MEKANISME PEMUNGUTAN SUARA1. Persiapan Pemungutan Suaraa. Ketua dan An terjemahan - MEKANISME PEMUNGUTAN SUARA1. Persiapan Pemungutan Suaraa. Ketua dan An Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan


1. Persiapan Pemungutan Suara
a. Ketua dan Anggota KPPS harus sudah datang di TPS selambat-lambatnya pukul 06.00 waktu setempat.
b. Ketua dan Anggota KPPS:
2. memeriksa TPS dan sarana pelaksanaan pemungutan suara dan penghitungan suara;
3. Memasang Daftar calon tetap Pemilu Anggota DPR, DPD, DPRD Provinsi dan DPRD Kabupaten/Kota di papan pengumuman yang ditempatkan pada pintu masuk TPS;
4. Memasang Daftar Pemilih Tetap dan Daftar Pemilih Tambahan di papan pengumuman yang ditempatkan pada pintu masuk TPS
5. Menempatkan kotak suara yang berisi surat suara beserta kelengkapan administrasinya di depan meja Ketua KPPS;
6. mempersilakan dan mengatur pemilih untuk menempati (tempat duduk yang telah disediakan.
7. Menerima surat mandat dari saksi.
8. Ketua KPPS memberi penjelasan kepada Anggota KPPS mengenai pelaksanaan pemungutan dan penghitungan suara, serta pembagian tugas Anggota KPPS
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
VOTING MECHANISMS1. Preparation of the ballota. the Chairman and members of the KPPS should already come in the polling stations by 06.00 local time.b. the Chairman and members of the KPPS:2. check the TPS and means of implementation of the voting and the vote count;3. Put up a list of candidates of the election remains a member of Parliament, DPD, Provincial and REGIONAL district/municipality on the Bulletin Board that was placed at the entrance of the POLLING STATION;4. Put up the list of Voters and the voters ' list on a bulletin board that is placed at the entrance of the POLLING STATION5. Put the ballot box containing the ballots with the completeness of his administration in front of the Desk Chair KPPS; 6. allow and set the selector to occupy (seating provided. 7. Accept the credentials of a witness.8. The Chairman gave an explanation to the KPPS KPPS Members regarding implementation of the voting and counting of votes, as well as precommissioning KPPS Members
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
1. Preparation Voting
a. Chairman and Members KPPS should have come at the polling station no later than 06.00 local time.
b. Chairman and Members KPPS:
2. checking TPS and means of implementation of voting and counting;
3. Replacing the fixed election list of candidates for the DPR, DPD, Provincial and Regency / City on notice boards placed at the entrance of polling stations;
4. Installing the voters list and Additional Voters List on the bulletin board placed at the entrance of TPS
5. Placing a ballot box containing the ballots along with administrative completeness front desk KPPS Chairman;
6. invited and organize voters to occupy (the seat that has been provided.
7. Receiving credentials of the witness.
8. Chairman KPPS KPPS Member briefed on the implementation of voting and counting, as well as the division of tasks KPPS Member
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