Inkopsyah having its office at Jalan Raya Pondok Gede No. 1 RT 06/01 Lubang Buaya, Cipayung in East Jakarta. Inkopsyah legality enshrined in these documents include: National level secondary Cooperative, Cooperative Ministerial Decree No. 019 / BH / MI / VII / 1998 dated July 24, 1998 and the Deed of Amendment SK Menegkop and SME 20 / PAD / Meneg / II / 2002 dated February 15, 2002 and the Deed of expression by Parent Cooperative cooperative meeting decisions of Sharia BMT No. 17 dated April 19, 2011 made before a notary Ryan Candra, SH. Mkn. TDP: 0904.2.52.00759 sd November 2013, License: 188 / 13-1824
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