SEJARAH KERATON KESEPUHANKeraton Kasepuhan adalah keraton termegah dan terjemahan - SEJARAH KERATON KESEPUHANKeraton Kasepuhan adalah keraton termegah dan Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan



Keraton Kasepuhan adalah keraton termegah dan paling terawat di Cirebon. Makna di setiap sudut arsitektur keraton ini pun terkenal paling bersejarah. Halaman depan keraton ini dikelilingi tembok bata merah dan terdapat pendopo didalamnya.
Keraton ini memiliki museum yang cukup lengkap dan berisi benda pusaka dan lukisan koleksi kerajaan. Salah satu koleksi yang dikeramatkan yaitu kereta Singa Barong. Kereta ini saat ini tidak lagi dipergunakan dan hanya dikeluarkan pada tiap 1 Syawal untuk dimandikan.
Bagian dalam keraton ini terdiri dari bangunan utama yang berwarna putih. Didalamnya terdapat ruang tamu, ruang tidur dan singgasana raja.

Keraton Kasepuhan didirikan pada tahun 1529 oleh Pangeran Mas Mochammad Arifin II (cicit dari Sunan Gunung Jati) yang menggantikan tahta dari Sunan Gunung Jati pada tahun 1506. Ia bersemayam di dalem Agung Pakungwati Cirebon. Keraton Kasepuhan dulunya bernama Keraton Pakungwati, sedangkan Pangeran Mas Mochammad Arifin bergelar Panembahan Pakungwati I. Sebutan Pakungwati berasal dari nama Ratu Dewi Pakungwati binti Pangeran Cakrabuana yang menikah dengan Sunan Gunung Jati. Ia wafat pada tahun 1549 dalam Mesjid Agung Sang Cipta Rasa dalam usia yang sangat tua. Nama beliau diabadikan dan dimuliakan oleh nasab Sunan Gunung Jati sebagai nama Keraton yaitu Keraton Pakungwati yang sekarang bernama Keraton Kasepuhan.

Di depan Keraton Kesepuhan terdapat alun-alun yang pada waktu zaman dahulu bernama Alun-alun Sangkala Buana yang merupakan tempat latihan keprajuritan yang diadakan pada hari Sabtu atau istilahnya pada waktu itu adalah Saptonan. Dan di alun-alun inilah dahulunya dilaksanakan berbagai macam hukuman terhadap setiap rakyat yang melanggar peraturan seperti hukuman cambuk. Di sebelah barat Keraton kasepuhan terdapat Masjid yang cukup megah hasil karya dari para wali yaitu Masjid Agung Sang Cipta Rasa. Sedangkan di sebelah timur alun-alun dahulunya adalah tempat perekonomian yaitu pasar -- sekarang adalah pasar kesepuhan yang sangat terkenal dengan pocinya. Model bentuk Keraton yang menghadap utara dengan bangunan Masjid di sebelah barat dan pasar di sebelah timur dan alun-alun ditengahnya merupakan model-model Keraton pada masa itu terutama yang terletak di daerah pesisir. Bahkan sampai sekarang, model ini banyak diikuti oleh seluruh kabupaten/kota terutama di Jawa yaitu di depan gedung pemerintahan terdapat alun-alun dan di sebelah baratnya terdapat masjid.

Sebelum memasuki gerbang komplek Keraton Kasepuhan terdapat dua buah pendopo, di sebelah barat disebut Pancaratna yang dahulunya merupakan tempat berkumpulnya para punggawa Keraton, lurah atau pada zaman sekarang disebut pamong praja. Sedangkan pendopo sebelah timur disebut Pancaniti yang merupakan tempat para perwira keraton ketika diadakannya latihan keprajuritan di alun-alun.

