apakah yang dikatakan Alkitab ttg perkawinan muhammad dengan Zaenab (m terjemahan - apakah yang dikatakan Alkitab ttg perkawinan muhammad dengan Zaenab (m Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

apakah yang dikatakan Alkitab ttg p

apakah yang dikatakan Alkitab ttg perkawinan muhammad dengan Zaenab (mantan istri zaid)
Imamat 21:7
Janganlah mereka mengambil seorang perempuan sundal atau perempuan yang sudah dirusak kesuciannya atau seorang perempuan yang telah diceraikan oleh suaminya, karena imam itu kudus bagi Allahnya.
@ menurut kitab imamat,nabi atau imam tidak boleh menikahi wanita yang telah diceraikan.Haram hukumnya seorang yang terpilih menjadi nabi/imam mengambil istri yg telah diCeraikan suaminya.
Matius 5:32
“ Tetapi Aku berkata kepadamu: Setiap orang yang menceraikan isterinya kecuali karena zinah, ia menjadikan isterinya berzinah; dan siapa yang kawin dengan perempuan yang diceraikan, ia berbuat zinah.“
@ Yesus Kristus berkata: bahwa orang yg mengawini istri yang telah diceraikan adalah perbuatan ZINAH.
1 Korintus 6:9-10
“atau tidak tahukah kamu, bahwa orang-orang yang tidak adil tidak akan mendapat bagian dalam Kerajaan Allah? Janganlah sesat! Orang cabul, penyembah berhala, orang berzinah, banci, orang pemburit,pencuri, orang kikir, pemabuk, pemfitnah dan penipu tidak akan mendapat bagian dalam Kerajaan Allah.“
@ Paulus berkata pelaku PERZINAHAN tidak mendapat tempat di sorga.
-Muhammad memang tidak ada disorga,karena PERZINAHANNYA dengan zaenab harus ada ganjarannya diNeraka.Belum termasuk Dosa-dosa yang lain.
-Muhammad sekarang ada diNeraka utk menunggu Pengadilan Yesus Kristus (wahyu20:11-15) kalo muhammad aja masuk Neraka, bagaimana ya nasib umat yang loyal kepadanya????
-Karna itulah muhammad tidak bangkit-bangkit.
-Muhammad bukan nabi penyempurna melainkan nabi yang membengkokan ajaran yang telah lurus.
-Muslim pasti menutup-nutupi hal ini tapi Borok tetaplah Borok, bangkai tetaplah bangkai,akhirnya bau juga. muslim harusnya sadar, banting setir kepada Yesus Kristus yang adalah Jalan Kesorga (Yohanes3:16).
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
What does the Bible say about muhammad's marriage with Zaenab (former wife of zaid)_______________________________________Leviticus 21:7They shall not take a harlot or a woman who's been marred further or a woman who has been divorced by her husband, because the priest is holy to his God.@ According to the book of Leviticus, a prophet or priest must not marry a woman who has been divorced. Unlawful a prophet/priest elected to take the wife has divorced her husband.____________________________Matthew 5:32"But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, he makes his wife commit adultery; and he who marries a woman divorced, he commit adultery. "@ Jesus Christ said: that person wrote the wife has married divorced is the Act of adultery._____________________________1 Corinthians 6:9-10"or do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the Kingdom of God? You shall not go astray! Man fornication, idolaters, Adulterers, effeminate, pemburit people, thieves, Curmudgeon, drunks, slanderers and fraudsters will not inherit the Kingdom of God. "@ Paul said the perpetrator of ADULTERY does not have a place in heaven.____________________________Conclusion:-Muhammad is indeed no disorga, because of HER FORNICATION with zaenab there should be rewarded diNeraka. Excluding other sins.-Muhammad there is now diNeraka for waiting for the Trial of Jesus Christ (wahyu20:11-15) kalo aja muhammad in hell, how ya fate of people loyal to him????-That's Because muhammad was not rose-rose.-The Prophet Muhammad is not a prophet but rather complement the membengkokan teaching that has been straight.Muslim-surely this is a cover-up but Ulcers ulcers, keep the carcass remains of carcasses, eventually the smell too. Muslims should be aware, banting's steering to Jesus Christ who is the way Kesorga (Yohanes3:16).
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Does the Bible Say ttg marriage muhammad with Zaenab (ex-wife zaid)
Leviticus 21: 7
Let them take a prostitute or a woman who has been defiled, or a woman who has been divorced by her husband, for the priest is holy to his God.
@ according to the book priesthood, prophet or priest can not marry a woman who has a legal diceraikan.Haram selected as a prophet / priest took a wife who has been divorced by her husband.
Matthew 5:32
"But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, he makes his wife commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery. "
@ Jesus Christ said that those who marry divorced wife is fornication.
1 Corinthians 6: 9-10
"or do you not know that those who unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, effeminate, the homosexuals, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, slanderers and swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. "
@ Paul said perpetrators adultery does not have a place in heaven.
-Muhammad indeed no heaven, because adultery with Zaenab there should be a reward diNeraka.Belum including the sins of others.
-Muhammad now exist in hell where they await the Court of Jesus Christ (wahyu20: 11-15) if Muhammad wrote to Hell, how ya fate of people who are loyal ???? him
-Karna that Muhammad did not get up.
-Muhammad not a prophet but a prophet who falsifies the teaching that has a straight bend.
-Muslim sure sugarcoat this but remains Borok Borok, dead carcass remains, finally smell as well. Muslims should realize, swerved to Jesus Christ who is the Way to heaven (Yohanes3: 16).
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