Kewajiban Pemantau PemiluPemantau Pemilu mempunyai kewajiban :1. memat terjemahan - Kewajiban Pemantau PemiluPemantau Pemilu mempunyai kewajiban :1. memat Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Kewajiban Pemantau PemiluPemantau P

Kewajiban Pemantau Pemilu

Pemantau Pemilu mempunyai kewajiban :
1. mematuhi peraturan perundang-undangan serta menghormati kedaulatan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia;
2. mematuhi Kode Etik Pemantau Pemilu;
3. melaporkan diri, mengurus proses akreditasi dan tanda pengenal kepada KPU, KPU Provinsi, KPU Kabupaten/Kota sesuai dengan wilayah kerja pemantauan;
4. melaporkan diri kepada Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia di daerah sebelum melaksanakan pemantauan;
5. menggunakan tanda pengenal selama dalam pemantauan;
6. menanggung semua biaya pelaksanaan kegiatan pemantauan;
7. melaporkan jumlah dan keberadaan personil Pemantau Pemilu serta tenaga pendukung administratif kepada KPU, KPU Provinsi, atau KPU Kabupaten/Kota sesuai dengan wilayah pemantauan;
8. menghormati peran, kedudukan, tugas, dan wewenang penyelenggara Pemilu;
9. menghormati adat istiadat dan budaya setempat;
10. bersikap netral dan obyektif dalam melaksanakan pemantauan;
11. menjamin akurasi data dan informasi hasil pemantauan yang dilakukan dengan mengklarifikasi kepada KPU, KPU Provinsi dan KPU Kabupaten/Kota melalui kelompok kerja Pemantau Pemilu;
12. melaporkan hasil akhir pemantauan Pemilu kepada KPU, KPU Provinsi dan KPU Kabupaten/Kota dengan format laporan yang berisikan Pendahuluan, Latar Belakang, Tujuan, Pelaksanaan Kegiatan, Temuan Hasil Pemantauan, dan Rekomendasi.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Obligations Of Observers To The ElectionsElection monitors have a duty:1. comply with laws and regulations as well as respect for the sovereignty of the unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia; 2. comply with the code of conduct Election Monitoring; 3. the report yourself, take care of the accreditation process and identifiers to the Election Commission, the Provincial ELECTION COMMISSION, ELECTION COMMISSION Kabupaten/Kota in accordance with working area monitoring; 4. to report themselves to the State police of the Republic of Indonesia in the area before carrying out monitoring; 5. using the identifier for monitoring; 6. bear all costs of implementing monitoring activities; 7. the reported total and the presence of Election observers to the personnel as well as the supporting administrative power to the Election Commission, the Province, or district/city ELECTION COMMISSION in accordance with the monitoring area; 8. respect for the role, position, duties, and authority of the organizers of the election; 9. respect the local customs and culture; 10. be neutral and objective in carrying out monitoring; 11. ensure the accuracy of the data and information of the results of monitoring conducted by clarifying to the Election Commission, the provincial and the Kabupaten/Kota via Election observers to the Working Group; 12. the report on the final results of the monitoring of elections to the Election Commission, the provincial and the Kabupaten/Kota with the format of the report contains an introduction, background, objectives, Implementation activities, Monitoring Results, Findings and recommendations.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Obligations of Election Monitoring Election observers have obligations: 1. comply with laws and regulations and respect the sovereignty of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia; 2. adhere to the Code of Conduct for Election Monitoring; 3. reported themselves, take care of the process of accreditation and identification to the KPU, Provincial KPU, Regency / City in accordance with the working area monitoring; 4. report to the Indonesian National Police in the area before carrying out the monitoring; 5. using identification during the monitoring; 6. bear all the costs of implementing monitoring activities; 7. reported the number and whereabouts of Election Monitoring personnel and administrative support personnel to the KPU, Provincial KPU or Regency / City in accordance with the monitoring area; 8. respecting the role, position, duties, and authority of the organizers of the election; 9. respect local customs and culture; 10. be neutral and objective in carrying out monitoring; 11. ensure the accuracy of data and information on the results of monitoring conducted by clarifying the KPU, Provincial and Regency / City Election Monitoring through the working group; 12. Election monitoring report the final results to the KPU, Provincial KPU and Regency / City with format report containing Introduction, Background, Objectives, Implementation, Monitoring Findings and Recommendations.

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