Memasuki jalan kompleks Keraton di sebelah kiri terdapat bangunan yang cukup tinggi dengan tembok bata kokoh disekelilingnya. Bangunan ini bernama Siti Inggil atau dalam bahasa Cirebon sehari-harinya adalah lemah duwur yaitu tanah yang tinggi. Sesuai dengan namanya bangunan ini memang tinggi dan nampak seperti kompleks candi pada zaman Majapahit. Bangunan ini didirikan pada tahun 1529, pada masa pemerintahan Syekh Syarif Hidayatullah (Sunan Gunung Jati). Di pelataran depan Siti Inggil terdapat meja batu berbentuk segi empat tempat bersantai. Bangunan ini merupakan bangunan tambahan yang dibuat pada tahun 1800-an. Siti Inggil memiliki dua gapura dengan motif bentar bergaya arsitek zaman Majapahit. Di sebelah utara bernama Gapura Adi sedangkan di sebelah selatan bernama Gapura Banteng. Dibawah Gapura Banteng ini terdapat Candra Sakala dengan tulisan Kuta Bata Tinata Banteng yang jika diartikan adalah tahun 1451. saka yang merupakan tahun pembuatannya (1451 saka = 1529 M). Tembok bagian utara komplek Siti Inggil masih asli sedangkan sebelah selatan sudah pernah mengalami pemugaran/renovasi. Di dinding tembok kompleks Siti Inggil terdapat piring-piring dan porslen-porslen yang berasal dari Eropa dan negeri Cina dengan tahun pembuatan 1745 M. Di dalam kompleks Siti Inggil terdapat 5 bangunan tanpa dinding yang memiliki nama dan fungsi tersendiri. Bangunan utama yang terletak di tengah bernama Malang Semirang dengan jumlah tiang utama 6 buah yang melambangkan rukun iman dan jika dijumlahkan keseluruhan tiangnya berjumlah 20 buah yang melambangkan 20 sifat-sifat Allah SWT. Bangunan ini merupakan tempat sultan melihat latihan keprajuritan atau melihat pelaksanaan hukuman. Bangunan di sebelah kiri bangunan utama bernama Pendawa Lima dengan jumlah tiang penyangga 5 buah yang melambangkan rukun islam. Bangunan ini tempat para pengawal pribadi sultan.Bangunan di sebelah kanan bangunan utama bernama Semar Tinandu dengan 2 buah tiang yang melambangkan Dua Kalimat Syahadat. Bangunan ini adalah tempat penasehat Sultan/Penghulu.

