Sejarah Keraton Kanoman Cirebon
Keraton Kanoman adalah pusat peradaban Kesultanan Cirebon, yang kemudian terpecah menjadi Keraton Kanoman, Keraton Kasepuhan, Keraton Kecirebonan, dan Keraton Kaprabonan Kebesaran Islam di Jawa Barat tidak lepas dari Cirebon.
Sunan Gunung Jati adalah orang yang bertanggung Jawab menyebarkan agama Islam di Jawa Barat, sehingga berbicara tentang Cirebon tidak akan lepas dari sosok Syarif Hidayatullah atau Sunan Gunung Jati. Sunan Gunung Jati juga meninggalkan jejaknya yang hingga kini masih berdiri tegak, jejak itu bernama Keraton Kanoman.
Keraton Kanoman masih taat memegang adat-istiadat dan pepakem, di antaranya melaksanakan tradisi Grebeg Syawal,seminggu setelah Idul Fitri dan berziarah ke makam leluhur, Sunan Gunung Jati di Desa Astana, Cirebon Utara.
Peninggalan-peninggalan bersejarah di Keraton Kanoman erat kaitannya dengan syiar agama Islam yang giat dilakukan Sunan Gunung Jati, yang juga dikenal dengan Syarif Hidayatullah. Kompleks Keraton Kanoman yang mempunyai luas sekitar 6 hektar ini berlokasi di belakang pasar Di Kraton ini tinggal sultan ke dua belas yang bernama raja Muhammad Emiruddin berserta keluarga.
Keraton Kanomann merupakan komplek yang luas, yang terdiri dari dua puluh tujuh bangunan kuno. salah satunya saung yang bernama bangsal witana yang merupakan cikal bakal Kraton yang luasnya hampir lima kali lapangan sepakbola. Di keraton ini masih terdapat barang barang Sunan Gunung Jati, seperti dua kereta bernama Paksi Naga Liman dan Jempana yang masih terawat baik dan tersimpan di museum. Bentuknya burak, yakni hewan yang dikendarai Nabi Muhammad ketika ia Isra Mi'raj. Tidak jauh dari kereta, terdapat bangsal Jinem, atau Pendopo untuk Menerima tamu, penobatan sultan dan pemberian restu sebuah acara seperti Maulid Nabi. Dan di bagian tengah Kraton terdapat komplek bangunan bangunan bernama Siti Hinggil.
Hal yang menarik dari Keraton di Cirebon adalah adanya piring-piring porselen asli Tiongkok yang menjadi penghias dinding semua keraton di Cirebon.
Tak cuma di keraton, piring-piring keramik itu bertebaran hampir di seluruh situs bersejarah di Cirebon. Dan yang tidak kalah penting dari Keraton di Cirebon adalah keraton selalu menghadap ke utara. Dan di halamannya ada patung macan sebagai lambang Prabu Siliwangi. Di depan keraton selalu ada alun alun untuk rakyat berkumpul dan pasar sebagai pusat perekonomian, di sebelah timur keraton selalu ada masjid
Keraton Kanoman didirikan oleh Pangeran Mohamad Badridin atau Pangeran Kertawijaya, yang bergelar Sultan Anom I, pada sekitar tahun 1510 aka atau 1588 M. Titimangsa ini mengacu pada prasasti berupa gambar surya sangkala dan Keraton Sangkala yang terdapat pada pintu Pendopo Jinem menuju ruang Prabayasa berupa matahari yang berarti 1, wayang Dharma Kusuma yang berarti 5, bumi yang berarti 1 dan bintang kemangmang yang berarti 0. Jadi, chandr sangkala itu menunjukan angka tahun 1510 aka atau 1588 M. Sementara sumber lain menyebutkan bahwa angka pembangunan Keraton Kanoman adalah bersamaan dengan pelantikan Pangeran Mohamad Badridin menjadi Sultan Kanoman dan bergelar Sultan Anom I, yang terjadi pada tahun 1678-1679 M.
Salah satu bangunan penting yang terdapat dalam komplek Keraton Kanoman adalah Witana. Witana berasal dari kata awit ana yang berarti bangunan tempat tinggal pertama yang didirikan ketika membentuk Dukuh Caruban. Dalam kakawin Nagarakertagama bangunan witana adalah berupa panggung kayu sementara dengan atap tanpa dinding tempat persemayaman raja sementara waktu. Sebagaimana kita ketahui, bahwa Cirebon adalah salah satu kota tua di Pulau Jawa. Menurut Babad Cerbon yang diindonesiakan oleh Pangeran Sulaeman Suleendraningrat (1984), Cirebon bermula dari pendukuhan kecil. Pendukuhan ini telah terbentuk sejak abad ke 15, yaitu sekitar 1 sura 1367 Hijriah atau 1445 M dirintis oleh Ki Gede Alang-alang dan kawan-kawan. Dukuh Cirebon ini dilengkapi pula dengan Keraton Pakungwati dan Tajug Pejlagrahan yang dibangun oleh Pangeran Cakrabuana (penerus/pengganti Ki Gede Alang-alang) pada tahun 1452 M. Pada masa itu dukuh ini telah berkembang dengan penduduk dan mata pencaharian yang beragam. Oleh karena itu, dukuh ini juga pernah disebut caruban yang berarti campuran.
