ABSTRACTTesisi entitled "the influence of methods of Inquiry and Drill Method to increased Achievement learning math Grade III in Ngunut Subdistrict Se-MI, Tulungagung district" was written by Neni Erviana Ayu Titin with supervisor Dr. Teguh, M.Ag and Dr. Agus Eko Sujianto, SE, MM.Keywords: methods of Inquiry, methods of Drill, learning math Achievement The research was distributed by the learning process of maths just transferring what belonged to the teacher to the students in the form of a mathematical fact, even pelimpahan often in instilling the concept only emphasizes that the concept as an order of tradition should not need to know where its origins, teachers more often dominate the class and become the primary source of knowledge, as well as the lack of training given to question by the teacher. There are various methods that can be applied to enhance math learning achievements of which are methods of inquiry and method of drill. By using the method of inquiry students motivated to actively encourage students to think, more learning, and developing creativity in solving problems. While using the drill method is considered a suitable way to instill new concepts. Therefore, it is interesting to researched and demonstrated the magnitude of the influence of methods of inquiry and drill method to increased student learning math achievement. To find out the terms of the above, the researcher formulates a few problems as follows: 1) is there a difference of achievement learning math grade III in Ngunut Subdistrict se-MI before the treatment is done using methods of inqury and drill? 2) is there a difference of achievement learning math grade III in Ngunut Subdistrict se-MI after treatment is done using methods of inqury and drill? 3) Are methods of inqury and drills to increase achievement learning math grade III in Ngunut Subdistrict se-MI? As for the purpose of this research was: 1) to test the difference of achievement learning math grade III in Ngunut Subdistrict se-MI before the treatment is done using methods of inqury and drill 2) to test the difference of achievement learning math grade III in Ngunut Subdistrict se-MI after treatment is done using methods of inqury and drill 3) to analyze the influence of inqury and drill to increased achievement learning math grade III in Ngunut Subdistrict se-MI In this study the researchers use a quantitative approach to the type of research i.e. research artificial experiments. Data collection techniques: 1) Observation; 2) documentation; 3) tests. The data is then tested with the prerequisite of validity, reliability, normality, and its homogeneity. Furthermore the hypothesis is tested using t-test are solved with the help of a computer program SPSS 16.0 for windows.The results of this study conclude: 1) there is no difference of achievement learning math grade III in Ngunut Subdistrict se-MI before the treatment is done using methods of inquiry and drill From statistical tests it is shown with the value thitung < ttabel (-1,986 < 0,011) then H0 are received. 2) there is a difference of achievement learning math grade III in Ngunut Subdistrict se-MI after treatment is done using methods of inquiry and drill From statistical tests it is shown with the value thitung > ttabel (2,242 > 1,986) then H0 is rejected. 3) there is the influence of methods of inquiry and drill against the achievements of learning math grade III in Ngunut Subdistrict se-MI. It is indicated by the extent of 5% on the value of the-t > t-count table (<-9,962-2,021) then H0 is rejected
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