Di belakang bangunan utama bernama Mande Pangiring yang merupakan tempat para pengiring Sultan, sedangk
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
THE HISTORY OF THE PALACE KESEPUHANKraton Kasepuhan is the grandest and most well preserved in Cirebon. Meaning in every corner of this famous Palace architecture of the most historic. The front page of the Palace is surrounded by a red brick wall and there is a Hall in it.The Palace museum has a fairly complete and contains a collection of paintings and heirlooms. One of the collections that are sacred to the train that is the lion Barong. This train is currently no longer in use and are only issued on each 1 I.e. for washed.The inside of the palace complex consists of a main building that is colored white. Inside there is a living room, bedroom and Thrones of the King.Kasepuhan founded in 1529 by Prince Mas Mochammad Arifin II (great-grandson of a Sunan Gunung Jati) which succeeded the Throne from Sunan Gunung Jati in 1506. He resides in Pakungwati dalem Agung Cirebon. Formerly the Keraton Kasepuhan Pakungwati, while Prince Mas Mochammad Arifin had the title of Panembahan Pakungwati i. Pakungwati Designation comes from the name of the Queen of Goddess Pakungwati Bint Cakrabuana who married Prince Sunan Gunung Jati. He died in 1549 in The Copyright Sense great mosque in very old age. The name he immortalized and glorified by Sunan Gunung Jati forbidden as the name of the Palace that is the Royal Palace of Pakungwati which is now called Kasepuhan.In front of the Royal Palace of Kesepuhan there is the square which was anciently called Sangkala Buana square which is where the practice of soldiering, held on Saturday or the term at that time was Saptonan. And in the square this is the previously implemented a range of punishment against any people who violate regulations such as punishment of the whip. To the West there is the mosque of the kasepuhan are quite magnificent works of the trustee that is the great mosque of The Copyright Sense. While on the East side of the square was a place of market economy--is now the very famous kesepuhan market with pocinya. Model form of the Palace that overlooks the North by building a mosque on the West and East and market square at its Center is a model of the Palace of the period are mainly located in coastal areas. Even today, many of this model followed by all district/city especially in Java that is in front of the Government building, there are square and next to the West the mosque.Before entering the gate of the complex there are two pieces of Kasepuhan Hall, West called Pancaratna who formerly was the gathering place for the Royal family retainer, head or in the period now called the teachers ' praja. While Hall's is called the East side which is where the officers of the Palace when the holding of the workout soldiering in the square.Enter the path of the palace complex on the left there is a fairly high buildings with sturdy brick wall disekelilingnya. The building is named in English or Inggil Siti Cirebon daily is weak duwur high land. True to its name this building is indeed high and look like the temple complex at the time of Majapahit. The building was founded in 1529, during the reign of Sheikh Sharif Hidayatullah (Sunan Gunung Jati). In the front there is a stone table Inggil Siti shaped rectangular place of relax. This building is the building additions in the year 1800. Siti Inggil has two gate with motifs Majapahit architects style soon. To the North, named Adi Gate while the South Gate, named Bull. Under the Arch there are Bull Candra Hiiumaa with Kuta Brick Tinata Bull which if translated was the year 1451. that was the year of the making of Saka (1451 saka = 1529 M). The walls of the northern part of the complex of Siti Inggil original while the South has been undergoing restoration/renovation. On the wall of the complex there are Inggil Siti platters and porslen-porslen who came from Europe and countries of China and the year of manufacture of 1745 a.d. in the complex there are 5 Inggil Siti building without walls that has a name and a function. The main building which is located in the Middle named Malang Semirang with number of main pillar 6 pieces symbolize the tenets of the faith and if the overall aggregated posts amounted to 20 fruit to symbolize the 8 traits of God Almighty. This building is where the sultan viewed the exercise of soldiering or view the execution of the penalty. The building to the left of the main building called the Pendawa Lima with number of Poles 5 pieces that symbolize the tenets of islam. The building where the personal guard of the sultan. The building to the right of the main building called Semar Tinandu with 2 fruity pillars symbolizing the two sentences creed. This building is where the Sultan's Advisor/King.Behind the main building called Mande Pangiring which is where the Sultan's Companion, sedangk
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
PALACE HISTORY KESEPUHAN Kasepuhan is the grandest and most well preserved palace in Cirebon. Meaning in every corner of the palace architecture is also the most famous historic. The front page of the palace is surrounded by red brick walls and there is a pavilion in it. This palace has a museum that is quite complete and contains heirlooms and paintings of the royal collection. One collection of sacred namely Singa Barong train. This train is no longer used and only issued on each 1st Shawwal bath. The interior of the palace consists of a main building which is white. Inside there is a living room, the bedroom and the king's throne. Kasepuhan was founded in 1529 by Prince Mas Mochammad Arifin II (great-grandson of Sunan Gunung Jati) which replaces the throne of Sunan Gunung Jati in 1506. He resides in the Supreme Pakungwati Cirebon palace. Kasepuhan formerly named Kraton Pakungwati, while Prince Mas Mochammad Arifin holds Panembahan Pakungwati Pakungwati I. The name is derived from the name of the Queen Goddess Pakungwati bint who married Prince Cakrabuana Sunan Gunung Jati. He died in 1549 in the Great Mosque Sang Cipta Rasa in very old age. His name immortalized and glorified by nasab Sunan Gunung Jati as the name of Kraton ie Kraton Pakungwati now called Kasepuhan. In front of the palace Kesepuhan there is a plaza at the time of the ancient times called Square Sangkala Buana which is an exercise in soldiering which is held on the day Saturday or phrase at the time was saptonan. And in this square was formerly held a wide variety of penalties against any of the people who break the rules such as flogging. On the west side there kasepuhan palace mosque is quite magnificent work of the trustees are Great Mosque of Cirebon. While in the east of the square used to be is where the economy is the market - now is a very famous kesepuhan market with pocinya. Model form of palace buildings facing north with a mosque on the west and east and the market square in the middle are models of the palace at that time mainly located in coastal areas. Even now, this model is widely followed by all regencies / cities, especially in Java, in front of government buildings are square and to the west there is a mosque. Before entering the gate complex Kasepuhan there are two marquee, in the west called Pancaratna which formerly is a gathering place of the retainer palace, headman or today called the civil service. While the east is called Pancaniti pavilion which houses the palace when the officers holding military exercises in the square. Entering the palace complex on the left there is a fairly high building with solid brick wall around it. The building is named Siti Cirebon Inggil or in everyday language is weak duwur ie higher ground. True to its name this building was very tall and looks like a temple complex at the time of Majapahit. It was built in 1529, during the reign of Sheikh Sharif Hidayatullah (Sunan Gunung Jati). In the front yard there is a stone table Siti Inggil rectangular spot to relax. This building is an outbuilding that was made ​​in the 1800s. Siti Inggil has two arches with stylized motifs architect briefly Majapahit era. In the north named Adi gate whereas in the south called the gate Bull. Under this gate there is a bull with a writing Kuta Sakala Candra Tinata Bata bull if interpreted was the year 1451. saka which is the year of manufacture (1451 saka = 1529 AD). The walls of the northern part of the complex Siti Inggil pristine while the south has been undergoing refurbishment / renovation. On the walls there are complex Siti Inggil plates and porslen-porslen from Europe and domestic China with the year of manufacture 1745 M. Inside the complex there are 5 Siti Inggil building without walls that has a name and its own function. The main building which is located in the middle named Malang Semirang the number of the main pillars that symbolize the 6 pillars of faith and if the aggregated total of 20 pillars symbolizing fruit 20 attributes of Allah. This building is where the sultan saw military exercises or see the execution. Building on the left of the main building named Pendawa Lima by the number of pillars that symbolize the five pillars of Islam fruit. The building where the personal bodyguard sultan.Bangunan the right of the main building named Semar Tinandu with two pole pieces that symbolize two Shahadah. This building was a counsel Sultan / prince. Behind the main building named Mande Pangiring which is where attendants Sultan, sedangk

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