Dua bulan yang lalu saya mengikuti kegiatan tahunan sekolah yaitu prak terjemahan - Dua bulan yang lalu saya mengikuti kegiatan tahunan sekolah yaitu prak Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Dua bulan yang lalu saya mengikuti

Dua bulan yang lalu saya mengikuti kegiatan tahunan sekolah yaitu praktik kerja industri. Saya dan teman-teman saya melakukan praktik kerja industri di PT. New Armada Jaya Magelang. Perusahaan tersebut merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang karoseri. Saya dan teman-teman bekerja di bagian box and heavy duty. Di sana kami belajar membuat box mobil dan truk yang terbuat dari alumunium maupun besi. Hari pertama, kami mendapat pengarahan dari pembimbing lapangan. Setelah itu kami diajak berkeliling perusahaan dengan menggunakan mobil umum, karena memang perusaahan tersebut sangatlah luas. Pada hari pertama kami memperkenalkan diri dan berkenalan dengan para karyawan. Kami dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian pekerjaan yang berbeda-beda, sehingga kami tidak bekerja secara bersamaan. Karena kami bekerja berbeda bagian, maka kami sering berbagi pengalaman dan pengetahuan selama bekerja. Kami dikenalkan dengan peralatan-peralatan yang digunakan untuk proses produksi. Beberapa memang terlihat asing, karena belum pernah kami temui sebelumnya di sekolah.
Setiap pagi, kami berangkat pukul 7.10 dan sampai di perusahaan pada pukul 7.20. Setelah itu kami berganti pakaian di ruang ganti. Sebelum masuk, kami mengisi presensi dan tanda tangan. Setelah semua siap kami segera baris dan mengikuti pengarahan kerja pada pukul 7.30. Setelah pengarahan, kami mulai bekerja. Tidak lupa, kami menggunakan perlengkapan pelindung diri agar aman dan nyaman. Pada pukul duabelas siang, kami berhenti bekerja untuk istirahat makan siang. Kami mendapat jatah makan siang yang disediakan di kantin. Setelah makan siang kami menggunakan waktu istirahat yang tersisa untuk tidur. Setelah pukul satu siang, kami melanjutkan pekerjaan. Ada berbagai macam pekerjaan yang kami temui, sehingga tidak membuat kami merasa bosan dan dapat menambah keterampilan dan pengetahuan kami. Pukul empat sore kami mulai bersih-bersih dan merapikan peralatan kerja, lalu kami pulang pukul 5 sore. Kami bekerja selama 5 hari dalam seminggu, jadi pada hari Sabtu kami manfaatkan untuk pulang ke rumah. Pada hari-hari tertentu seperti hari Selasa dan Kamis, kami mendapat jatah susu murni untuk setiap orang. Hal tersebut memang merupakan program dari perusahaan untuk menjaga kesehatan para karyawan.
Ada pengalaman yang berkesan bagi saya saat saya melakukan praktik kerja industri. Pada sore hari itu, saat akan berganti pakaian di ruang ganti, saya meraba kantongan celana saya untuk mengambil kunci lemari ruang ganti. Tetapi saya merasa ada yang aneh, karena kunci saya ternyata hilang. Saya bingung dan mencoba untuk mencari kunci di sekitar tempat kerja. Tetapi saya tidak menemukan kunci tersebut. Terpaksa saya harus pulang dengan menggunakan wearpack. Hal tersebut membuat saya agak malu karena menjadi pusat perhatian beberapa karyawan di perusahaan. Keesokan harinya, saya meminjam kunci duplikat pada pembimbing lapangan, dan menggantinya dengan menggandakan kunci duplikat tersebut.
Masih sangat banyak pengalaman yang saya alami selama praktik kerja industri. Selain itu, banyak juga manfaat yang berguna bagi saya. Tidak hanya menambah wawasan dan keterampilan, melainkan juga rasa kekeluargaan yang sangat erat dan kekompakan membuat kami menjadi merasa berat untuk meninggalkan perusahaan tersebut. Tetapi saya tidak akan melupakan pengalaman berharga ini.
