Proyek memiliki karakteristik unik yang berpegang pada tiga kendala (t terjemahan - Proyek memiliki karakteristik unik yang berpegang pada tiga kendala (t Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Proyek memiliki karakteristik unik

Proyek memiliki karakteristik unik yang berpegang pada tiga kendala (triple constrain) : spesifikasi, biaya, waktu. Keberhasilan sebuah proyek memerlukan sistem manajemen dan pengendalian proyek yang baik. Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode Earned Value Management (EVM) yang mengintegrasikan biaya dan waktu yang terdapat pada PMBOK fifth Edition. Penelitian dilakukan pada kontraktor jasa konstruksi instalasi aluminium dan kaca proyek perluasan Terminal 3 Bandara Soekarno Hatta yang diawali dengan observasi langsung dengan stakeholder terkait. Dengan mengambil dan menghitung data bulan ke sebelas,proses instalasi aluminium dan kaca PT.Panca Mitra Abadi mengalami keterlambatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kinerja proyek (performance index) sampai dengan bulan ke sebelas hanya sebesar 0,817 dan berdasarkan perhitungan Time Estimate to Complete (EACt) proyek akan mengalami keterlambatan selama 14 minggu dari jadwal awal yaitu 64 minggu menjadi 78 minggu. Untuk mengatasi keterlambatan tersebut digunakan metode pemangkasan waktu proyek yaitu Project Crashing Program dengan pendekatan Duration-Cost Trade-Off yang bertujuan untuk mengembalikan pekerjaan sesuai jadwal. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menghitung selisih biaya (cost slope) serta menambah sumber daya untuk mempercepat kegiatan kerja proyek. Dari perhitungan Project Crashing Program terdapat empat item pekerjaan yang mengalami proses percepatan waktu yaitu proses pengadaan, pabrikasi, instalasi dan finishing. Hasil perhitungan Estimate at Completion (EAC) menunjukkan biaya penyelesaian proyek selama 64 minggu Rp 21.932.703,64, biaya proyek selama 78 minggu Rp dan biaya penyelesaian proyek dengan Crashing program untuk mengembalikan jadwal sebesar Rp 28.064.646.731,52 yang menunjukan proyek mengalami over budget dari Budget at Completion (BAC) Rp 26.975.800.000 perusahaan.
Kata kunci : Proyek, Earned Value Management, Crashing Program
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The project has unique characteristics that hold on to the three constraints (triple constraints): specification, cost, time. The success of a project requires project management and control system which is good. Data processing in this research method using Earned Value Management (EVM) that integrate the cost and time of KNOWLEDGE found in the fifth Edition. Research done on construction service contractor installation of aluminum and glass expansion project Soekarno-Hatta Airport's Terminal 3 that begins with observation directly with stakeholders concerned. By taking the data and count the months to eleven, aluminum and glass installation process PT. Five Perennial Partners experienced delays. The results showed performance projects (performance index) up to eleven months only of 0.817 and based on the calculation of Time Estimate to Complete (EACt) project will experience a delay for 14 weeks from the initial schedule i.e. 64 weeks became the 78 weeks. To address delays in the project time trimming method used i.e. Project Crashing the Program approach to Duration-Cost Trade-offs that aims to restore the work on schedule. The research was conducted by calculating the difference in cost (cost slope) as well as add resources to speed up the work activity projects. In the calculation of Project Crashing Program there are four work item process acceleration time i.e. procurement, fabrication, installation and finishing. The results of the calculation of the Estimate at Completion (EAC) shows the cost of completion of the project for 64 weeks of Rp 21,932,703.64, project costs for 78 weeks Usd and the cost of completion of the project with the Crashing of the program to restore the schedule amounting to Rp 28,064,646,731.52 which shows the project experienced over budget from the Budget at Completion (BAC) Rp 26,975,800,000 company.Keyword: project, Earned Value Management, Crashing the Program
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
The project has unique characteristics that adhering to the three constraints (triple constraint): specifications, cost, time. The success of a project management and control system requires good project. The data in this study using Earned Value Management (EVM) that integrates the cost and time contained in the PMBOK fifth Edition. The study was conducted on contracting construction services installation of aluminum and glass expansion project Terminal 3 of Soekarno Hatta preceded by direct observation with relevant stakeholders. By taking the data and calculating the eleventh month, the installation process aluminum and glass PT.PANCA Mitra Abadi experienced delays. The results showed the performance of the project (performance index) up to eleven months amounted to only 0.817 and based on the calculation Time Estimate to Complete (eact) project will be delayed for 14 weeks from its initial schedule of 64 weeks to 78 weeks. To overcome such delay pruning method is used when the project is Project Duration Crashing Program approach-Cost Trade-Off aimed to restore the work as scheduled. The study was conducted by calculating the difference in cost (cost slope) and add resources to speed up the project work activities. Crashing Program Project of calculation, there are four items of work are undergoing a process of acceleration time is the process of procurement, fabrication, installation and finishing. The calculation result Estimate at Completion (EAC) indicates the cost of completion of the project during the 64 weeks of USD 21,932,703.64, the cost of the project for 78 weeks and costs USD completion of the project by Crashing program to restore Rp 28,064,646,731.52 schedule that shows the project experienced over budget of the Budget at Completion (BAC) US $ 26.9758 billion company.
Keywords: Project, Earned Value Management, Crashing Program
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