Keraton Kanoman merupakan satu kompleks dengan denah empat persegi panjang dari arah utara selatan.
Menurut arsitekturnya tata ruang komplek ini dibagi 4 bagian, yaitu bagian depan kompleks, halaman pertama, halaman kedua, halaman ketiga.
a) Bagian Depan Kompleks
Di bagian ini terdapat bangunan Cungkup Alu, Cungkup Lesung, Pancaratna, dan Pancaniti. Cungkup Alu berupa bangunan terbuka berukuran 0,7 x 1 x 1,5 m dan terbuat dari bahan kayu. Atap genteng didukung oleh 4 tiang. Cungkup Lesung merupakan bangunan terbuka berukuran 0,7 x 1 x 1,5 m dan terbuat dari bahan kayu. Atap genteng didukung oleh 4 tiang. Bangunan Pancaratna merupakan bangunan kayu tanpa dinding yang terletak disebelah barat pintu masuk. Bangunan ini di kana
Kraton Kanoman Of Cirebon HistoryKeraton Kanoman was a center of civilization Sultanate of Cirebon, which later split into the Kraton Kanoman, Kraton Kasepuhan, Kraton, and Kecirebonan Kaprabonan the greatness of Islam in Java, West of Cirebon.Sunan Gunung Jati is responsible people spread Islam in West Java, Cirebon talked about so that it will not escape from the figure of Syarif Hidayatullah or Sunan Gunung Jati. Sunan Gunung Jati also leave a trace that is still standing tall, the trail was named the Keraton Kanoman.Keraton Kanoman still abiding hold customs and pepakem, including carrying out the tradition of Giant, I.e., the week after Eid al-Fitr and make a pilgrimage to the grave in the village of Sunan Gunung Jati Astana, Cirebon Utara.Historic relics at the Keraton Kanoman intimately connected with the rituals of Islam are actively carried out Sunan Gunung Jati, also known as Syarif Hidayatullah. Kraton Kanoman complex which has an area of approximately 6 hectares is located behind the market in the Palace lived the sultan to the twelve, raja Muhammad Emiruddin along with the family.Kanomann Palace is a complex area, which consists of twenty-seven ancient buildings. one of them is called saung Ward witana, the forerunner of the Palace is almost five times the soccer field. In the Palace there are still goods Sunan Gunung Jati, like two trains named the axis Dragon Liman and a well-preserved Jempana and stored at the museum. The shape of animals, namely burak ridden Prophet Muhammad when he Isra ' Ascension. Not far from the train, there are wards Jinem, or Verandah to receive guests, the coronation of the sultan and the granting of approval by an event such as the Mawlid of the Prophet. And in the central part of the Palace there is a complex of buildings called Siti Heightened.The interesting thing about the Palace in Cirebon are the existance of original porcelain plates become trimmer wall of China all palaces in Cirebon.Not just in the Palace, the ceramic plates that scatter almost all historic sites in Cirebon. And that is no less important than the Kraton palaces in Cirebon is always facing north. And in the courtyard there is a statue of a tiger as a symbol of Prabu Siliwangi. In front of the Palace there is always for the people's square square and the market economy as the Center, on the East side of the Palace there has always been a mosqueKeraton Kanoman was founded by Prince Mohamad Badridin or Prince of Kertawijaya, termed the Sultan Anom I, around the year 1510 aka or 1588 m. Titimangsa inscription refers to the form of the solar image sangkala and Keraton Sangkala found on the door of the Hall of Prabayasa space in the form of Jinem towards the Sun which means 1, puppet of the Dharma Kusuma meaning 5, Earth which means 1 and kemangmang which means 0. So, chandr sangkala indicates year number 1510 aka or 1588 m. While the other sources mention that the number of development of Keraton Kanoman was coincided with the inauguration of Prince Badridin bin Mohamad became the Sultan of Kanoman and styled Sultan Anom I, which occurred in the years 1678-1679 M.One of the important buildings inside the complex of the Keraton Kanoman was Witana. Witana derives from the awit ana which means residential buildings first established when forming the Dukuh Caruban. In the poem Nagarakertagama building witana is a temporary wooden stage with a roof without walls is a place where the King a while. As we know, that Cirebon is one of the old town on the island of Java. According to the Chronicle of the diindonesiakan Cerbon by Prince Suleendraningrat Sulaeman (1984), Cirebon began from a small pendukuhan. Pendukuhan has been formed since the 15th century, which is about 1 sura 1367 Hijri or 1445 M pioneered by Ki Gede Reed and his friends. The host also comes with Cirebon Palace Pakungwati and Tajug Pejlagrahan which was built by Prince Cakrabuana (successor/replacement Ki Gede reeds) in 1452 M. At that time it has grown with the host population and the diverse livelihood. Therefore, the host is also called caruban which means mixture.Keraton Kanoman was a complex with a rectangular floor plan from the North to the South.According to the spatial architecture complex is divided 4 parts: the front of the complex, the first page, second page, third page.Kraton kanoman of cirebon--a Complex front section)In this section there are the buildings of Cungkup Alu, Cungkup, Pancaratna, and Mortar's presence. Cungkup open building-sized Pestle 0.7 x 1 x 1.5 m and is made of wood. Tile roof supported by four pillars. Cungkup Lesung is an open building sized 0.7 x 1 x 1.5 m and is made of wood. Tile roof supported by four pillars. Pancaratna building is a wooden building without wall located to the West of the entrance. This building in Cana