Inilah cerita saya selama mengikuti kegiatan praktik kerja industri.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Two months ago I attended the annual school activities namely work practices in the industry. Me and my friends do the work practices of the industry at PT. New Armada Jaya. The company is a company engaged in the field of carrosserie. Me and my friends work on the box and heavy duty. There we learn to make the box cars and trucks made of aluminium or iron. The first day, we got a briefing from the field supervisor. After that we were invited to get around using public car company, because the company is very broad indeed. On the first day we introduced ourselves and get acquainted with the employees. Our work is divided into several parts, so we do not work together. Because we work different parts, so we often share their experience and knowledge for work. We introduced with equipment used for the production process. Some do look familiar, because we have never encountered before in school. Every morning, we set off at 7.10 and got company at is. ... After that we change clothes in the locker room. Before entering, we fill presensi and signature. After all ready we immediately line and follow direction work at 7:30. After the briefing, we began to work. Don't forget, we use protective gear ourselves so that safe and comfortable. At twelve noon, we stopped work for a lunch break. We got lunch rations are provided in the cafeteria. After lunch we use the remaining time off to sleep. After one day, we continue the work. There are many different kinds of work we have come across, so that doesn't make us feel bored and can add to our knowledge and skills. Four o'clock in the afternoon we started to clean-up and tidying equipment work, and then we went home at 5 pm. We work 5 days a week, so on Saturday we take advantage to go home. On certain days like Tuesdays and Thursdays, our guaranteed pure milk for everyone. It is indeed a program from the company to preserve the health of the employees.There is a memorable experience for me as I do the work practices of the industry. In the afternoon, when it will change clothes in the locker room, I felt my pants bags to take the lock wardrobe locker room. But I feel there is a strange, because my key turns out to be missing. I was confused and tried to find the key around the workplace. But I can't find the key. Forced to I have to get home by using wearpack. It makes me a bit ashamed of being the center of attention of some employees at the company. The next day, I borrow a duplicate key on a field supervisor, and replace it with a duplicate key duplicates.Still very much experience I experienced during the work practices of the industry. In addition, many of the benefits are also useful for me. Not only adds to the insights and skills, but also a sense of family cohesiveness and intricately made us be felt heavy to leave the company. But I will not forget this valuable experience. This is my story for following activities work practices in the industry.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Two months ago I participated in the school year that the industry work practices. Me and my friends do the work practices in the industry PT. New Armada Jaya Magelang. The company is a company engaged in the body of a car. I and friends working in the box and heavy duty. There we learned to make cars and trucks box made ​​of aluminum and iron. The first day, we got a briefing from the field supervisor. After that we were invited to tour companies using a common car, because it is very broad perusaahan. On the first day we introduced ourselves and get acquainted with the employees. We divided into sections of different jobs, so we do not work together. Since we work different parts, so we often share their experience and knowledge during the work. We were introduced to the equipment used for the production process. Some do look familiar, because we have never met before at school.
Every morning, we left at 7:10 and arrived at the company at 7:20. After that we changed clothes in the locker room. Before entering, we fill out presence and signature. After all ready for our immediate line and follow the direction of work at 7:30. After the briefing, we start working. Do not forget, our use of personal protective equipment to be safe and comfortable. At twelve o'clock noon, we stopped work for a lunch break. We got rations for lunch provided in the canteen. After the lunch break we use the remaining time to sleep. After one o'clock, we continue the work. There are many different kinds of jobs we find, so it does not make us feel tired and can increase our skills and knowledge. At four o'clock we began to clean and tidy up the work equipment, then we go home at 5 pm. We work 5 days a week, so on Saturday we use to return home. On certain days, such as Tuesday and Thursday, we get pure milk rations for everyone. It is indeed a program of the company to maintain the health of the employees.
There is a memorable experience for me when I did the working practices of the industry. In the afternoon, when will change clothes in the locker room, I felt my pants bag to pick up the key cupboard locker room. But I thought it was weird, because my keys are missing. I was confused and trying to find the key around the workplace. But I did not find the key. I was forced to go home by using wearpack. It made ​​me a little embarrassed because the center of attention of several employees in the company. The next day, I borrow the duplicate keys in a field supervisor, and replace it with the duplicate key doubles.
There are a lot of experience that I experienced during the working practices of the industry. In addition, there are many useful benefits for me. Not only adds insight and skills, but also a sense of family that very closely and compactness makes us feel heavy to leave the company. But I will not forget this valuable experience.
This is my story during the activities of the working practices of the industry.
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