for genevieve beloved
for your secret I will always keep it well but for now I need money bukang honestly from my heart just your presence I need because I really really love and love you, here I am fine,life as it is if one day you want me to keep your children I would be happy to keep them as my own children, because I think you have as part of a living power
kalu you want to know about me is my identity
full name I Yosi Irwanto Delu
cak doko village street address Oebobo Oebobo district of East Nusa Tenggara Kupang, Indonesia
pt office address multi-way quantum adira tompelo urban districts oetete Oebobo East Nusa Tenggara Kupang, Indonesia.
one thing I want to say to you but the money we can get happiness it is hard to get it, because I want to say that your presence at my side is that I harapkkan this
my mobile number 085337699785one thing you should know we'll never walua bertenu though I will still love and love you always
keep me right there because I do not want to lose you
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