on the setting on the synthesis of corticosteroids and catecholamines, including cortisol and adrenaline hormone.3. The Kidney consists of 2 pieces. The picture above shows the position of the kidneys in our stomach.4. renal Artery is the artery that serves to bring blood into the glomerulus of the kidney filtered in.5. the renal Vein is a vein which serves to carry blood out of the kidney inferior cava vein then headed back to the heart.6. the inferior cava Vein (the large vein under) are blood vessels that receive blood from the body and legs. Blood is carried by the blood vessels of this type contain a lot of CO2.7. Abdominal Aorta is the largest artery in the abdominal cavity or abdominal cavity. As part of the aorta, abdominal aorta is a continuation of the aorta descendens.8. The Ureter is a cylindrical muskuler channels that carry urine from the kidneys leading to the bladder.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Chapter II
Review of Literatures
In this chapter, you will be served by the answer to questions 1 and 2 of the research question, which is, the definition of renal excretory system of human and salty foods.
Most people do not feel that when she ate a meal can cause disruption in existing systems in their bodies. Some of them when consuming food has no restrictions or constraints. But on the contrary, there are some people who even when consuming food, their body does not receive or impaired in their body systems work. As well as consume salty foods which can cause disruption of the excretory system of the human body. Before delving deeper, the author will explain matters pertaining about the excretory system in humans that is the kidney.
2.1 Definition of System Excretion in human
excretion is processing waste products in the form of liquid and gas substances. Substances residual substances in the form of residual urine (kidneys), sweating (skin), bile (liver), and CO2 (lungs). These substances must be removed from the body because if not removed will interfere even poison the body. In the discussion of this paper, the author will be explained in detail the excretory system in humans that is part of the kidney.
2.1.1 Kidney
The kidney is one part of the excretory system in humans. Kidneys are excretory organs in vertebrates shaped like a peanut. As part of the urinary system, kidney function filter wastes (especially urea) from the blood and throw it together with water in the form of urine. The branch of medicine that studies the kidneys and the disease is called nephrology. Kidney has several parts, appliance parts excretion in the kidney are as follows:
Cortex: It is part of the kidney that contained the body-chart Malpighi (glomerulus and capsule of bowman), tubules convoluted proximal and tubules convoluted distal.
Nephrons: It is a blood filtration. In the kidney there are more than 1 million copies of the nephron. 1 nephron consists of a glomerulus, Bowman's capsule, proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubules and collecting tubules.
The medulla: Consists of 9 to 14 parts of the pyramid-shaped. Inside are the loop of Henle, and tubular collecting.
Pelvis: It is a place bermuaranya tubules was a shelter of urine while to be channeled into the bladder via the ureters and excreted from the body through the urethra.
The glomerulus: The screening of blood that will filter water, salts, amino acids, glucose, and urea. Produce urine primer.
The capsule Bowman: It is a kind of pouch / capsule that encloses the glomerulus. Bowman's capsule was discovered by Sir William Bowman.
Tubule proximal convoluted: It is a re-absorption / reabsorption primary absorb urine glucose, salt, water, and amino acids. Produce urine secondary.
Henle: The link between the proximal convoluted tubules in the distal convoluted tubule.
Tubular distal convoluted: Points to release substances that are no longer useful or redundant into secondary urine. Indeed produce urine.
Tubule collecting: It is a long narrow tube that holds urine in the kidneys of the nephron, for distribution to the pelvis into the bladder.
In the above explanation we can draw the conclusion that the kidney has a part. In addition vertebrate kidneys are excretory organs shaped like beans which serves to filter wastes (especially urea) from the blood and throw it together with water in the form of urine. As for the most important parts of the kidney. Here is an explanation of the most important parts of the kidney:
1. Diaphragm (not part of the kidney, but part of the respiratory system in humans).
2. The adrenal glands are triangular shaped endocrine gland located above the kidneys (ad, "near" or "at" + Renes, "kidney"). These glands are responsible for the regulation of the stress response in the synthesis of corticosteroids and catecholamines, including cortisol and adrenaline.
3. Kidney consists of 2 pieces. The above picture shows the position of the kidneys in our stomach.
4. Renal artery is the artery that serves to carry blood to the kidneys to be filtered at the glomerulus.
5. Renal vein is the vein that serves to carry blood out of the kidney to the inferior vena cava and then back to the heart.
6. Inferior vena cava (large vein below) is a blood vessel that receives blood from the body and legs. Blood that is carried by the blood vessels of this type contain a lot of CO2.
7. The abdominal aorta is the largest artery in the abdominal cavity or abdominal cavity. As part of the aorta, the abdominal aorta is a continuation of the aorta descendens.
8. The ureter is a muscular channel cylinder that delivers urine from the kidney to the bladder.
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