: Writing Skills is one skill that must be taught in language learning United Kingdom. But in the implementation of this skill is often overlooked by United Kingdom language teachers with a variety of reasons. Moreover, in a study of writing teachers still use the approach of product (product-oriented) instead of process approach (process-oriented). Collaborative Writing is a learning strategy that is based on the orientation of the writing process. This strategy has been shown to improve students ' writing skills.Keywords: Collaborative Writing, Strategy, Writing, Process Approach. IntroductionUnited Kingdom language is a tool to communicate either orally or in writing. To communicate is to understand and disclose information, thoughts, feelings, and develop science, technology, and culture. The ability to communicate in the sense of intact is part ability, the ability to understand and/or produce spoken text and/or write realized in four proficiency, namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing. The fourth skill is used to respond to or create a discourse in the life of society. Therefore, the United Kingdom Language subjects are directed to develop these skills in order to graduate and be able to communicate in the language of United Kingdom part at the level of particular literacy. Among the four language skills including writing skills in productive skills. In this skills handwriting products students become a target of the end of the learning process. According to Duin (1986) writing skills essential to be taught because writing can be a tool to convey ideas, ideas, and message to readers with a specific purpose. In addition to writing we can explain and mendiskripsikan something to someone who is far away from us.According to White (1985) writing activities can be the media or the component language learning tool because in writing skills tertuntut students to apply knowledge of grammar, grammar, composition of sentences, idioms and vocabulary. In addition, students are also given the opportunity to learn their language for exploring this untapped. According to Graham (2007) writing skills learning in schools have two important benefits. First, writing is a skill that can demonstrate the ability to use strategy (such as planning, evaluation, and revision) to the achievement of the purpose of the writing itself with different opinions and supporting evidence they have. Second, write a meaningful broadening and deepening the knowledge of students. Writing is a great tool to learn lessons.Writing skills are skills that are rarely taught at good learners present MTs or MA. There are several reasons why writing skills are often overlooked by the teacher. First, the difficulty in planning for Teachers and teach these skills. Writing skills are not fully tested both in a semester or final exams. Third, teachers more often preoccupied with describing and explaining the parts (generic structure) of a text than applying it in his writing students. Lastly, study skills, writing is very good in the process time-consuming and also in giving feedback. Related to the reason why writing skills are often overlooked by teachers, Alwasilah (2004) in his research found that in Indonesia the literacy culture has not been defined as "the ability to read and write" but still be defined as "the ability to read." In addition, teachers spent much of their time has been allocated to explain the grammar than teaching the skills to write itself. Another reason that he found was a teacher with a class of frequently complain that they are learning. It is not possible to make a teacher correcting student work effectively. Writing skills is one language that has many skills suck attention of many parties. In addition to writing skills because can be used as a measure of a nation's literacy, also because not so widespread in the community generally and particularly in the school environment. Writing skills this could be considered a difficult language skills and complex due to the extent of requiring insight and involves an intensive process of thinking. The inability of writing students are also believed to most people due to the failure of teaching writing skills disekolah-sekolah. Some research suggests that teaching writing for this only focuses on teaching grammar or writing, not the Ordinance directs learners on to much writing. In the United Kingdom language teaching contexts in writing skills, HIGH SCHOOL level is absolutely necessary given the goal of language learning is one of the United Kingdom at the high school level/MA is to develop the competence to communicate in oral and written form to reach the level of informational literacy. The scope of United Kingdom language learning in high school level/MA of which include: (1) part capacity, i.e. the ability to understand and/or produce spoken text and/or write realized in four skills speaking, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing are integrated to achieve the literacy level of informational; (2) the ability to understand and create a variety of functional short texts and monologues as well as essays shaped procedure, descriptive, narrative, recount, report, news items, analytical exposition hortatory, exposition, spoof, explanation, discussion, reviews, public speaking (Dedpdiknas, 2006).Based on the observations of the author, writing skills students generally Jombang MAN is still weak. One is still low quality, the charge indicators will writing students both in terms of grammar, developing and organizing ideas on this results in writing skills students gain value is still low. In addition, the authors also find problems that need solving. First, students feel difficulties to get started writing a simple article that relate to the topics they are studying. This makes them manghabiskan a long time just to start writing a simple paragraph. In addition, they found it difficult to find and organize ideas related to the topic of discussion. Second, they found it difficult to develop a coherent paragraph so that their writing is difficult to understand. Third, most of the sentences they write in the paper they are not fused and relate to the main idea. Fourth, there are still many grammatical errors in their work. Lastly, they tend to be inactive and have no motivation in writing because they feel learning difficulties. There are several factors for the emergence of the issues above. The first factor, the lack of teaching writing skills portion compared to other skills in school classrooms; like reading and discussing grammar. Second, in giving the task of writing teachers sometimes do not provide examples and guidance on how to pour the idea and develop it on any process of writing. This led to learning the skills to write just resting on the result (product oriented) rather than on the process (proccess oriented). Approach Of Product Vs. Process ApproachRelated to the teaching of writing (writing) there are two things to be orientation in teaching writing, namely product, process and approach. Approach of product in the activity of writing just focus on the end result of an activity of learning to write. Approach products are also more concerned with textual form, with more teaching grammar, error analysis, or single sentence into a sentence combines compounds. In addition, students are taught to write by imitating a model already exists. It ignores aspects of cognitive of the writing. Write only seen as linguistic actions. In the process approach, the main focus is how the activity students in the process of producing the final text. Cumming in Reid (1993) States that writing is the negotiation of meaning between writer and reader that involves the continuous process starting from the design to the process of revision. According to him, the stages in the writing consists of prewriting, drafting and revising. In the prewriting, students pulled out an idea to find a topic that will they write. After finding the idea, they make the design (drafting) later revised (revising) and re-written until completion. This process will develop students ' ability to pour their ideas in writing. According to Murray (in Aswandi, 2009) learning activities write using a process approach is characterized by the use of collaborative brain storming, free-writing, the choice of topic papers submitted on the author, the existence of peer group editing, learning steps in pendeketan process include: developing ideas/ideas, drafting, revising, and editing.Meanwhile, according to Shih (in Brown, 2001: 335) writing process includes several steps. First, the teacher helps the students to understand the process of writing them so that they are able to find the appropriate strategy. Next, students were given enough time to write and revise her writing. Students are encouraged to pour what they want to convey through his writings. Then, the teacher gives the opportunity to students to provide feedback so the students not only get feedback from teachers but also from peer (peer response). Thus, students are expected to be independent (autonomous).Regarding the independence of students in learning (learning autonomy), Nunan (2003: 290) defines independence of students as the ability to supervise its own analytical study
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