LEGEND STATUE SI GALE-GALE Once upon a time there was a very wise king who lived in the area of Toba. This king only had one child, named Manggale. In those days are still frequent warfare between the kingdom to another kingdom. And he told his son to join the war against enemies who come to attack their territory. At the time of the war children were mere puppet king died during the fighting. The King was devastated her remember her only child was dead, and the King fell ill. Looking at the situation of the king that is increasingly critical, calling the royal adviser smart people to treat diseases of the King, from some smart people (physician) who called to say that the King hospital because his longing for her dead. The physician proposes to royal advisors in order to carved wood into a sculpture that resembles a face Manggale, and the advice of a physician even this was conducted in a forest. When the statue was completed, the royal adviser held a ceremony for the removal of the statue Manggale to the royal palace. The physician held a ritual ceremony, blowing Sordam and summon the spirit of a child of the King to put the statue. The statue was transported from a cottage in the woods and accompanied by sound Sordam and Gondang Sabangunan. Right on the full moon, after all the preparation is finished, all the people were gathered look forward to welcoming the King together Datu Manggatas to see the statue, how touched all the people who gathered there because see the King cried stared at the statue. Then Datu Manggatas also hinted at gondang sabangunan pargonci to play, then followed with a blast of musical instruments sordam. Following Gondang hornets, the datu take the rope three colors: red, black and white. Then tie the head of the statue. Datu and wearing ulosnya, and chanted as they circled the statue up to seven times, and suddenly the statue was moved and not just move also manortor along the Datu. Then Datu fetch the King to join together manortor Manggalae statue. All the people were moved and joined manortor together. They manortor until dawn and came Manggalae spirit shall return kealamnya before the rooster crows because that was the deal. Spirit Simanggalae returned kealamnya leave the statue was also all the people Uluan present. And the statue was no longer able to move. Raja Rahat then menyimpaan the statue. Thus the King entertained. so from that moment, when the King missed seeing his son, he will hold a ceremony summons spirit and will manortor together '' child '' it until morning. The statue was named Sigale-gale because the movement weak and as powerless and pacara always done until the King died. This is the origin of the statue Sigale-gale (a statue of the son of a king named Manggale). Curious about the next story .... ?? Ayooo visit to Medan and the island of Samosir together WESLY TOUR PT.WESLY TOUR & TRAVEL Jl.Sei Batang Hari 36 Medan - Indonesia Tel: 061-4157979 (Hunting10 Lines) Fax: 061-4150673 Mobile: 08,126,500,867 Call Center: 082 362 516 565 / 085218487979/085270912929 HORASS ... ..HORASSS ... ..HORASSSS .... !!!
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