Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.Dear Mr. Chairman of the Igu/... ... ... ...Dear mother/father of the ...And all the attendees We glorify!Before Thanksgiving, let us praise the panjatkan presence of Allaah, because of the overflow of his guidance and grace, on this day we all still are given the opportunity to be present at this place.Once again I thank you for having given the opportunity to deliver a short speech themed "culture": this.My brothers that I respect.As a citizen who loves his homeland and as citizens of this country that we love. Should we be able to maintain what has become a legacy of our ancestors that "culture". Is it wrong if we as natives deride what have our ancestors inherit is to us. And very very strange, not least the current generation is even proud of the culture outside and let our culture lost stolen people.My brothers that I respect.May still be attached to our diingatan when one of the arts which was already clearly is the cultural heritage of our country dicatut by other countries? What is our reaction? What care we? Maybe some of the brothers are just silent and concerned by the news without being able to do anything about the ...Fortunately, there are still some people who still care about all that.The brothers who I respect.Alangkah Banyaknya kesenian dan kebudayaan yang kita punyai, dapat kita bayangkan, betapa luasnya negara kita dengan diisi berbagai suku dan hampir setiap suku mempunyai kebudayaan dan kesenian yang berbeda.Saudara-saudara yang saya hormati.Marilah kita jaga semua warisan leluhur kita itu sebelum kita menyesal karena telah mengabaikannya, jangan sampai kita hanya jadi penonton dari budaya sendiri, tapi, marilah kita ikut berperan dalam menjaga dan melestarikannya. Dengan partisipasi semua pihak dan ditunjang dengan pandangan – pandangan pada vision dan kedewesaan dalam berpikir yang lebih mengutamakan kepentingan masyarakat, bangsa dan negara. Hadirin yang saya hormati, Demikian sambutan yang dapat saya sampaikan, semoga Allah, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa selalu memberikan bimbingan dan petujuk-Nya kepada Kita sekalian.Sekian dan Terima kasihWassallamu’alaikum wr. wb.Putri Utami
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