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History Kanoman Cirebon Kanoman was the center of civilization Sultanate of Cirebon, which later split into Kanoman, Kasepuhan, Kraton Kecirebonan, and Kraton Kaprabonan greatness of Islam in West Java can not be separated from Cirebon. Sunan Gunung Jati is a person who Responsible spread Islam in West Java, so talk about Cirebon will not be separated from the figure Syarif Hidayatullah or Sunan Gunung Jati. Sunan Gunung Jati also left its mark which is still standing upright, the trail was named Kanoman. Kanoman still obey holds customs and pepakem, including carrying out the tradition Grebeg Shawwal, a week after Eid, and visited the grave of an ancestor, Sunan Gunung Jati in the village of Astana, North Cirebon. relics Kanoman historic closely associated with religious symbols of Islam who actively carried out Sunan Gunung Jati, also known as Syarif Hidayatullah. Kanoman palace complex which has an area of approximately 6 hectares is located behind the market In this palace sultan to twelve named king Mohammed Emiruddin family along. Keraton Kanomann a vast complex, which consists of twenty-seven ancient buildings. one saung named wards Witana which is the forerunner of the Palace of almost five football fields. In this palace there are goods Sunan Gunung Jati, like two trains named Paksi Naga Liman and Jempana well-preserved and stored in the museum. Burak shape, the animals were driven Prophet Muhammad when he Ascension. Not far from the train, there are wards Jinem, or Hall for Receiving guests, the coronation of the sultan and the provision of an event such as the blessing of the Prophet's Birthday. And in the middle of the palace there is a building complex of buildings named Siti Hinggil. The interesting thing about the palace in Cirebon is the porcelain plates native Chinese to decorate the walls of all the palace in Cirebon. Not only in the palace, ceramic plates were scattered almost in the entire historic site in Cirebon. And no less important royal palace in Cirebon is always facing north. And in the yard there is a statue of a tiger as a symbol of King Siliwangi. In front of the main square of the palace is always there for people to gather and market as a center of economy, in the east of the palace is always a mosque Kanoman founded by Prince Mohamad Badridin or Prince Kertawijaya, the title of Sultan Anom I, in about 1510 or 1588 aka M. Titimangsa This refers to the inscription in the form of solar images Sangkala and Keraton Sangkala contained on the door to the Hall Jinem Prabayasa space in the form of the sun, which means 1, puppets Dharma Kusuma means 5, which means earth and star 1 kemangmang meaning 0. So, it shows chandr Sangkala figures in 1510 or 1588 aka M. While another source said that figure Kanoman development is concurrent with the inauguration Prince Sultan Mohamad Badridin be Kanoman and title of Sultan Anom I, which occurred in 1678-1679 M. One of the important buildings located in the complex Kanoman is Witana. Witana comes from the word meaning Awit ana residential buildings first established when forming Hamlet Caruban. In kakawin Nagarakertagama Witana building is in the form of temporary wooden stage with a roof without walls where funeral king while. As we know, that Cirebon is one of the old town on the island of Java. According to the Chronicle Cerbon Indonesianized by Prince Sulaiman Suleendraningrat (1984), Cirebon stems from small pendukuhan. Pendukuhan have been established since the 15th century, which is about 1 sura 1367 Hijri or 1445 AD Ki Gede pioneered by Reed et al. Cirebon Hamlet is also equipped with Pakungwati and Tajug Pejlagrahan palace built by Prince Cakrabuana (successor / replacement Ki Gede Reed) in 1452 AD At the time of this hamlet has grown with the population and diverse livelihood. Therefore, this hamlet has also been called caruban which means mixture. Kanoman is a complex one with a plan rectangles from the north to the south. According to the architectural layout complex is divided four parts, namely the front of the complex, the first page, second page, The third page. palace-Kanoman-cirebon a) Front Complex In this section there are buildings Alu Dome, Dome Dimples, Pancaratna, and Pancaniti. Alu cupola of building an open measuring 0.7 x 1 x 1.5 m and is made of wood. Tile roof supported by four pillars. Dimples cupola is open building measuring 0.7 x 1 x 1.5 m and is made of wood. Tile roof supported by four pillars. Pancaratna building is a wooden building without walls that is located on the western entrance. The building is in kana
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